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View Full Version : A horrible night with Luna :(

01-17-2006, 11:37 AM
I posted here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=97019) about Luna's ordeal at the vet office yesterday, but the story continues. :(

After we've been home for a while, Luna started begging for food, and I gave her some Hill's Oral Care (her favourite treats) and she ate them, but she couldn't keep them down.

Several hours later, when it was bed time for me, I brought out the bowl with the girls' supper, and I gave them Hill's i/d (dry food) this time, because Luna also has to deal with diarrhea (most likely from the antibiotics she takes for her UTI). Usually Luna and Lily share that bowl, and they eat one after another, but this time Luna ate and ate and wouldn't let Lily near the bowl, she must have had a ravenous appetite. When Lily came closer, Luna would growl and paw at her, something she usually never does over her food.

Of course it didn't take long until she threw up again - really a lot this time! But right after that, she went back to the food bowl and wanted to eat again. I put the bowl away, and from that point on, Luna really acted strange:

She sat there and stared at the point where the food bowl has been, for hours and hours! Sometimes she would jump into my bed or scratch the door (she knows this annoys me), she really turned into a little tyrant. But most of the time, she just sat there and stared as if she wanted the bowl re-appear telepathically. The pupils of her eyes were wide, and when she sat in a certain position, her left foreleg was kind of twitching every couple of seconds. Really weird.

Needless to say, I worried myself to death and I didn't get much sleep last night. :(

At dawn, she finally laid down and rested, and before I left for work, I gave her Hill's i/d (wet food), This time, she kept it down, and she seems to be more of herself tonight. I already discussed her behaviour with my vet because I feared she might have had a stroke, but my vet suggested to wait one more day and see if this continues (also, she hopes we will have the results of her blood test tomorrow). Could be that she was just sort of drugged from the anaestetics and that's why she acted so strange.

Poor girl!!


01-17-2006, 11:44 AM
I'm sure she'll be feeling better shortly. They are usually a little naseous for a day or so after being under anesthesia. I'd withhold her food until later tonight (as much as it hurts to see them go hungry she needs to give her belly a little rest). A little water is fine though, just not a lot of food.

With all the stress, comotion & anesthesia I can understand why she acted a little weird yesterday & wasn't feeling very good.

I'm glad she is starting to be a little more like herself. I'm sure she wil perk back up in no time.

Luna's in my prayers.

Queen of Poop
01-17-2006, 12:04 PM
I do hope Luna is doing better today. Poor dear, that must have been just awful. Hugs for you both.

01-17-2006, 12:05 PM
Poor Luna! Poor meowmie!!!

I am so sorry she's acting this way. Very strange, and I haven't ever seen that type of behavior. She might have thrown up from eating the first food too fast. Perhaps the drugs made her hungrier than normal? So scary!

Please keep us updated on what happens.


Laura's Babies
01-17-2006, 12:17 PM
Hummmm... I would have been just as scared as you with that strange behavior but I would be more worried that she might get dehydrated if she is throwing everything up.

She is reacting to that anaestisa (sp?) the same way I did.. Took me 3 days to get back to normal.

Poor Luna, I so hope she feels better soon.

smokey the elder
01-17-2006, 12:21 PM
That sounds like an anaesthesia reaction. I hope she feels better now! No more bolt'n'barf, please, Miss Luna!

01-17-2006, 12:21 PM
Poor Luna, and poor you! I hope she will be better today. Keep us posted.

01-17-2006, 02:48 PM
Thank you everyone for your encouraging replies!

Luna seems to do much better today, looks like she's back to normal. :) Some hours ago, we had a nice grooming session. I brushed her and she enjoyed it soooo much, she was purring and gave me headbumpies, and she was so sweet and loving. :)

I guess you're right and last night's odd behavior was an anaesthesia reaction. My vet said the same when I called her earlier today.

Hopefully we (Luna and I) will get some more rest tonight!

And hopefully her blood test results will be back tomorrow with good news!! Please keep your fingers crossed for us!


01-17-2006, 03:48 PM
Thats fab to hear, luna is well! luna is a gorgeous name!!

01-17-2006, 04:10 PM
I just now read about Luna's and your ordeal; it must have been so frightening for her (and for you, too!). It's so heartbreaking to see our beloved pets go through all this when you can't explain to them what is going on and that it is for their own good.

Such a relief to hear that she is back to normal today! We'll all keep fingers crossed that the news is very good!

01-17-2006, 04:12 PM
Glad to hear it was just a nasty reaction to the anesthesia, and Luna is back to her normal self!


01-17-2006, 05:07 PM
awww Kirsten - that sounds like such a worrisome time with Luna. I am glad that she seems to be feeling better now and that the throwing up was probably from anesthesia. I bet Lily was confused for the time but hopefully the girls are back to their normal HAPPY selves :)

01-17-2006, 06:49 PM
Kirsten!! I really hope things are getting better with Luna!!