View Full Version : Kitten names!

01-16-2006, 11:48 PM
Hey evryone! I'm a n00b here, but oh well. i'm currently catless (poor me!!). I used to have 2 absolutely gorgous cats called Kyte and Monkee but they died last year sadly. Now i am going to get 2 kittens, I dont know what gender or colour or anything, though and i'm just wondering if you ppl have any cute cat names up your sleeves. i would prefer ones that arent very common and maybe not too many human names. If we get only one kitten and its a male, my brother insists it be called abraham, random huh?
BYE!! :D :) :rolleyes: :cool: :p ;)

01-17-2006, 09:16 AM
HI!! I like to see what the cat is like before I give it a name(most of the time). Except out cat Norton. He was rescued from a sewer, what other name could I give him?? But sometimes a trait may come out that you find endearing and you may name the kitten after that!!! Mark Twain gave his cats difficult names so his children coul learn to speak, at least I think that was the story!!! GOOD LUCK and let us know what you name the kittens!!!

Laura's Babies
01-17-2006, 10:50 AM
Me too, I would rather see the baby first before I suggest a name. When are you going to get the baby?

01-17-2006, 12:31 PM
sorry about your two last cats.. :( maybe you still can tell me more about them, and how loved they were!

good luck on getting the other two - and when you know and could you describe what those two cats look like, if in a very good detailed descriptive words, I may help you! many people, love the names I have for my pets, think are from venus! well, we can't think of a name if you can't. ;) sometimes colors doesn't matter too.

we'll be waiting! (and for pictures too, it is just one of rules here).. :D :p ;)

01-17-2006, 01:14 PM
"abraham, random, eh?"

How about RANDOM! :D


01-17-2006, 01:35 PM
I have a list for future kitties on my favourites, mostly girls, but here they are see if you like any of them.


01-17-2006, 03:44 PM
Hey ever1 thx for the replies. my two old cats were mother and daughter, moggies. kyte, the mother was all black and monkee was brown tabby. they were very cool. monkee got quite deaf and meowed very loudly and kyte used to jump on my mums bed and say "brr!!" not as in "im cold" tho!! haha.

we get this newspaper thing here called buy sell swap and ill probably get my kitties from there or the spca. we are going to get them in 2 weeks. we are definitely going to get a black one, and maybe a grey or tortie one... moggies though, unless i find a scottish fold.

my mums een saying how we might just 'know" the anme of the kitty when we see it, maybe that will happen!!

from icedtea

01-17-2006, 06:26 PM
How about Moosie,and Gemster.

01-17-2006, 09:50 PM
Moosie is cute!! I've been thinking if i was too get a black cat, I might call her violet. Another name I like is Jingle.