View Full Version : nail caps

04-10-2002, 03:48 AM
Has anyone ever used the vinyl or plastic nail caps for cats (&dogs)? :confused:

I have a terrible time keeping up with trimming my cat's claws. One of my cats is really good about it, but the other....................well, let's just say it is a MAJOR thing. :eek: and I mean, it is impossible to do alone, and almost as bad when both my husband I do it. :(
so as a result, it does not get done when it should, and my couch looks it (along with the rugs, beadspread..........)

It is time for a new sofa and bedspread, so I thought that now might be the time to try them, and just wondering if anyone knew much about them, and pros & cons, etc.

web-site address is: www.softpaws.com

04-10-2002, 07:14 AM
I think wolflady puts nailcaps on Marius - perhaps she will have an opportunity to comment - if it wasn't Marius, it was another lovely white cat - I remember it because the nail caps were different colors....:D

...or was it Pam's Andy?

Former User
04-10-2002, 07:17 AM
It is Marius indeed! You remembered right! Maybe Karen can give you more advices then when she sees this post!

04-10-2002, 09:13 AM
I talked to Wolflady about this already. She said your cat has to let you handle its paws. Unfortunately, it's all I can do to make them hold still while I trim the claws:(