View Full Version : animal cruelity

04-10-2002, 01:47 AM
:( :( :(
on the news tonight, there was a story about someone, they have not found the sick, demented person yet, that skinned a puppy alive!! I can't believe someone is so sick to do that. 2 women that were walking found the poor thing, and they called for help for the poor thing, but it was in so much pain, they had to put him to sleep. was that someones pet? imagaine how they will feel if it was and when they find out. I hope they find the guy and..well to be nice, I will just say I hope he gets the appropiate punishment :mad: :mad: :mad:

04-10-2002, 01:55 AM
http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/angryfire.gif Some people just make my blood boil! I hope they find the CRIMINAL . Too bad they can't charge him for MURDER since that's what it was!!!

To the poor puppy- May you have a safe journey to The Rainbow Bridge!

04-10-2002, 02:01 AM
another reason to keep pets inside:(

04-10-2002, 05:57 AM
I hope a car hit him when he was running from the crime scene and that he is paralysed and in extreme pain right now. Death is too good for that bastard.

I wish there would be harder punishments for things like this. I doubt the police will even look for the person much, after all; its just an animal right? :mad:

04-10-2002, 06:08 AM
You might be correct, Ann :( :mad:
I don't know if it makes me more angry or SAD to hear about this...................:confused:

This type of thing is often not taken as seriously as it should be. The TRUTH of the matter is that often times people who do these horrible things to defensless animals, will at some point start on humans. :eek:
Ted Bundy did. Jeffry Dahlmer did.

:( :( :( :( :(

04-10-2002, 09:58 AM
The same horrible thing has happened here in Toronto, but to a cat. The whole thing was videotaped and now the two disgusting kids responsible for this horrific act are on trial. The video shows them hanging the cat, torturing it and eventuall skinning it alive. I personally think that they should meet the same fate but unfortunately the most they will probably get is a couple of months in jail or probation. Something has to be done about people like this.

04-10-2002, 10:25 AM
What a horrible story! It just makes me sick to my stomach how cruel some people can be. Does that person not have a conscience? Apparently not!

I wish that laws were tougher when it comes to animal cruelty. I read in one of Andrew's Criminal Psychology books when we were in college that most killers start off by hurting animals. Hello! Isn't that enough to make laws that severly punish people who are cruel to animals?

How sad! I hope that this person and all others who are cruel will get thier punishment. I know that if it isn't in this life, that God will deal with them later!

04-10-2002, 10:43 AM
Maybe it is time for something to be done....The laws are not strong enough and the punishment not severe enough to stop these demented individuals. To be perfectly honest, people who do these types of horrific things to animals terrify me more than if they hurt a human being. They are torturing a defenseless animal for joy. That is sociopathic behavior and it is in direct alignment with a future of killing and torturing that just gets more and more progressive.
We all need to do something, write your congressperson, your senator, your local government. Make a fuss!! Start small and work your way up!!!! Together we can make a difference! (Is that a commercial?) But seriously! I can't take many more of these stories! I have to do something. I need to get organized and figure something out...:( :confused:

04-10-2002, 11:02 AM
Death is too good for that bastard.

I agree!!

The TRUTH of the matter is that often times people who do these horrible things to defensless animals, will at some point start on humans. Ted Bundy did. Jeffry Dahlmer did

yes that was something else they mentioned on the news, about Jeffery Dahlmer.

. I doubt the police will even look for the person much, after all; its just an animal right?

I hope thats not their attitude, they have pets too I'm sure.
Hopefully some of them would feel as sick about this as everyone else.:( :(

04-10-2002, 02:20 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad:
I do not feel very good right now ..... .
How can this things happen ????
Hope they do the same thing to those people !!!:mad:

04-10-2002, 03:40 PM
Im betting they will find the son of a...they are looking for him, from what I understand, they are mad, they want to find the ..person

04-10-2002, 03:47 PM
That is so totally disgusting - it turned my stomach.
If they don't get theirs on earth - hopefully they will in hell.


04-10-2002, 09:39 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by weeze
[B]The same horrible thing has happened here in Toronto, but to a cat. The whole thing was videotaped and now the two disgusting kids responsible for this horrific act are on trial.

yes......what disgusting kids!!!!!!:mad: and that is probably being too nice.
I am glad to hear they caught it on video, but wondered: did someone video tape it, and if so, why didn't they DO something? I know I could not have sat there and watched that happen. :confused:
or was it done somewhere that there was a v. camara set up? Just curious..............

04-11-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
That is so totally disgusting - it turned my stomach.
If they don't get theirs on earth - hopefully they will in hell.

Lynne I totally agree Lynne. People that are cruel to animals make me sick!:mad: :mad:

04-11-2002, 05:31 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
[. Today, a guy like that would have a good chance of being turned in....

for me, I would no doubt do a WHOLE LOT more than that........grrrrrrr!!!

it makes me think of a guy I knew in Jr. High that went across the street to K-Mart. Someone was giving away free puppies. Him and his friend got a puppy, took it into the woods behind the school............well, they killed it. I don't really want to go into the details because it makes me so depressed/angry/sick.
THEN, they came back to school and bragged about it!
I was only 13, and just totally stunned! We told some of the school officials who did nothing at all.
I still remember the guys name, even though it's been 25 yrs. or so.

Now, if I knew of something like that happening, I would absolutely take some kind of action, and just turning him in would not be enough for me. I can get VERY emotional about that type of thing.

04-11-2002, 06:03 AM
turning him in would not be enough for me.

I agree. If I ever witness something like this I'm going to end up in jail because I would start using my hands :mad: :o