View Full Version : New fur baby

01-15-2006, 06:44 PM
This is Misty and Abby's Mom. Just wonder if anyone has any good advice for me and their Daddy. Misty is 10 years old. Last week Abby at 6 months came to us due to us seeing her and we did not want someone to take her and put her in a bad home. We love cats so much and she is so cute!! She is going to be so much fun in our lives. We knew it was going to be a challenge to sell this idea to Misty. As of now we have Misty in the main part of the house and Abby in our familyroom in the basement. Misty is not happy she growls and hisses when Abby is near. I have read up on this but if anyone has any good ideas I am up for any suggestions, I want this to work I love them both so much. Thank you. :)

01-15-2006, 06:57 PM
Congrats on the new baby!

The best way to introduce them is slowly. Keep them separated for a week or more. Let them smell each other by giving them blankets the other slept on. Then let them meet face to face for short periods of time, Never leave them alone until they've been face to face for a week or so (or more)

Be prepared for the baby to irritate Misty. Abby might have too much energy for the "old lady", so make sure youl have extra things for Abby to occupy her attention and energy. Make sure Misty still gets alone time with mom and dad.

I'm sure things will go smoothly once Misty gets over the initial shock of a stranger in her house. Hissing and swatting is completely normal.

01-15-2006, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the encouragment and what you have said we have done so I guess we are doing the right thing. Thanks!!! :)

01-15-2006, 07:12 PM
Hi and Welcome to Pet Talk.

Congratulations on your new addition to the family.

Catnapper has given you some good advice and I would like to add a little of it myself.

Having to introduce two kittens in the past to my older ones, I found that after the separation period, I would hold the kitten on my arm in a straddled position and let the others smell the butt end first as this is what they normally do. I would do this for a few days and then let them smell the face for a few days. Then under supervision, I would let the other cats come into the room where the kitten has been. I would do this for another few days,
then I would just leave the door open and hoped for the best. Fortunately, everything went well for me and I pray that it does for you also.

Please keep us updated and do not hesitate to ask any questions as we have quite a few of experienced rescue workers here on board. :)

01-15-2006, 07:16 PM
Thank you so much I am willing to try anything to make this as painless as possible for Misty. I am a housewife so I have plenty of time to make this work and willing to do what it takes. Thanks

01-15-2006, 08:25 PM
Welcome to PT.Congrats on your new furbaby :D Hope to see pics soon.

01-16-2006, 12:49 AM
Just one more thing to add to all the good advice you have received already. Sit with Misty and talk to her as you both watch Abby play by herself. If Abby approaches during this special time with Misty, ignore her and focus on Misty. You want Misty to know that she is the most important cat to you (until she has accepted Abby), and that you won't allow Abby to rob her of your attention. It's so easy to focus on the new and younger arrival, but your older cat is watching you and assessing your response to the new cat all the time. I know this approach has helped ease a new cat into my household many times.

01-16-2006, 08:44 AM
Thats good advice,to let the Cats choose thier own time and way to amke Friends.
Even if theres a little hisssing and spppittting at first,Your Cats will eventually learn to co exist,if not be the Best Of Friends.

01-16-2006, 11:31 AM
We want to thank you all for all your great advice and so far things are going slow but we will get there. Thanks!!

Misty and Abby's Mom

01-16-2006, 06:22 PM
Congratulations on your new addition! Things will settle down before long! Can't wait to see some pictures! ;)

01-17-2006, 05:11 PM
Look everyone, it's my aunt! :D She's the reason I started on PT so many years ago. Welcome back to PT!

I can't believe Misty is 10 years old already! I remember when you first brought her home as a little fluffball of a kitten!
I'm sure Misty isn't happy about the new addition, but the advice given on this thread is all good advice, so you're definitely off to a good start.

Also, to ease Misty, I would suggest getting a feliway plug-in. It releases a "happy pheromone" which can help calm stressed out cats.

Also, like others have suggested, keep them separated with only limited "face-time". Spoil Misty like crazy, and praise her and give her treats when Abby is around. That way she'll associate good things with Abby being in the room. *snicker*
I can't wait to see a picture of my new "cousin"! ;)


01-17-2006, 05:54 PM
We got Zaicha 5 weeks ago and she and Bastet are still adjusting to living together. Zaicha still swipes at Bastet when she gets to close for Zaicha's comfort but Bastet will willingly let Zaicha sniff her at the same time. Bastet has been very tolerant of Zaicha and I am very proud of her! Long live Aby's! The vet said its remarkable how they have both adapted since Zaicha still has some food agression issues (note: Zaicha hates jumping on anything so Bastet gets fed high and Zaicha gets fed on the cat placemat - its a choice thing - Zaicha has been thoroughly checked by the vet). It is a long slow process but cats must do things on their own terms rather than being forced because the owners can't stand the spitting, hissing and fighting anymore. its one trait I love and hate about cats at the same time. Good luck and have fun on the furkid adventure :)

01-18-2006, 10:51 AM
Today has been so uplifting. Abby runs around and Misty is just watching her closely. If Abby gets to close Misty growls and hisses a little and Abby takes off. We are getting less hissing and growling. When it was time to feed them I put Abby where her food is and Misty with me where her food is and we had a wonderful meal. Before Misty would even growl with me so this is one step forward !! Yeaaaa!!!! This gives me so much encouragement that things will work. It has been only 5 days together and doing better than I thought knowing how the first day went. All your advices have sure been great and I will continue to learn from them and bring them into our family open arms. Thanks!! ;)

Pawsitive Thinking
01-18-2006, 10:59 AM
Thank you so much I am willing to try anything to make this as painless as possible for Misty. I am a housewife so I have plenty of time to make this work and willing to do what it takes. Thanks

Such lucky pusscats - what a great meowmie you are

01-18-2006, 05:02 PM
Not sure if I am doing this right but I hope you can see my babies on this site.

http://www.catster.com/?250011 Abby

http://www.catster.com/?249999 Misty

01-18-2006, 11:19 PM
Oh my gosh! Abby is a furry baby like Misty is! I just love those big fluffy tails! So nice to see my new "cousin"! :D

I'm so glad to hear that things are progressing in a positive way.


Maya & Inka's mommy
01-19-2006, 01:40 AM
I don't believe very much in the "slow" introduction.
This is how I do it: 1)we let the newbie in the livingroom, together with us and all the other cats. Attention: supervising from humans is absolutely necessary. 2)Whenever we pan to leave for a while (shopping, etc. ), we seprate them again, and put the newbie in the bathroom where she loves to be. 3)Feeding time: I fil all bowls, then I call the cats, and show the newbie her bowl. 4)I let them be together all day long . There is some hissing, but that is only normal! 5) Once that the "oldies" accept the little one completely, I let them all sleep together in their cat-room :)

I know that most people use the "slow" introduction. But I have done this with all my cats, and it DID wok very well, right :D