View Full Version : Goopy eyes

01-15-2006, 06:29 PM
I have an English Cocker Spaniel who frequently (almost all the time), has goopy eyes. Most of the time is is white/clear. It has become infected and when that happened we treated it with a steroid/antibiotic ointment. The vet tried to cannulate her tear ducts but they were too small, and he says if she need anesthesia for something else (teeth cleaning, etc), he will try to cannulate them then. It doesn't appear to bother her much, but the small area under the corner of her eye looses the fur (little bald spot), and between that and the goop, its a little sad looking...

Do any cocker owners (or others with difficult eyes) have any good remedies? I don't like putting the steroid ointment in her eyes too often, and most of the time it doesn't look infected, more like it just doesn't drain properly.


Jake's mom

01-18-2006, 09:11 AM
I have a cocker puppy and my RB Missy was a cocker too. I never had any problems with this... can't give you much advice. Good Luck, though.

Until you find out what can be done, wipe it off with a soft cloth a couple times a day.