View Full Version : I think I can afford to do agility with my dog!!

01-14-2006, 07:37 PM
Thunder is like 10 or 11 and he's really active and a great jumper. I'm not sure he's really fast but hes good at agility stuff. I have been making good money latley and might be getting a second job at super pet in the reptile section. So I'm thinking I can afford lessons. Or do you guys think he will be too old?

01-15-2006, 11:16 AM
While dogs of most ages are able to do agility you do have to take in to consideration the enormous physical demands that agility has with it both on you and the dog. The sport of agility is a very demanding sport on the dog and if the dog is not in the best shape possible when they go into training they could seriously damage themselves.

Thunder might be in good shape but the thing that would concern me is his age, while I do know quite a few dogs that are competing at his age not a single one of them are just starting out. I'm not saying you can't go and take some classes but in my opinion starting out in the sport this late in life for him could in the long run prove more bad then good for him.

However I'm just one person you could always talk to a local trainer or two and get their perspective on it. I know that where I live there are probably a couple of centres that would have no problem with a dog that age taking the classes...in fact the centre that I work at would probably be okay with him taking the first level or two but the head agility instructor would be honest and tell you if she thought that it wasn' the best thing for him.

01-15-2006, 11:35 AM
ok thnx i'll see what they say although I think we only have one training facility