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View Full Version : Now and then o___O *drawings*

01-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Today was really slow at work, so I was drawing a little. I wasn't sure what to draw though. I was thinking back to my first cartoon I drew (first on the computer too)

it was this one:
Remember that guy?? lol Wow, looking back on that, I see SO many anatomical errors..it's SO horrible..the legs, the coloring, the fur...wow.

So I decided to redraw the same character in my style now. The drawing above was drawn in January of 04...so basically these 2 are about 2 years apart to show how my style has changed/improved....(or atleast I think so) The left eye bugs me..I still haven't gotten that part down yet, but I'm working on it T-T

I kinda like it, although you never would guess it's the same dog lol....My dad said he likes the old one better, cause the fur looks more natural and furry..but I don't think so...I hate everything about the first one. I like this one more.

Also, a sketch...
I doubt anyone remembers an old character of mine, Nazo...well this is him on a good day, and a bad one...hehe, he has a short temper!

(I do a lot of drawing at work..so I might finish more later...)

01-14-2006, 07:06 PM
I remember the old one! I can tell that you have a different way of drawing now! but I like both and i Don't know the errors lol I'll just keep it that way!

01-14-2006, 07:51 PM
I, personally, like both of them. I like the shagginess of the fur on the first one. Either one of them looks great!

01-14-2006, 08:07 PM
I love the second one but I have to agree that I prefer the shaggy fur. It's very good though.

01-14-2006, 09:15 PM
I'll try shaggy fur next time :3

Laura's Babies
01-14-2006, 09:35 PM
Errrrr... It's me again, the one who loves your drawings... Ug Hummm.. I like them both, the old and the new and I see nothing wrong with either of them... Quit knocking your talent! You are GOOD!

01-15-2006, 03:06 AM
Those look really nice, Audrey! I like them both, I kinda like the look on the face better in the first one...he looks more like a husky, the 2nd one looks more like a fox. The back legs definitely look better in the 2nd one, and I love the background color that goes with it as well as the curly tail. Good job! Hey did you ever finish the "nebo-wolf?" ;)

01-15-2006, 05:23 AM
That's so cute! :eek: (AND REALLY GOOD)

01-15-2006, 01:02 PM
No, I haven't finished it yet! :(