View Full Version : My little guy's got worms......

andrew mentzer
01-14-2006, 06:20 PM
We live in a very rual area. Going to the vet isnt always practical. Does anyone know of a home remedy wormer for house cats? At least something as a band- aid until we can get to the vet? Our little guy leaving little "wormettes" all over. It looks like somebody had a wedding and through rice everywhere and more importantly, he's not feeling his best. " Help me Obi-Wan-Kenobi, you're my only hope" :confused:

01-14-2006, 06:47 PM
It sounds like your cat has a tapeworm. Using a home remedy has the potential to cause more harm to your cat than waiting until you can take him to a vet. Tapeworms are debilitating in only a minor way, unless the cat is very young/old or has other medical problems, or has several worms. So, I'd advise waiting for the vet's treatment. It won't cost much and is very effective. Your biggest headache, since you live in a rural area and ?let your cat outside, is that you have to deal with the flea problem that created the tapeworm problem. Unless you keep your cat flea-free, the chances are that he will swallow another tapeworm infected flea and start the process again.

Try this website for more information: http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_tapeworm.html

And, good luck!

01-14-2006, 06:47 PM
That would be tape worms. Nothing unless our local feed store carries vet products . I used to get something from there for ours but now they are totally inside kitties. Only worm as needed now.

Laura's Babies
01-14-2006, 10:17 PM
That is the same advice I was going to give you Andrew, they are right on the money with their answers.

01-14-2006, 10:26 PM
You can try an over the counter dewormer such as what is sold at most petstores like PetCo and Petsmart. Even Walmart carries some I believe! Its pretty cheap too, around $10. If you can't take him to the vet this is a better alternative than a "home remedy". Good luck!! And we'd love to see pics of the little guy :D

01-16-2006, 07:49 AM
Those little pieces of "rice" you're seeing are actually fly larvae. That's what happens when you let your cat outdoors. When flies land on anything, say cat food, YOUR food, they're not eating it, they are laying their eggs on it. (Yeah, I know...EEEWWWWWWWW!!!) When the eggs get ingested (cat eating the cat food the flies just laid their eggs on), because of the warmth of the body, they hatch into worms. That's one of the ways cats get worms.

I don't know of anything over the counter that will help. Drontal is what gets rid of them.

I'm sorry Big Ted is having such a problem with them. I do hope you can get him to a vet soon.