View Full Version : Elders got me thinking

01-14-2006, 03:14 PM
We all know that old age homes don't let you have your pets, and we all know how much someone can love a pet. Well it's got me thinking there should be a company devoted to that. Like they feed,water,walk the dog and do everything the elder people can't . I was reading on the msn front page that elders find it more satisfying talking to a animal then a human and enjoy it more. So why should the have to give up their loved ones...the shouldn't. Dose anyone agree with me?
hmm maybe this is a new job for me :D and some other people like you guys could get it started where you live

01-14-2006, 03:27 PM
Bumpity Bump

Daisy and Delilah
01-14-2006, 04:51 PM
We have so many elderly people here in Florida. I often think of how nice it would be if we could help them take care of their pets and everything else really. I think you have a super idea. If you were here in Florida, you could make a fortune with those types of services. Sadly, there is hardly anything like that around here.
I have a great story about an elderly lady: She was transported by ambulance to the hospital. Her little doggie, Megan, was left behind so her neighbors/friends thought it better if they found a good home for Megan cause someone needed to care for her while her owner was away. Megan was re-homed to a nursing home and became the resident therapy dog. Several weeks later, the lady was sent to a nursing home to live the remainder of her life. Lo and behold...one day the lady was strolling the hallway of the nursing home and she spots Megan walking towards her, very happy. Megan had been coincidentally re-homed to the home that the lady was sent to. To this day, they still live together in the same place. Megan is still the home mascot/therapy doggie but her food and water bowls are in her human Mom's room. Megan's Mom thought she would never see Megan again. That's a true story. Don't you love it? :D
Best of luck with your project!

01-14-2006, 04:52 PM
I agree with you much. I have taken Diesel to an Elderly home before, and the elders love him!

01-14-2006, 04:58 PM
That is a wonderful idea. I would love that. Often, when my grandmother was still alive, we took Sassy to my her nursing home. Though she wasn't a Therapy dog the nurses suggested we bring her into a couple of rooms. So, I remember this man named, Jeffery who had once had a dog. But he could not bring it with him to the nursing home so it went up for adoption. Well, when we brought Sassy there he was so happy! He loved her so much and was very gentle. My grandmother died, sadly. So we haven't gone. But we may go there someday to visit them agian. I doubt it though. But it made me very happy to see them brighten up.

01-14-2006, 05:04 PM
I just don't know how I'd go about it

01-14-2006, 05:06 PM
Many senior homes here allow them to own pets and already have those services.

01-14-2006, 09:40 PM
It's a great idea. And that is a great story, too, I'm so happy for Meagen and her human! My husband's aunt was in a nursing home and we brought Star and Sherman there. They let us bring them into the vending machine room and bring Auntie Jean down in a wheelchair. It was amazing how many people responded warmly to our dogs!

01-14-2006, 10:52 PM
I read an article about some resort or was it some place that didn't allow pets so a gal started rent a pet . She has shelter dogs and cats you walk them in this garden area she has made also they can walk on a beach thats close by.. I always thought it would be great for apartment folks that can't have pets.

01-14-2006, 10:56 PM
Many senior homes here allow them to own pets and already have those services.

Yeah that's what I was going to say.

But for the retirement centers that don't offer those services, perhaps you could offer to help out :)

01-14-2006, 11:34 PM
i have tooken zoey and t.j to nursing homes before and they and the people loved it.
no one around here allows animals, only fish, not even like hamsters and stuf