View Full Version : Yet another website...this one has a picture of Bailey

04-09-2002, 02:20 PM
Well, I finally brought myself to go to the SPCA's website (the one that Mike was going to do, but someone else did it instead after we paid for the hosting of the site) and there was Bailey...still there when he could have been with us. So, if anyone is still interested in seeing what my Bailey baby looks like you can go to www.acspca.org and he is on the second page of dogs and is the Shar Pei/ Lab mix. I couldn't help myself and emailed them about how I felt about the whole matter (at least this time I was a little calmer!! lol) and if anyone is interested I'll let you know the outcome.


PS: let me know what you think of the little snot!

04-09-2002, 02:44 PM
Sooo cute! I was looking last night & I can't believe all the dogs that need homes! What is wrong with people? I will NEVER EVER get another dog from anywhere but a shelter!

04-09-2002, 02:49 PM
He's adorable Molly! He looks very much like a Shar-pei!! I think I like Pet Refuge better!!! I know that is an unfair conclusion to jump too but of course I'm basing it on your prior experiences with the groups!!
I'm glad you got it off your chest how you feel about the Bailey situation! I would like to know if they have any response...

04-09-2002, 03:23 PM
Bailey is adorable Mugsy! What a cutie pie. I can see why you fell in love with him. I know you're still hurting over this. And perhaps venting your feelings, a little more calmy this time, will help to relieve some of your anger, if not your pain. Let 's just hope and pray, that if Bailey cannot be with you, he will be fortunate enough to soon find a loving home, just like yours. Please keep us updated!

04-09-2002, 06:01 PM
Hes adorable! Bu i reeeeaalllly like "Gunther" He reminds me so much of Simba!!:D

04-09-2002, 09:39 PM
I think Bailey is cute!

04-10-2002, 04:46 AM
Yes please update us on the outcome. And Bailey is so sweet looking, I hope that he finds a home soon.

04-10-2002, 08:39 AM
For those who were interested...Tammy emailed me back and said she never intended to imply that Mike and I were bad pet owners, but then went on to say that she feels that there is a limit to how many animals you can have and have them still get the care and attention that they need. She said that I had made the choice to take Bailey home (I think she may be saying that I made the choice and better deal with it, but I'm not sure) and she also apologized for hurting my feelings, and I don't know exactly how I feel about that apology yet. She never did ask me to come back, so I assume that they were relieved that the relationship is over. Oh, she also said that Bailey was a very adoptable dog. It was a very noncommittal letter (in my opinion). She did say she understood how difficult it is to foster dogs because she and her husband have fostered over 30 dogs.

Ok, there's the explanation, so I guess my relationship with the Allen County SPCA has been dissolved.

As a result, I have decided that if I ever find Tobey again, I will not be contacted them to let them know that we have him, because if they take him we won't get him back either.

Thanks for listening.
