View Full Version : Lola the "outside" cat!

01-12-2006, 11:58 PM
arggg. Well, my Mom and my grandMother have just bought a really, really nice home. It's on at least 1 acre and it's in a quiet neighborhood with space between homes. BUT, now for the bad news, my grandma has convinced my Mom that Lola should go outside during the day! *wince*

Lola just got all of her shots updated (even though they aren't due for a couple of months... to be safe) and Frontline and such. And she's microchipped and has ID/rabies tags and a safety collar. But I just feel horribly guilty :(. My last cat was the most amazingly wonderful cat I've ever met, Stewey, and I raised him from 4 weeks because the Mom cat (my friends cat) abandoned him... and I used to let him outside for 1-2 hours every evening and he'd always come back. But one night he never came back. I've really never forgiven myself for that, and I would DIE if that happened to Lola. I somehow think she's more street-smart than Stew was, and the nieghborhood is far less close and busy, but I'm really worried.

The reason my grandma is convinced she craves the outdoors is because she's extremely clingy, must sleep with some one or she'll dig up the carpet trying to get under the door, eats constantly, and her favorite thing to do if she doesn't have food is to sit up on the couch and ravenously devour the hair of whoever is sitting there. Honestly. I attached a vid of it as proof. I think getting another cat for her would help, but my grandma and Mom are vehemently against that. Is there anything else I should know about outdoor cats, how to introduce her to the outdoors (she was actually picked up as a stray - so she's familiar with outside) and maybe what to do to calm her behaviors? She'll of course come inside if the weather isn't good and at night, but it still feels irresponsible to me. She has gotten out 2 times before and just layed by the door :).

Also... I'm sorry I never ever post here. I lurk all the time. I just don't get the time to post often, but I'd really appreciate any advice from people experienced with "outside" cats.

Laura's Babies
01-13-2006, 12:21 AM
YOU have the cat we all DREAM of having!!! There is NOTHING wrong with her being "clingy", she is just an affectionate cat (wish I had a clingy one!). My son's cat "washes" his head often and he just sits back and enjoys the cat "grooming" him... that is such a cute thing and I would love to have one that does that too!

If she is to demanding of all of your time, yes, getting her a kitten or companion cat would help a lot but I am strongly against putting them outside. As you have already found out, they often, don't come back and only God knows what fate they meet with out there. It is a cruel world out there, people are mean and hateful and just drive to fast. I can leave my house and in a 1/2 a mile, see 3 to 4 dead cats or dogs on the road and it is heartbreaking.

These wonderful habits do not mean she wants outside, it simply means she is a happy, trusting girl that loves her owners and these are her ways of showing you that.

By the way, welcome to PT... I lurked a long time before I joined up too but I been here 2 years now!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-13-2006, 09:20 AM
If all she did was lay by the door when she was out, that would indicate to me that she, in fact, wanted to be inside, not outside! How old is Lola? It does sound to me like she just needs attention, and I don't see how she's going to get that outside. Does she have enough toys and playthings inside to keep her busy? Also, and most importantly, does she still have all her claws? If not, that is a very strong argument for keeping her in.

If there is no disuading your mom and grandmother, I would start with only supervised visits outside to somehow let her know the boundaries of what you think is safe for her. Not that that will matter because we all know a cat will do what it wants to do when no one is looking, but at least she'll know.

Good luck and do not give up in your arguments to keep her inside. Just keep plugging away and maybe, hopefully, they will change their minds.

01-13-2006, 11:02 AM
I agree that it's dangerous outside. When I was a child, we lived in the country and my parents let our cat outdoors all the time. She got attacked several times by a stray tom (she was spayed, thank goodness though). This could still happen in a residential neighborhood, as cats are territorial.
I would suggest letting Lola out only when she's supervised, it's much safer. Also, even though it's in a quiet neighborhood with plenty of room, cars are still a threat! Some horrible people will run over whatever is on the road for fun. :( A friend of mine who grew up on a farm (her dad wouldn't let her have any pets in the house) had several of her beloved cats get hit by cars, and she lived in "the boonies." I'm sure you know all of this already, but maybe you can change your mom's and your grandmother's minds.

01-13-2006, 11:14 AM
Is there a way,that you can have an enclosed area where Lola can go outside,if only for a breathof fresh air.
After the Bathroom is done I am going to have My Contractor to build an outdoor enclosure for the Found Cats to play in.

01-13-2006, 02:48 PM
I'm sorry she is having to go outside. So many things can happen.

I don't have any advice since my guys are all indoor but I hope maybe something can change their minds.

Thanks for sharing the picture. She's a cutie and how funny that she loves human hair like that.

01-13-2006, 05:16 PM
Debbie is right. If all she does is lay by the door, she doesn't WANT to be outside. The outdoors can be very hazardous to cats. Elements, other cats, wild animals to name a few.

She sounds like a wonderful pet who wants and needs love. Please, for her sake, keep her indoors.

01-14-2006, 06:31 PM
Thanks for all of the advice! I'm really worried about all of the dangers you guys mentioned, along with all of the worms and parasites that outdoor cats get xP... she really is very affectionate, but it can get to be over-the-top. She's also gained almost 10 lbs since we adopted her, because she's used to playing with other cats and being outdoors, and she has very little interest in all of the toys we have for her. So far, she's only gone into the backyard for about an hour while my Mom is out there and she has not left... I'm hoping it will stay that way!!