View Full Version : are there certain breeds your dog(s) don't like?

01-12-2006, 07:57 PM
Are there certain breeds your dogs dont like?
The only dogs Kodie doesnt like are Dachshunds. My mom was walking them, and she was talking to a lady with 2 dachsies.The 2 of them went after Kodie and since then he hasnt liked any Dachshund very much :eek: He gets upset everytime we see one.He's wonderful with all other dogs,but he hasnt been the same with dachshunds since those 2 went after them. lol sounds weird but its true. :o
anyone else...?

01-12-2006, 07:59 PM
Humans :D

Really though, I think Charlie is afraid of small dogs, like daschunds or miniature poodles, etc. He just barks and barks and whines like no tomorrow!

01-12-2006, 08:06 PM
There aren't really any dogs my two don't like, but Adele is annoyed by puppies, who always like her for some reason!

Humans ...these are my dogs' favorite kind of animal! lol, Usually Marta first endears herself to all the people at the park before she thinks about playing with a dog!

01-12-2006, 08:11 PM
Sassy is good with older dogs. Calm dogs. Puppies annoy her.

01-12-2006, 08:11 PM
I don't think there are any breeds Tango doesn't like, but she absolutely hates brindle coloured dogs of any kind. However, she does have favourite breeds (Border Collies, Aussies, Tollers, Shelties, Rotties...to name a few). The others don't ave any breeds or colours that they don't like as far as I know.

On walks, Tango doesn't enjoy strange people touching her at all except for seniors (not sure why). Winston LOVES people, but nobody wants to pet him. The others couldn't care less about seeing people on their walks.

01-12-2006, 08:12 PM
...these are my dogs' favorite kind of animal! lol, Usually Marta first endears herself to all the people at the park before she thinks about playing with a dog!

Well Charlie is scared.. poopless ;) of strangers. Jamie could be best friends with every single one, eventhough many of them get annoyed and some even went so far as to kick her away with their feet :(

01-12-2006, 08:15 PM
Jamie could be best friends with every single one, eventhough many of them get annoyed and some even went so far as to kick her away with their feet

Oh my goodness! How horrible- poor Jamie.

01-12-2006, 08:18 PM
Well Charlie is scared.. poopless ;) of strangers. Jamie could be best friends with every single one, eventhough many of them get annoyed

Thats almost the same as Kodie and Lucy. Lucy is so-so with strangers,well when were out in public places.If a stranger comes into the house she's fine with them. Kodie wants to be everyones bestfriend :p

01-12-2006, 08:23 PM
AW! Jamie, poor girl! I would kick someone out of the house for that! :mad:

01-12-2006, 08:45 PM
I just recently discovered that Star doesn't like Boston Terriers! She hasn't had any bad experiences with them that I'm aware of, but it makes me a little sad because I love 'em.

01-12-2006, 08:48 PM
AW! Jamie, poor girl! I would kick someone out of the house for that! :mad:

Trust me, we have. And I'm glad to say I no longer am friends with nor associate myself with him anymore!

01-12-2006, 11:15 PM
Mine don't like barky yappy dogs of any breed. They really hate to be barked at.

01-13-2006, 01:10 AM
Sassy is good with older dogs. Calm dogs. Puppies annoy her.
same with Snowy

she forgot what she was like when she was a puppy :D

01-13-2006, 02:22 AM
Nova and Luka like any dog. Mandy likes any dog that is submissive.

01-13-2006, 04:07 AM
My lab is very wary or white alsations or GSD as she was attacked as a pup, she was just playing fetch with her ball and the dog came running up from another part of the park and attacked her, :( the other owner didnt even say sorry she just wacked the dog around the head with the lead and walked off. If I was there I definatly would of reported her or at least had a few words to say to her, Meg attracts the puppies where ever she goes! shes more into playing with her ball than another dog and she will get wary of male dogs around her as alot of them try it on with her so she gives a warning bite but she never uses her teeth just a bark + snap.

My jack russel had an experience with a greyhound, the lady dropped the lead and the dog ran for her I think it was because shes smaller but the greyhound was muzzled but it kind of shook up my dog but that lady couldnt stop appologizing she looked like she was about to cry, but Emma is a very pushy dog and I dont think its knocked her confidence too much as she will run up to a great dane wagging her tail :rolleyes:

01-13-2006, 08:04 AM
Sierra likes dogs. Especially Boys!! She's such a flirt. ;) She likes female dogs as long at they are not in her yard!! :o
Both of my dogs HATE the 2 female GSD's that live behind us. All 4 of them fight under & over the fence every BLASTED DAY!!! :mad: :mad:
Buddy.. he doesn't like any dogs too much :( (except Sierra)
Our other neighbor's miniture black poodle named Pepper just drives him Nuts!
He also still is not crazy about my husband :(

01-13-2006, 08:47 AM
Happy hates Schnauzers and Pointers, she has never had a bad experinece with either breeds, she has just hated them from the start, its not a kinda dislike of these breeds, if I see one of the breeds I have to hold Happy VERY tightly because her eyes glaze over and she goes into kill mode.

Anita Cholaine
01-13-2006, 08:47 AM
Anita doesn't like any dog very much, but she can get along with small doggies (like poodles and pomeranians) She likes fighting with the big guys! There's a rottie close to my house, and everytime she sees the rottie, she tries to fight her furiously... I don't think she realizes about her size and the rottie's size.... She really thinks that she's a big doggie (like most dachschies I know...)

01-13-2006, 08:58 AM
So far Nanook & Kaige have loved every dog (human & other animal too) that they have met, no matter what the circumstances are.

Raustyk on the other hand... well she's kind of hard to explain, she's actually hard to figure out too.

She gets along or at least tollerates them very well, with ANY and ALL dogs that comes into my house.

But she can be leary of other dogs if they meet on neutral territory.

She also seems to get along with most dogs if she meets them on their property or in their house.

She is way more prone to not accept a dog if she is leashed, but she often doesn't accept other dogs if she isn't leashed, especially on neutral ground.

She seems to prefer medium to larger dogs. She dislikes most smaller dogs & puppies. (but again NOT if they meet in my house).

01-13-2006, 10:24 AM
She gets along or at least tollerates them very well, with ANY and ALL dogs that comes into my house.

But she can be leary of other dogs if they meet on neutral territory.

She also seems to get along with most dogs if she meets them on their property or in their house.

She is way more prone to not accept a dog if she is leashed, but she often doesn't accept other dogs if she isn't leashed, especially on neutral ground.

This is unusual...aren't most dogs more accepting on neutral territory? At least you never have any issues at home then.
My dogs are the other way. They are more acceptiong on neutral ground. Marta loves other dogs, and will accept them in our house, but when they come over she puts away all her toys and doesn't want the "new" dog to touch them. :rolleyes: But, at their house she tries to find all the toys and play! I guess she never learned how to share.

01-13-2006, 10:28 AM
This is unusual...aren't most dogs more accepting on neutral territory? At least you never have any issues at home then.

Yes it is very unusual, and yes they are supposed to be more accepting on neutral ground. I don't know why she is like she is.

I guess Raustyk is just different.

I have NEVER have any issues at my house what so ever, not even in the slightest way.
But on neutral ground we have had a LOT of issues.

I wish she was normal. She could visit many more parks, she could be off leash more often, she could go to more dog events & the such.

01-13-2006, 10:30 AM
Shadow gets along great with any dog but puppies tend to annoy her a bit more now.

Micki HATES Goldens, Airdales and Aussies (or overly hyper in your face dogs) and puppies.

Mini likes everybody

Kyra generally doesn't like little dogs (even though she is one :confused: ) She LOVES big dogs though...

Not really sure about Jack, he tends to like any dog really.

01-13-2006, 10:31 AM
Diesel loves all dogs!

01-13-2006, 12:30 PM
Mine don't like barky yappy dogs of any breed. They really hate to be barked at.

That's the same way Smokey feels. He doesn't act afraid, just annoyed.
Maggie loves all other dogs, yippy or not.

01-13-2006, 02:26 PM
Earle is terrified of Jack Russells. He got nipped by one when he was about that size and he's never forgotten that.

Kayleigh hates all dogs, even the ones that live here with her. She believes she should be the only dog on the planet.

Most of them are good with other dogs. I'd never trust them with a little dog though. That husky prey drive is dangerous to small dogs, although they do seem to know the difference between a small breed and a puppy from a larger breed.

01-13-2006, 02:36 PM
Chloe gets on with all dogs, she's so submissive that even the big dogs that get too playful at the park don't bother her, she just rolls over until they give up!

Mika does not like big black dogs, Huskies or Basenjies. She ignores them at the park, but if they get in her face too much, she snaps at them.

Both dogs hate any other dog when they are leashed. :rolleyes:

01-13-2006, 03:00 PM
She gets along or at least tollerates them very well, with ANY and ALL dogs that comes into my house.

But she can be leary of other dogs if they meet on neutral territory.

That's something I didn't mention about Star. She accepts dogs into our home and is a great hostess, but dogs she meets outside of the home she is less likely to be confortable with. For her, I think it is because she is insecure when she is not on familiar ground, and strange dogs make her feel more insecure.

Wilbur can be so aggressive when he is on leash that it's scary. Ance he's off leash, it's only big dogs that he torments. Fortunately, any big dog that makes it over the "small dog" half of the dog park tolerated him and he loses interest eventually.

01-13-2006, 03:32 PM
Sequoia doesn't like other dogs that bark at her....or look at her...or get too close to her....wellllll...to be honest....Sequoia doesn't like any other dog really except for other huskies apparently. I just didn't know that when she was bouncing around on her hind legs showing her teeth and making odd noises that she was really telling other huskies that she wanted to play...I missed the tail wagging over her back because I was too busy trying to hold her back..silly me :rolleyes:

However, with all other breeds other than huskies it is clearly obvious that she doesn't like them. My dog is a breedist.....

01-13-2006, 03:39 PM
Oz loves everybody and everything.

Murph is pretty selective. He seems to only like submissive breeds that are bigger then him. Goldens, Collies, etc. Haven't met another Terrier breed yet that he doesn't wanna kick their rear.

Gull seems like he could take or leave other dogs. He'll pretty much ignore'em unless he feels threatened by them, then he'll bark at'em. He started barking at a Cat at the vets the other day. Didn't lunge or anything and when I stepped back with him, he came willingly and stopped barking though. I should mention the Cat was arched and hissing at him. He probably had just cause to bark, but this same Cat had done the same to Oz a couple of weeks earlier and Oz still wanted to go over and make friends.


Suki Wingy
01-13-2006, 03:54 PM
not that I have witnessed!

01-13-2006, 04:23 PM
Not really. Autumn will avoid boxers occasionally as they are very energetic and bouncy, but she'll go by calm ones.

01-15-2006, 03:53 AM
I don't think Nebo dislikes dogs by breed, but by size, gender, and/or dominance. He doesn't like large (especially male) dogs (especially unneutered!!) trying to dominate him. If the dog is more submissive and playful, he's fine, but if it tries to be dominant towards him he won't tolerate it. If it's a really small dog, he seems to be fine if they are dominate towards him, even being snotty and biting at him, but if it's a big dog, no way.

Reggie generally doesn't like dogs, he growls at all of them, he goes after Nebo all the time but luckily Nebo just ignores him...plus Reggie is older and had most of his teeth pulled, so he's not really a threat...

Sydney is fine with any dog until they start chasing her then she gets defensive.

01-15-2006, 10:00 PM
Anita doesn't like any dog very much, but she can get along with small doggies (like poodles and pomeranians) She likes fighting with the big guys! There's a rottie close to my house, and everytime she sees the rottie, she tries to fight her furiously... I don't think she realizes about her size and the rottie's size.... She really thinks that she's a big doggie (like most dachschies I know...)

I have been reading these posts because I have been concerned about Chica. WOW!!Chica has never liked any other dogs to be near her. The farther away the better.I never could understand that about her. She has been my chihuahua since she was 10 weeks old.Nothing has ever happened to her to make he not like to be around other dogs HER SIZE. I CAN understand a BIG DOG THOUGH!!!But, by reading about everyone elses dogs likes and dislikes, now I understand that it is an individual preference of every dog. That is just their own personality.!One other thing, Chica Loves People!!!! She is a people dog. But only allows people to pet her if I am there with her.She does love my family. My sisters, parents, nieces and nephews.....THANK YOU PET TALKERS FOR SOME INSITE ON THIS MATTER!!!!!!!!! :)

01-15-2006, 11:17 PM
Elvis does not like Labradors all that much, they tend to bounce around alot and bash him up. He also despises intire males (Except for Jackson the Boxer).

Clover is not fond of Rottweilers, but lately she has been getting better :). Lately she has not been backing down from challenges aswell, especially when she has a small fluffy dog have a go at her (Happens quite a bit).

Penny does not like Labs either, after being attacked a couple of times she has given up on them. Theo is so so with other dogs he does not realy care.

And Miss Tinny does not like her brother Elvis *sigh*.