View Full Version : More sad news for my friends :(

Dixieland Dancer
04-09-2002, 10:49 AM
Please pray for Kathi and Bob. They are having a very rough time. First Aunt Jazz was diagnosed with Cancer after a lenghty battle trying to figure out what was wrong. Then within days of being diagnosed she passed on.

Then you may recall we were waiting for a puppy to be born. Well this weekend was the due date. They are positive the bitch was pregnant. She had all the classic symptions. But she did not deliver. The owner took her to the vet for an x-ray. NO PUPPIES! They are not sure what happened. They think she reabsorbed them. I don't understand that.

But I am feeling kind of guilty now since I was the one to get their hopes up and fuel their excitement. I thought if they could focus on the new puppy that it would help. Now there is no new puppy and they are feeling like they lost two dogs. :(

I wish I understood why all this pain and suffering has to occur. :confused: But I am sure that in God's perfect timing, a puppy will be in their future.

04-09-2002, 11:03 AM
Oh Candy, what sad news! I am sure that Bob and Kathi are just devestated by this. Don't feel guilty about what happened. It was all beyond anyone's control, really.

Hopefully, they will get their puppy when the time is right.

04-09-2002, 11:16 AM
Oh, Candy, that is such sad news. My prayers are still with them. When they do finally get a puppy, I bet it will be a very very special one. When the time is right, it will happen. Maybe one from a different breeder?

04-09-2002, 12:27 PM
:( Those poor people. I hope in time, they will be blessed with a puppy.

04-09-2002, 05:07 PM
Candy, I'm so sorry for your friends and all they have been through.

And I'm sorry that you're feeling badly too. :(

Obviously, the pups were not meant to be this time. Nature works in mysterious ways and I'm sure it was better this way for the health of the pups and the mother.
I think that things happen for a reason. It's very hard to accept loss and pain but in the end, everyone learns something and things have a strange way of working out.

I know what you mean about all the pain and suffering in this world....and some people seem to have more than their fair share of it.
Kathi and Bob are lucky to have you as a friend and I'm positive that something good will happen soon.

Chin up!!:D Or I'll be forced to post another silly story regaling you all with my antics in my quest to obtain a "well-behaved" Duncan!!! ;)

04-09-2002, 05:13 PM
Oh Candy, yet another "loss" for Kathi and Bob. We must believe that the perfect pup, the perfect pup for them, will come into their lives at just the right time. I'm so sorry....I know how much you were hoping to brighten their lives. But soon, I'm sure, they will be blessed. Love, Sandra

04-09-2002, 06:58 PM
So very sad about the pup. Fate will put the right dog into their loving hands soon, I'm sure. I am so sorry.

04-09-2002, 09:43 PM
i agree with sudilar...when the time is right...the right pup will find them!!!! i know that doesn't do much for their aching hearts right now....time will heal eventually....and the thoughts of all the furbabies waiting at the rainbow bridge for them...

04-09-2002, 09:50 PM
I'm with everyone else...your friends will find the perfect pup just when they quit looking frantically. I know that I found Mike when I wasn't looking!! lol <eg>. I will keep them in my thoughts.

04-10-2002, 04:36 AM
I'm sorry that this was not meant to be :( . But I agree with the others, they will find the perfect puppy.

04-10-2002, 09:40 AM
Dixie, I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure in time the right puppy will be available for them. I think you did the right thing in keeping their hopes up and their mind off Jazzy for a while. It wasn't meant to be, but there is a puppy that will be the right one just for them.

04-10-2002, 12:29 PM
Like everybody else, I'm terribly sorry for your friends loss of the expected new puppy. I also believe that they will find another one that will bring great happiness in the near future. Please tell Kathi and Bob I'm thinking about them and wishing them good luck in getting another pup soon.