View Full Version : Ugh! New Bifocals!!!

01-12-2006, 12:56 PM
Ugh, I just got my first pair of 24-7 glasses, they are progressive bifocals. I feel like I'm walking around inside a fishbowl, it's very un-nerving. Although there is a range of focal lengths, the only real area of focus is whatever is in front of my nose, everything else stretches & distorts as I move my head the slightest bit. I'm getting claustrophobic!!!!! Walking around makes me feel like I'm gonna puke.
I DON'T LIKE THIS, I WANT MY GOOD EYES BACK!!! :mad: (since I won't be getting any younger, obviously this won't happen)

thanks for letting me blow off some steam, but I'm still not happy. :(
edit - -the lenses are designed to have different focal planes, so they are supposedto be like this.He said it takes a few weeks to get used to. I'm just being a big baby :o

01-12-2006, 01:02 PM
i feel bad, but can the optometrist do anything about it, it doesnt sounds good you see distorted images, you are not suposed to. maybe they are not completely right for you, or maybe you just need them for reading which is right in your only focal point, but i suggest you ask your eye doctor and tell him/her about what you are seeing and make sure itīs ok or not

01-12-2006, 01:03 PM
I never had any luck with bifocals, I am now wearing a contact on one eye for distance and my other eye is for close up and my brain puts it all together.

Laura's Babies
01-12-2006, 02:51 PM
Yep! Husky_Mom is right... something is wrong with the glasses.. TAKE THEM back! BEWARE and be warned... If they ever say you just need time to adjust to them, SOMETHING is wrong with them. It could be that they are just not sitting on your face right or they used a cheap quality lens and your eyes need better quality.

When I got my first pair (to many years ago to mention) I needed them so bad that there was no "getting use to them" needed, I put them on and they were a part of me from that day on. I have found I can NOT wear the cheap lenses that my VSP pays for, I need better quality. This last pair I got, I was sure were the wrong lenses and I kept going back and I finally got someone who knew how to set them on my face right and after a month of problems and not wearning them, I FINALLY got them adjusted where they work!

01-12-2006, 04:25 PM
I started wearing bifocals about two years ago. I had very little trouble adjusting to them.(I expected the worst) Maybe a little blurry when I didn't focus right at first. Actually, I love them. Maybe there is something wrong with yours or you could be one of those people who just don't do well with them. Sorry you're having so much trouble with them.I hope you get used to them. :)

01-12-2006, 05:26 PM
Pat I'm sorry to hear your having such a bad time with your new glasses:( I would definately be talking to the dr again, something just doesn't sound right to me. Maybe a little adjusting, but not that much!

Good luck, hope you get it all worked out.

01-12-2006, 05:59 PM
Sounds just like bifocals.
It took me 9 months to get used to them. And they were my very first pair of glasses. I took them back 12 times and had my eyes checked 3 more times. Each and evry time it showed the glasses I had just bought were 'right on' for my eyes. I went to 2 other Dr's. also. My Dr. said ''one day you will just not notice you have them on.'' He also said it would take about 2 weeks. One day 9 months later (I could have had a baby by then !!) I got into the shower and they fogged up. WOW, I had forgot I had them on. I am used to them. That was 3 pairs ago. Every time they change the prescription it takes a few days to adjust.
But having said all this, I did get a pair from Sears that was the WRONG prescription. The had left out one numer and I couldn't even see through them. Just go back and get your eyes rechecked and go from there.
Good luck.

01-12-2006, 06:00 PM
My mom had an awful time adjusting to them - so she just stopped wearing them. I think I need them, and will ask the doctor about them next time I go (which NEEDS to be soon)

I have the sneaky suspicion that I too will have an awful time adjusting. My ex boyfriend's dad was an optician and he said it could take a week or two to get used to the progressives - nothing is wrong with them. It just takes us a while to learn how to look out at them. Soon you'll be wearing them and wonder what all the fuss was about! :)

01-12-2006, 06:03 PM
I tried the biofocal contacts too, and saw double. I tried the mono vision, and saw double. Had to stick with the glasses.
I got RED ones this time from Costco, and I love them. Really cute glasses.

01-12-2006, 07:37 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me. I am definitly going to call the Dr. & optician back tomorrow. i know there will be an adjustment period, but... We went out for dinner, I wore them to drive (they were supposed to make my night vision better) and took them off. It scared me, I had no depth perception, and the bright lights looked double. I hope they can fix this, these things cost enough! :eek:

01-13-2006, 11:40 AM
I tried the progressives and couldn't stand them. Also tried the one-contact for-distance and one-for-near. My pea sized brain wouldn't co-operate. I'll stick with my regular bifocals, thankyouverymuch!

01-13-2006, 03:15 PM
Oh I feel for you. I remember when I first got progressives; the learning curve was steep, but eventually I did get used to them. Do go back and make sure they are the right prescription (I had a bad one from Sears too) and that they are sitting on your face correctly. If they're off the tiniest bit it can make a difference in how you see.

Now my Rx is so strong it can't be put into the newer, smaller frames, so I have two pairs of glasses - one for reading/computer stuff and the other for distance.

01-13-2006, 03:22 PM
just a comment........ my dad never needed glasses, my mom and sis did before (my sis is younger than me btw) and he kept saying once i wear ones iīll end up needing them, and his words came true, once he put on some to read some stuff ando now he needs to wear them all the time (for reading only, but still) the glasses are supposed to fit your sight not the other way around. hope you get better options with the dr.

01-13-2006, 03:59 PM
Update- I went back to the guy who fit the glasses today and talked to him more. He apologised and said he probably should have asked me more questions to better understand what I needed. After a little test, he is sending me back for optomotrist to get the distance vision rechecked, he thinks it may be off. I think he understands now that I need them for reading and computer, but I do graphic design work, and I need to see the whole screen without any distortion. These progressives just don't offer that wide a field of vision. plus, I hate tipping my head way back to see the screen - I spend HOURS and HOURS in front of my computer everyday, I don't need to have to start worrying about needing a chiropractor too! So hubby's in going to take alot of measurements while I'm working to get an exact range to accomodate my computer screen. My appt. is for next Tuesday.
Thanks again for all your PT input. I probably would have just keep quiet about this, figuring it was "just me", but now I'm glad I went back. ;)

01-13-2006, 04:03 PM
so glad to hear that!! about the chiropractor.........i could use one right now......by back is killing me!!! LOL

now dont keep quiet if you ever have problems on your next app. you are paying to see right so stand up for your needs, keep us posted on what is the outcome ;)

01-13-2006, 04:07 PM
I hate using my bifocals for the computer. I now use my very first pair of reading glasses that I had made. I can no longer read with them as the book has to be too far away, but perfect for the computer screen. Good to have all the measerments of how far the screen is from the way you always sit. These glasses will be wonderful for you. keep us posted.

01-13-2006, 04:55 PM
I have regular bifocals & only wear them to read small print.If I'm
understanding you, the progressive style is just one big lens for varying
distances? I don't think I'd ever get used to that style.

01-13-2006, 05:02 PM
I have regular bifocals & only wear them to read small print.If I'm
understanding you, the progressive style is just one big lens for varying
distances? I don't think I'd ever get used to that style.
Bifocals and progressive are the same thing, no line bifocals. I have to keep them on in my job, no time to take them off when I don't need to read, but have just plain readers for at home. The are bent so that I can cook over them at the TV, as I don't need a correction for distance, just reading.

01-13-2006, 06:01 PM
Ohh, this thread scares me. I am pretty certain that I am needing bifocals and I absolutely dread it. :rolleyes:

I hope you get yours straightened out, Pat.