View Full Version : fluid therapy while under anesthesia?

01-11-2006, 03:35 PM
I am going to schedule Kaige's neuter for early February and was wondering about the fluid therapy that they have to offer. This was not common at all when I was working at the vets and haven't had a dog under anesthesia since so I really don't know a whole lot about it.
I do understand that it helps to keep the dog hydrated and may help him come out of it a little better, but does it really make that big of a difference? Or is it more of a waste of $50?

I've seen many dogs go under with out & they all did great so it makes me wonder if it really does make that big of a difference. :rolleyes:

I was wondering if anyone here has had that done? Especially if you have multiple dogs or even the same dog, like if one had the fluid therapy and the other one didn't, or if the same dog didn't have it while under once but had it while under a second time, did you see a big difference?

Queen of Poop
01-11-2006, 04:01 PM
Not sure about it for dogs, but for ferrets, as in Miko's surgery yesterday, it is a necessity. Sorry, not real helpful.

01-12-2006, 09:09 AM
Not sure about it for dogs, but for ferrets, as in Miko's surgery yesterday, it is a necessity. Sorry, not real helpful.

Thanks anyways!

01-12-2006, 10:02 AM
I don't know if it's the same, but they gave fluids to my RB terrier Sandy when he had to have a cracked tooth pulled. She recommended it for 2 reasons with him. 1) He was older (almost 12), even though his blood panel was normal 2) He had asthma (sp??) and a collapsing trachea. Since anesthesia tends to surpress breathing and it was a quick procedure, the fluids flushed his system a little faster, in addition it gave her a line already in if something went wrong. He came through w/o a problem and went home that night. I unfortunately don't have any experience with it in a young healthy dog so I don't know that I'm much help there.

01-12-2006, 11:56 AM
I have several dogs who have had trouble coming out of a GA. The fluid makes it much easier on them. They rebound more quickly, can be released earlier and are back to their normal selves in no time. With an older dog or a dog with any kind of comprimised organ function, it's a must.

Also having the IV already in place is a huge asset if something does go wrong. Makes monitoring easier and give easy access to a vein if the vet needs to do something in a hurry.

My vet does fluid therapy automatically now. If you don't want it you have to tell him or the animal gets it. I always make sure my guys get it, even if they've never had problems with anesthesia before.

01-13-2006, 03:14 AM
I have never even heard of this to be honest. Seems like I should probably ask for it if my girls ever need a surgery.

01-13-2006, 03:17 AM
Kelcee (kitty) had it when she had her teeth cleaned. She was 12 then, (now 16.5).

01-13-2006, 03:36 AM
Not only does it keep them hydrated, but if something goes wrong during surgery, they are already hooked up with IV fluids. When I worked at a vet clinic, every animal that was having surgery had an IV hooked up. I think it is well worth the $50.00, especially if something goes wrong.


01-13-2006, 09:37 AM
Thanks for all the input everyone. I didn't even think of the fact that wuld already have an IV hookup with his vein in case something did go wrong.
Looks like we'll be getting the fluid therapy. :D