View Full Version : my letter to the paper about Zara got published...

01-11-2006, 01:27 PM
I am happy to report they did publish my letter, if nothing else it gave me some satisfaction to write it and have it printed, it will not bring back Zara or change the circumstances, but a little bit of me hopes the morons who killed her read the paper and have some conscience, although i seriously doubt it.

That night i received a phone call from a lady who had rescued a mama and her kittens, she had been fostering them and had one little black boy left and was wondering if i wanted him, little did she know that i too had been doing my rescue and had already had to part with my babies as i refer to them, she apologised for being cheeky, i said no way it is worth a try, she is a good woman herself for doing what she did and as i found out the little boy called jet and his tortiseshell mama will be going to our cat shelter, so that is good news,(the best part being Jet is 7 weeks old, and can be parted from Mama now and there are three little two week old babies out there with no mama, so here's hoping she takes them on and fosters them, isn't it funny how things work out sometimes, fingers crossed, would be so great if that happens.) i guess she was just hoping i might need another kitty, as the article they published was a bit wrong, and took some of my writing out of context and made it sound that Zara was a pet, although loved she was not my pet, as it suggested, never mind it was nice to talk with her, and found out she fosters children, so a really neat person all in all.

01-11-2006, 01:32 PM
Carole, I know it made you feel good that your efforts were recognized. Good job!!!!

01-11-2006, 01:42 PM
To be honest Logan it was more about making these morons realise just what they had done, how inhumane it is to hit a cat and drive on, and to let them know the effort and heartache that went along with loosing Zara,they will probably never see it or care but it does make me feel better anyhow, thanks for your nice words. :)

01-11-2006, 06:59 PM
That's good that your letter got published!!!!!!To bad that there are people in this world that don't care what they do to animals!!!They are just bad people, and they do bad things to people to!!God will take care of them later!What goes around, comes around!! :) RIGHT!

01-11-2006, 07:22 PM
I know how you feel about Zara. My beautiful cat Sassy got run over by an 18 wheeler in Allentown, and i would not have found out if somebody had not noticed her collar and called me to tell me what happened. Atleast there are good people in this world that will help comfort you in your time of need. {{{{{{{Huggs}}}}}}}

01-12-2006, 11:29 AM
Keep up the good work! :)

01-12-2006, 11:44 AM
I'm glad to hear your letter was printed. You know even if the person
who hit Zara does not see it, many other people will & maybe if it ever
happens to them, they will think twice about leaving the animal to suffer
and die alone. :( We never know how many people you might have
influenced for the good.

01-12-2006, 01:01 PM
Lizbud that is my ultimate goal to bring it to the attention of not only the morons who did not stop and to others, it might make people think twice before leaving an animal in future, here's hoping, you know believe it or not the son of my neighbour (Dianne the one who's cat i have been spaying and rescuing kittens,) saw the article and her boyfriend too, they mentioned it to me, so i was thinking just as well i did not say anything against them in anyway,so you never know who reads the paper now do you? :)