View Full Version : I woke up today, to a new day

01-11-2006, 09:43 AM
Thanks to some conversations Gina & I had (yes I met Gina's Ark Inc. yesterday, she is an awesome person) and a lot of other reasons I quit smoking today! Gina just really made me wake up when she said that I should stop killing myself. Thanks Gina for the extra push. :D
No more cigs for me! :D
So far I'm doing ok, I didn't smoke that much to begin with & usually quit often anyways.
It is a little hard sometimes though, like when other workers are here at work as they ALL smoke, it will be hard around my family as they ALL smoke too (thats about the only times I used to smoke, at work, around family and sometimes one in the evening after work, when I'm outside).
As for my friends well it won't be too hard... I think & hope. Some smoke, some don't, and the ones that do usually don't smoke that much & not inside or around anyone anything like that either.

I hope I can quit for good this time.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-11-2006, 09:46 AM
Yay! Good for you - I tried and failed a few times before I decided that I was going to stop. Had to be my decision and not to please other people - sounds to me like you've made your mind up! Good luck - take each day at a time

01-11-2006, 09:55 AM
Yay congrats! I know how hard it is, I quit close to a year ago, then wavered for a while by having one every once in a while, but then decided to just stop for good. It's so hard, but making the decision to once and for all quit is the best place to start. Good luck!

Anita Cholaine
01-11-2006, 11:07 AM
Congrats! That's a great decision...Good luck!

01-11-2006, 11:16 AM
That girl really des have some kind of magic doesn't she . Good luck and glad you got to meet her.

01-11-2006, 11:33 AM
Good luck with that! It's hard but trust me when you have done it you will be SO glad you did. I used to smoke about 8 years ago, quitting was really hard but boy I sure love not smoking now. Will keep my fingers crossed for you! YOU CAN DO IT!

01-11-2006, 12:23 PM
Thanks everyone!
The only trouble I have had so far is when the co workers are here, they smoke up a storm. But I've been good so far!

That girl really des have some kind of magic doesn't she . Good luck and glad you got to meet her.
You've got that right! I'm going to write up a short post about our meeting here in a minute!

Queen of Poop
01-11-2006, 02:19 PM
Very good for you!!! Give up that nasty habit, we need you around for a good long while. My husband gave it up 4 years ago this May. If he can quit and stay quit anyone can. You have my total support!!

01-11-2006, 02:37 PM
We need to send her here 22 year old son took it up about 18 months ago . Ran out one day and no money man I almost killed him rotten atitude

01-11-2006, 02:41 PM
Good for you!! I really need to stop smoking. Gina is so right it will kill you. :(

01-11-2006, 03:11 PM
Great decision Sue!
Be tough and resist the urge. It gets easier as time passes.
You will always want one but the desire won't be as strong.
You are doing the best thing for yourself and for your loved ones.
Tell those co-workers to smoke outside. If they know what you are trying to do, most likely they will respect your efforts and go away.

Suki Wingy
01-11-2006, 04:24 PM
You are right that is an EXCELENT decision!
Just remember how healthyer your pets will be if they never get second hand smoke!

01-11-2006, 05:15 PM
Good for you! I really hope that you can resist the urge to smoke when everyone else is doing it. I know how hard it is, just try not to be around them when they do it. Honest, it DOES get easier:)
I've been smoke free for almost a year now and I still want one sometimes. I just try to busy myself with something else, then the craving goes away.
Good Luck!!!

01-11-2006, 05:17 PM
Oh yay CONGRATS! It seems like everyone is quitting lately! My best friend quit shortly after new years, my mother quit ON new years and you too! :D That makes me so happy. If you can make it through the first three days, you CAN DO IT! Just chew lots of gum or suckers! :D

01-11-2006, 05:21 PM
Good for you, you'll definately feel better in the end. My dad smoked for about 30 years before he finally gave it up about 4 years ago, believe me if he can quit I know you can do it!!!

01-11-2006, 05:23 PM
Wonderful! I love to hear people quitting smoking. Luckily my dad quit a year or two ago and my Mum quit about nineteen years ago as soon as she found out that she was going to have her first baby.
Unfortunately, my Grandmum lost her battle with Lung Cancer(which also caused bone cancer) caused from smoking last year. She wasn't expected to die as soon as she did, but the fluid caused from the Chemo built up around her heart and caused a heart attack. That year leading up to her death was hard on everyone, but especially her. She left behind her two dogs, and it was so sad to see her older dog looking so lost without her.
I'd hate to see that happen to anyone, especially someone like you who has such a passion for animals.
Good luck!! :D

01-11-2006, 06:13 PM
Congratulations!!!!! Any need for encouragement, let us know! Smoking has killed too many people we know and love, don't let you be one of them!

01-11-2006, 11:39 PM
(((oh sue!!))) hoorah!! http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif I'm sooo glad for you! keep going girl! any of my friends I love and care so much smoke breaks my heart, more than you know. (that includes you, donna too! can you join us?) :( quitting smoking - it's just a start, the hardest part - and with extra supports here, with me (keeping an eye on you) ;) - we all know you will!! trust me, would ya? just, just remember as the hardest part goes away, going easier for you. I think overcoming this deadly habit around smokers is a ...big wow!

I've been thinking of you all day/night after we talked about this, hoping you went through the day (and another day) allright! I tried to call you a couple of times today after your work but couldn't with so-so coverage here! (grr) please keep on pm'ing me on how you're feeling/doing and all, I care and will be waiting! I thank you so much for doing this, hanging on this with me.

((((thinking-of-you-hugs!))))... sooo anxious for you and happy!! :D :D

01-11-2006, 11:41 PM
I'm glad to hear your still hanging in there and got rid of a very nasty habit.

01-12-2006, 12:31 AM
Heartfelt congratulations! Lots of luck! I keep promising myself everyday that I'll stop. The dentist even gave me free samples of the Nicotrol inhaler which is just sitting on the table staring at me. I know it's just an awful habit from nerves. You'd think, after watching my mother suffer from COPD, that I'd have learned my lesson. Plus they're so expensive. Shame on me. I'm so proud of you and wish you success. You're a better person than I am.

01-12-2006, 09:37 AM
I want to thank each & everyone of you for your kind words & support. It is working, I'm on day #2 and still no cigs. The only time I really crave one is a few times throghout the day at work, because ALL of my co-workers smoke. And no I can't get them to go outside or away from me, sometimes I can't even get away from them.

It really isn't TOO hard for me as I didn't smoke that much to begin with. I NEVER smoke in my house or around kids or animals or around people who have issues with it and the only time I would smoke in my car is if I was alone (no people or pets).
I usually only smoke about 3 to maybe 7 or so tops (on a bad day) cigs a day. I used to smoke one in the morning, it was my cup of coffee since I don't drink coffee, then maybe I'd smoke a couple while at work, then one when I get home from work. And possibly when my nerves are shot.
Sometimes I'd smoke a couple if I was drinking with friends too.

01-12-2006, 10:58 AM
Keep it up. You'll feel better for yourself.

Laura's Babies
01-12-2006, 12:03 PM
This is the year I decided I would try to quit smoking again and at our company meeting this week, they told us they will PAY for any method, no matter how many it takes, to help us to quit. No matter the cost or how many trys it takes, they will pay! (I personally think the cigarette companies should pay) So I am REALLY motivated now and plan to give it the best effort I can and hopefully, by the end of this year, I will be smoke free! Could I enlist some PT prayers to help me with this because I know I will need God's help to quit!

01-12-2006, 12:26 PM
Im so thankful if any one quits..
I prayed for god to help me 6 or 7 years ago and havent touched or even wanted one since, and i smoked 4 packs aday and for over 35 years..
I thank God for delivering me from that , and not even a bit of craving left over..quit cold turkey all in one day..Thank God..hang in there..and you dont have to have the carving..it will go away.. :)

01-12-2006, 01:10 PM
Congrats! I'm sure it will be really hard, but you can do it :) It will be worth it :

01-12-2006, 04:55 PM
Wel done you for giving up the smokes, I can understand excatly what you are going through. I tried many times to give up, using the nicotine replacement patches and the gum, but i never suceeded. Then last October I decided to try again with no help, no patches, no gum. I felt that getting up every morning and putting the patch on was just a daily reminder of what I was doing.

I have given up now for just over 3 months. I have got to the stage now where some days I don't give it a thought. It's great, I feel so much better and have saved so much money. I can spoil my furbabies all the more.

Well done you and keep it up :D

Nicki x

01-12-2006, 04:57 PM
You can do it! :) I have been smoke-free for 2 months! I eat a lot, though.. :rolleyes:

01-12-2006, 05:03 PM
I'm glad to hear your doing so well. Keep it up:D

Laura's Babies,
I'll be rooting for you!!!

01-13-2006, 10:07 AM
Day #3 & no ciggs! I feel pretty good too, besides I have that slight quitting smoking cough. Its not that bad though, not as bad as a few years ago when I was smoking almost a pack a day & quit.

I find myself fidgetting (sp?) more & eating more.

01-13-2006, 10:23 AM
That is awesome! Keep up the good work. Find something to do with your hands to keep them busy, play with rubber bands, one of those stress balls, even some clay or silly putty or something. Eat pretzels and other lower fat content foods to help with the snacking, and some fresh fruits cut up. You can keep them handy and take them to work with you, maybe some of those goldfish crackers too. Anyway, keep up the good work, soon that nasty cough will be gone and you'll feel even better and not risk your health with those horrid cigarettes.

01-13-2006, 10:34 AM
Try some Chamomile tea (for the figgetting).
Pretzels and fruit is a good idea.
Sugar free gum and candies is a must. :)

01-13-2006, 10:48 AM
It is weird, it's mainly my feet & legs that can't stop figgetting. lol

Thanks for the continued prayers everyone!

01-13-2006, 10:56 AM
It is weird, it's mainly my feet & legs that can't stop figgetting. lol

Thanks for the continued prayers everyone!

Mine felt like that too a little when I first quit - just remember that it will go away. I am now super-sensitive to second hand smoke, and it (usually) bothers me - although sometimes it still makes me want one :eek:

01-13-2006, 10:58 AM
That's okay - figeting helps burn any extra calories! :) Keep on going, lollipops are an acceptable substitute if you NEED that something in your mouth and hand.

01-13-2006, 11:09 AM
Walk on your breaks and lunch . Keep carrots and celery around less fatting and god for you.

01-13-2006, 11:54 AM
((((sue)))) this so great to hear this is your 3rd day and continuing well.

everyone's suggestions of doing/eat something else sound good, what would you do, has anything helped yet?

remember you're just on your way to easy part!

thinking of you...soo happy for you. :) and see you soon!

01-13-2006, 11:58 AM
((((sue)))) this so great to hear this is your 3rd day and continuing well.

everyone's suggestions of doing/eat something else sound good, what would you do, has anything helped yet?

remember you're just on your way to easy part!

thinking of you...soo happy for you. :) and see you soon!

I actually haven't really needed to do or eat anything to help me out. I don't have too many carvings & they are not usually that bad. I have suckers just in case but I haven't aten any of them yet. I have been eating more though in general, more snacks and the such.
Oh and lots of gum! lol

01-13-2006, 12:22 PM
oh good it doesn't sound as hard as it is. guess you have made a really good big step, sue!

yes, you need to eat more anyway! when I hugged you, you were a skeleton. ;) :p

gums, thanks for joining me :D I chew a lot lately under stress so I'd not grind and breaking my jaws! but not recently because it's a bit sore.. :rolleyes: ..be careful with your jaws.

one time my (bio) mother who smoked for eleven years until she had me, she started with regular gums, about a year later after all the time she didn't realize she have been grinding her teeth every night.. one morning, she woke up, yawning and there went a *pop*! her jaws stucked opening for at least 6 hours....painful she recalled! :eek:

anyway, keep us (especially me) updated!

01-13-2006, 01:10 PM

yes, you need to eat more anyway! when I hugged you, you were a skeleton. ;) :p

You should talk Gina. LOL :p :D ;)

01-13-2006, 02:09 PM
You beat me to it . Maybe Ladys human should take you all to an all you can eat buffet. :D I could give both some in a fat transplant.

01-13-2006, 02:27 PM
Maybe Ladys human should take you all to an all you can eat buffet. :D

Sounds good to me. LOL Do you thinbk he'll see this post... and agree to it? ;) :p

01-13-2006, 04:15 PM
I think he has given enough to the situation I wouldn't want to ask more of them .
All I can say is that he and Karen (you too Sue) are the best models of what Jesus wanted us to be like. I felt helpless in the thing but you guys carried of great.

01-14-2006, 06:24 PM
How's it going today? You're doing better than I ever have...that's really great. Just think of how much healthier you're going to be. :)

Daisy and Delilah
01-14-2006, 09:42 PM
Great job Sue!! Keep up the good work! The fidgeting is normal. Remember you're coming off of an addiction. Don't worry too much about the eating either. You can deal with that later ;) Just keep thinking how much better you're going to feel. No more smelly clothes, hair, etc.(I hope this doesn't offend you) ;) You'll get rid of that irritating cough and breathing will be a pleasure. You can do it! You have a ton of support behind you here! :D

01-14-2006, 09:55 PM
oh sue.. hush. :o ;) :p

friends, lvdogs/sue isn't around computer that much during weekends... but I talked with her today, she's still doing okay, just a skullache and wasn't sure what else it was from than not smoking for 4th day! no counter pills helped her and her taking a nap was last I heard. I sure hope she's feeling allright by now.

sue, I'm still thinking of you! (((take care)))

01-16-2006, 11:43 AM
I think he has given enough to the situation I wouldn't want to ask more of them .
All I can say is that he and Karen (you too Sue) are the best models of what Jesus wanted us to be like. I felt helpless in the thing but you guys carried of great.

Oh I know, I was just kidding since you brought it up. lol

Thanks for the kind words. :) I try my best to be a decent person & to help out others when I can.

I did break down yesterday & bummed a cigg from my neighbor. I didn't smoke the whole thing though. I took about 3-5 puffs, put it out & about a half hour later I smoked 3-5 more puffs. I didn't want to but I figured I had to. I had the worst migrane ever. After 1.5 days with a headache & one day with the migrane & I couldn't get rid of it with advil, alieve or sleep. It was so bad I could barely see & god forbid if any noise was made. Ouch! It did help my migrane, it brought it from a migrane to a regualr headache but it did make my neasaus feeling worse. And I haven't smoked one since. I woke up this am with a slight headache still but it is just about gone now. I feel bad but it did help.
So do I count today as my quitting day or not? I only smoked it to see if it would help with my migrane.

01-16-2006, 11:46 AM
No, I think you're ok. I did the same thing, quitting cold turkey wasn't really an option for me. You didn't smoke the whole thing, and I bet it's less than you were smoking before - A lot of people quit by cutting down little by little, so that little bit is ok ;)

01-16-2006, 11:54 AM
Sue, I know this must be a hard thing to do so I think you are doing great. You didn't smoke the entire thing so I think you are doing a really good job. I have seen so many people try to quit smoking and not even last a day. Also Just think on how much money you will be saving after you quit. I know you can do it. Just keep thinking positive and you'll do fine. -hugs-

01-18-2006, 02:01 PM
Sorry I'm a little late on this. I'm glad to hear your doing well, and half isn't bad at all, most people can't just go from cigarrettes to none w/o having 1 or 2 here and there. I have a friend who gets severe migraine, when she feels a headache coming on she'll have 3 shots of expresso (the caffeine dilates the blood vessels allowing for better flow to alleviate the headache) + aleve or tylenol. It doesn't always work, but it might help if you feel one coming on since I think nicotine has the same effect of blood vessels.

01-18-2006, 03:11 PM
Thanks for the tip. I don't drink coffee though, I can't stand the taste even if it means possibly getting rid of a headache. I wonder if a couple bottles of MT Dew or hot Choc, or even the caffine pills would work?

My migrane lasted one day but the headache lasted many days. Today is my first day without a headache since Sat.

Still no cigs! :D :D

01-18-2006, 03:22 PM

I haven't replied yet but I've been following ;) I think its great that you've decided to do this, gee, if only I could convince my parents :( Good luck to you, I know you can do it!!!! :D

01-19-2006, 08:45 AM
Still no cigs! :D :D
YIPPEE!! I'm so glad to hear this!!!

Sorry about the headaches, hopefully they'll go away soon.

01-19-2006, 10:37 AM
YIPPEE!! I'm so glad to hear this!!!

Sorry about the headaches, hopefully they'll go away soon.

No headaches since yesterday & still no ciggs! :D

01-19-2006, 10:51 AM
No headaches since yesterday & still no ciggs! :D

GREAT job!

01-19-2006, 11:20 AM
Keep it up Sue we are all pulling for you .

01-21-2006, 08:30 PM
heey, how are you doing today??

I think it's perfectly normal to quit slowly. quitting from a couple of ciggies to none was more than a big step. I won't be surprised but only a few puffs was great!

((((a big, big bear hug for you anyway)))) - we love you, girl!! :D

01-23-2006, 01:54 AM
No headaches since yesterday & still no ciggs! :D

That's great!!! A couple of bottles of mountain dew or caffeine pills might help if you catch the headache early enough. Hopefully it won't be something you have to test out... ;)

01-23-2006, 09:57 AM
Day #12 and still going strong! No ciggs, no headaches. I rarely even crave one. Thanks for all the warm wishes everyone, they sure do help! :D :)

01-23-2006, 10:19 AM
That's awesome! I'm rooting for ya, Sue :D