View Full Version : Kia's Vet Visit

01-11-2006, 09:27 AM
Took Kia to the vet this morning for an un-routine checkup. Her allergies have been really bothering her, which I can't understand because the air hasn't been that dry lately because of all the rain and warmer temps.

I've been putting fish oil in her food, giving her benedryl and treating her hotspots with Animax cream. Dr. Kuschel said I've pretty much done all I can do, so the she gave Kia an injection of steroids. Should help ease her itchies for 3 weeks.

She also determined that the lump I found is just a fatty lump. Nothing to worry about. Phew! :D

Hopefully I'll have an itchy free girl soon. Dr. Kuschel told Kia that mommy should invest in a humidifier. :o :D

Oh! I forgot to add that Kia's gained weight. She's 55 pounds now. We've been real couch potatoes this winter. :o :p

Pawsitive Thinking
01-11-2006, 10:04 AM
All sounds pretty positive! Nothing wrong with being a couch potato - I know a couple of them too!

01-11-2006, 11:18 AM
I hope Kia's itchies heal up real soon. Glad to hear that the lump is just a fatty lump. Don't worry about those extra pounds, Kia. I think Tori has packed on a couple herself. We'll get them off this summer;)

Hugs for Kia!!

01-11-2006, 12:20 PM
Glad she's on the mend!
I think a lot of us, skin & fur are more of a couch potato in the winter. ;)

Ginger's Mom
01-11-2006, 12:22 PM
Glad to hear that Kia's vet visit went reasonably well (I am sure she didn't like getting a shot-poor baby), and that the lump is nothing serious. Hope the itchies clear up soon. And tell Kia not to worry about a couple of pounds, I am sure she looks great.

01-11-2006, 01:47 PM
She actually loves the vets. She drags me into the office, assaults the office staff with kisses and pretty much lays there and lets the vet do anything to her. I really lucked out. :D

01-11-2006, 01:48 PM
Awww, Kia. You got the Itchies too?! I hate 'em.... I get benedryl and Missing Link in my food and I have to wear a t-shirt cause I itch so much... Mama sez, I look cute tho.
Hope your lumps are nothing serious ( We've been dealing with sebaceous cysts here, Doc sez nothing serious kinda like an ingrown hair, but when they rupture....ewww.)

Allergeies are icky, huh, Kia?
My Mom sends your Mom hugs and I send you lots of Wigglebutts,
LOUD Louie

01-11-2006, 02:13 PM
Kimmie, I had to take Lilly last week for the same thing. Benadryl, and even Prednisone, wasn't helping. Dr. Robinson gave her a shot and she is so much better now. I hope Kia will be better soon, too!

By the way, if it makes you and Kia feel any better, Lilly weighed in at 88 pounds! :eek: :eek:


01-11-2006, 02:31 PM
Thanks for all the good thoughts. :D Hope all your itchy pups are itch free soon!

By the way, if it makes you and Kia feel any better, Lilly weighed in at 88 pounds! :eek: :eek:
It's gotta be all that fur. ;) :D

01-11-2006, 09:38 PM
We have an itchy girl too. Cincy went to the vey a few weeks early for her annual check up becuase she was itching so bad. She got some antibiotics to help with the spots on legs she had sctached raw, and the vet recommended moving her shots closer together. Hope everybody's itchies get better soon.

01-11-2006, 10:42 PM
Glad that Kia's lump was just fatty - Star has another hot spot, too - she's been on steroid pills for two weeks, I had to keep a collar on her through the holidays, a real bummer for her. I sure wish those things would go away for good :mad: . Hope you stop itching soon, Kia!