View Full Version : Hey Angie...go to petrefuge.com and check out Coral

04-08-2002, 08:55 PM
Angie...you GOTTA see Coral...an 11 week old Golden/Tree Walking Coonhound mix. If you go to www.petrefuge.com she is the newest addition to the shelter. You have to go to "our dogs" and then once you get to the dog of the week (Casper this week, who is just too darn cute for words too) and then "available dogs" and there she will be.

04-08-2002, 09:03 PM
oh my goh
! i was looking through the dogs.. and Julius is beautiful!! his coloring are so unique! Coral is cute too!

04-08-2002, 09:11 PM
Julius is a pit mix and NO one has even glanced at him according to the director of the shelter. Wilma and Buffy are also pit mixes that no one has looked at. That is the shelter where we got Sophie. They are so nice. I wish we could take 3 more because all 3 would be coming to Fort Wayne this weekend, but alas...I think 15 is our limit.

04-08-2002, 10:59 PM
What a wonerful shelter! I admire shelters that are no-kill, its a huge undertaking! I hope to run my own shelter some day. It's a wonderful service.

04-08-2002, 11:47 PM
*GASP* Did I actually just hear MUGSY say she has reached her limit??? I bet that will change as soon as a sweet, wide-eyed puppy face in need shows up at her door :D

Just look at Tyson! His eyes are soooo sad. I wish I could take him :( Julius is gorgeous too. Ohhhhhhhh noooooooo, Maggie's story is so sad :( :( I want her too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH look at Sam!

I better stop. I do this to myself all the time and it breaks my heart :( Oh heck, I can never stop though!

04-09-2002, 12:43 AM
I like Max. I shouldn't look at pictures of dogs in shelters, it's too tempting and I can't provide a home for another :(.

I was quite impressed with the quality of the pictures - a lot of shelters just don't seem to get it right but this site had beautiful clear pictures with great poses - I hope that brings in lots of future owners.

04-09-2002, 12:51 AM
oh, I went back and looked again....all of them looking straight at me with those eyes just asking for a home!

04-09-2002, 01:08 AM
They are all so precious! I could just take them all!

04-09-2002, 04:09 AM
NO one has even glanced at him according . This makes me so sad :( he's so beautiful, they all are. I'll just have to pray a little harder, I want them all to go to a nice home (of course I had a look at the cats too...)

04-09-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by sabies

I was quite impressed with the quality of the pictures - a lot of shelters just don't seem to get it right but this site had beautiful clear pictures with great poses

There is nothing worse than a picture of a dog through the bars of a cage. It gives the impression that they are too vicious to take out of the cage to get a good picture. Whoever takes the pictures for this shelter does an awesome job. And with the time they take to get to know the dog's characteristics and include that type of info in a bio, it presents these animals as the dears that I am sure they are.

Of course it breaks my heart to see so many wonderful furkids without a home and family. :(

04-09-2002, 09:50 AM

Her name is Gracie and she is in the Special Dog catagory. What a wonderful website. Mugsy, thanks for sharing it with us. :)

04-09-2002, 11:26 AM
Oh Mugsy,

All these Pups are just Super!!! I liked Cotton,
Patrick, Otis & Wilma, and every other one there.
I'm trying to be understanding, but I can't get
around the idea of people moving anywhere that
the dog could not go with them. Except for an
older or ill person who is longer physically
capable of caring for an animal...Another thing
I thought about as I looked at these Precious
pups is, why would anyone actually "buy" a dog,
with all these cuties just waiting for homes.?
Great link Molly. Thanks. Liz.

04-09-2002, 11:37 AM
Yes Molly that is a great link! What a nice website Pet Refuge has. I love looking at all the pictures and reading the stories. Thanks for sharing!!:)

04-09-2002, 01:07 PM

Gracie isn't at the shelter, she is being fostered, because I offered to take her because she has been there so long. Esther wrote back and told me that she is being very well taken care of and well loved at her foster home, which made me feel better. A lot of the dogs are actually in foster homes and the foster parents bring them to their adoption events that they hold all the time. It really is an awesome shelter....it's even run totally by volunteers. I will pass all your positive comments on to Esther, because I am constantly emailing her with Sophie updates.

04-09-2002, 01:21 PM

I love this kitty's face! I wish I could have one!!

04-09-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by jennifert

I love this kitty's face! I wish I could have one!!

that cat has awesome eyes!

04-09-2002, 07:29 PM
Oh why do ya got to tease me like that ...lol.. She is soooo adorable, I would take her in a heart beat if I could. I have had people ask me to keep an eye out for hounds and hound mixes, I will check my list and see if any of them are in that area.

The pictures are great, much nicer then most shelter sites. I have left my name and number with our shelter for the next time thay are looking for a photographer. That would be like a dream for me. Thank you so much for sharing Coral with me. Im going to go check out the other beauties.

04-09-2002, 07:44 PM
Ahhhh I WANT ANNIE oh gosh she is beautiful, I see so much of Hannah in her. A pray Annie finds a loving home. Ruby to and Patty and Danni and Sable. Wilma and Buffy to they are so adorable.

04-09-2002, 07:49 PM
Oh man I just went to the special dogs, now I want to send my prayers to Sally, to find a loving home and loving people to love and spoil her and to make her remaining days happy. Okey Im going to stop now.

04-09-2002, 08:22 PM
Sally's story made me cry. I want Ruby in the worst way. Ruby (if I'm not mistaken) had pups that got adopted very quickly. I knew you would like them...I thought of you immediately Angie!! I'm sorry to torture you so!! lol

04-09-2002, 08:25 PM
Here's the email that Esther sent me about all of your kind words.

Dear Molly and Mike,

I managed to find the messages directly at http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=9664 without having to sign up. How wonderful to read all these positive postings about our website and our dogs! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I also have some wonderful news, which is that Wilma went into a foster home with the intend to adopt! Buffy is starting some "special training" next week. Let's keep all our toes and fingers crossed for these pups. Hugs for Sophie, of course.

Pet Refuge volunteer

So everyone keep their positive thoughts going for Wilma and Buffy...and of course Julius. And all the dogs that have been there for so long like Ruby ( I just don't understand why no one wants her).

04-09-2002, 09:19 PM
Okay, I need a bigger house...how else can I go get all those dogs? They are just too awesome. I can't even pick a favorite!!!

04-09-2002, 09:48 PM
Hey CM...you're not THAT far away that you couldn't get there and adopt one of those cuties!! lol Just hop on the toll road and you're there!!! If you couldn't tell by Esther's letter, she was very flattered by everyone's comments.

04-10-2002, 03:48 PM
It is very tempting... I am not sure Ralph would go for it though...
I sent the page to my mom...she called my dad and asked him to take they afternoon off so she could go get Coral or Jewels. Since they already have two dogs also, I don't think he went for it!!!

04-10-2002, 09:10 PM
I hope they do. That would be awesome.

I got another email from another one of the volunteers and here it is so everyone here knows that the volunteers at Pet Refuge appreciate all of your kind comments.

I am a volunteer with Pet Refuge and I personally want to thank you and your friends at PetoftheDay. Thought I could ease their thoughts. Sally is in a loving foster home and will be staying there-they love her dearly. Ruby is in a great foster home. She probably doesn't get adopted because she loves her foster mom too much and doesn't pay attention to new people. I took care of her pups until they got adopted. Annie and Sable are at my home. After getting Annie from a shelter before they put her to sleep, nursing her thru her C-section, taking care of her and the babies, letting all the babies get adopted and getting Annie thru her spay surgery- my family and I are probably going to adopt her. Hounds are my favorite and they have a way of stealin' into your heart. She is such a cuddle bug who also never had alot of love in her previous home. Danni and Patty are also in foster homes. Danni was a dog bred alot and she is doing great learning what love from a hu Paula
Pet Refuge Volunteer

I thought everyone would enjoy the updates on the precious ones!!

04-11-2002, 03:16 AM
Thanks Molly for keeping us posted! :)

04-11-2002, 08:51 AM
Hey guys, some of the dogs that you liked so much at Pet Refuge have been adopted. Since Tuesday, Coral, Maggie, Speckles, Sable, Romeo, Petie, and the Shepard/Rottie/Husky mix pups have all gone home and Wilma, Hannah, and Shelby have adoptions pending. Thanks again for being so interested.

04-11-2002, 09:37 AM
Mugs, Pet Refuge sounds like a wonderful place!! You can tell by the "stories" next to each dog that they care deeply for each and every animal. The fact that they took time out of their busy busy days to email you about Pet Talk and the update on the dogs speaks volumes for their integrity and committment!
I wish we had a place like that in my town. Maybe I should start one....

04-11-2002, 02:34 PM
Glad to hear so many dogs have found forever homes!!! I still wish some of them had been to my house...but I am sure they will be very happy and well cared for with their new families :)

I joke about getting more dogs, but we really couldn't handle it now anyway. Our house and yard are too small and we really are too busyand it is hard to give of our the attention they deserve (but they sure don't lack for it!!!)

04-11-2002, 08:58 PM
jennifert, we don't have one just like it here (although, even for the recent problems, our SPCA takes really good care of the dogs and cats they have). Pet Refuge is in Mishawauka which is just outside South Bend (the home of my beloved Fighting Irish of Notre Dame) and it's about 2 hours from here. I'm surprised Syracuse doesn't have a no kill shelter.

04-12-2002, 08:52 AM
sniff sniff, what about Max? :confused:

Pet Refuge doesn't have to thank us they already have, I'm glad to have an opportunity to thank them. I hate the reality that there are so many beautiful dogs without homes!

04-12-2002, 02:21 PM
Max is just waiting for you sabies...can't you hear him calling your name?? hehehehe sorry I couldn't resist. My kids here at school have been looking at the website and have picked their favorites too. I promised one, Kenyetta, that I would take her with me if I go up there this summer...I love being able to convert my kids here at school from wanting a purebreed pedigreed dog to wanting to save the lives of rescue dogs.

04-12-2002, 04:59 PM
yes, I can hear him!!! It's a good thing he's too far for me to "just stop in for a look". All I need is more money and a house rather than this box I pay way too much to live in.

Thanks for teaching your kids a great lesson!

04-12-2002, 08:06 PM
Thank you for the updates and letters. Im so happy to hear the houndies are being loved.

04-13-2002, 07:22 AM
Angie, Paula emailed me again and she and her husband have decided to adopt Annie. You 2 sound like a matched pair of bookends...being the hound lovers.

Sabies, thanks for the words of encouragement. We have friends (as a result of getting Dudley from NYC) in the city and they complain about the cost of housing out there all the time. I keep telling them to move out to the Midwest and they would see a dramatic drop. Barbara couldn't believe that we have 1/2 acre and 1060 square feet on a full basement and we paid 70,000 for it. As opposed to me who thought that was too much for such a small house, but bought it anyway! lol I only lasted a year in an apartment...I couldn't take it. I can offer you the house across the street that is STILL for sale that aly won't take!! lol Good luck with the search.

Keep checking out the site, Esther is very diligent about updating every day or 2. I was thrilled to see that Wilma is on her way to a forever home.