View Full Version : Hi Laura

01-08-2006, 04:33 PM
Happy new year! Hope all is well where you are. How is Eddie doing? He still is in my thoughts and prayers every day. Is he home yet? When you see him, please give him my love and let him know I'm still very much on his side. I pray the news is good.

01-08-2006, 06:23 PM
The Found Cats and I,and all the Porch Cats too send out Good Wishes to Eddie,and pray that that Gentleman is recovering well.

Laura's Babies
01-08-2006, 06:57 PM
I am fine, packing again to leave tomorrow for Nashville.. I could lie and tell you that I am going to be the newest singing sensation and outshine Britney Spears but I think you are much to quick to believe that for one moment! :D
Just a company meeting and I will be back Wednesday night. Then I will get all my babies and bring them home and settle in for the rest of my off days.

So far this new year has been going pretty good! I got the news last night (and haven't told anyone on PT!) that I am going to be GREAT Grandma AGAIN, so that makes TWO more greats I got on the way. (already have 5!) I am a tad excited about that good news. OH!!! WONDERFUL MORE NEWS!! (and this I am super excited about!) I am going to get to meet Kimlovescats while in Nashville! She is coming to the hotel tomorrow evening/night to meet me! (Shhhhhh, I have some gifts for Tabitha and her friends) I am so excited about that! Just wish I could meet my sweet little Tabitha!

Update on Brandon WITH pictures

Somewheat of a update on Eddie here

Eddie still very much needs more prayers, I am worried about the infections he keeps getting and I want him HEALED UP! He is still in the hospital and will be for some time still. BOTH of his daughters are the ones expecting new babies this year and I so hope and pray that he will be able to enjoy them by holding and playing with them.

I don't know if you have been around but the year ended bad with my nephew getting killed on Dec. 13 and Eddies daughter in California got flooded out and lost almost everything they owned during one of those storms on New Years Eve.. Good news there is insurance is giving them full value of her husbands truck and and the apartment complex has insurance (I think) that is going to pay them for what they lost. (maintance man didn't want to come out in the rain and unclog the storm drain so they got flooded. :mad: )

So, HOW in the world are YOU????? Have a Happy New Year for you and your babies and may it be joy filled, good luck filled and filled with great health!