View Full Version : My cats go to the discotech!!

04-08-2002, 03:17 PM
Well, they didn't really go, we made a discotech out of our bedroom...

Remember the discotechs in the 80's with the big mirror balls? well, we have a small one, and it's a great toy for the cats. When we turn off the lights and direct a flash light on it, all those mirrors create lights moving around the room and the cats are going crazy!:D

We filmed it on video and made a short clip of it just for you ! If you wanna see (you know you want to... I know you want to) go to my website - it's under misc pics and videos...

:cool: Also I updated the site today with new pics and a video for Milki... been busy!:D


Heather Wallace
04-08-2002, 03:39 PM
I can imagine that your cats would love a glitter ball, I guess that they where chasing all of the light, there little faces become pictures, its so fuuny to watch.

04-08-2002, 04:29 PM
Thanks Efrat - just the thing to end the day with - a video of your gorgeous furbabies. I'm off..........


04-09-2002, 06:43 AM
Mine want to know if they can come over for a dance! :D

04-09-2002, 07:41 AM
Gio - Your cats are welcome to dance here... though I bet no one want to come to Israeli these days...

It's crazy here - rumours say 17 soldiers were killed today in a big mess in one of the Palestianas cities... it's scary...

Heather Wallace
04-09-2002, 08:03 AM
Sorry to hear that you are in the middle of it all Efrat, hope you keep safe!

I watch it on the news everyday and I hope it will stop soon. Hope someone will do something soon.

04-09-2002, 12:00 PM
((((Efrat))))) Stay safe!!!

04-09-2002, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Lachesis
((((Efrat))))) Stay safe!!!

I second this!!! I too wish all this would stop!! Take care of yourself and stay safe!! We think about ya all the time.
