View Full Version : gosh...

01-07-2006, 08:34 PM
just like maltese_love posted, i am astonished to see petstores selling all these designer breeds. MORE designer breeds then purebreds.

there was: puggle, cockapoo, maltipoo, bichpoo, chipoo, more and more poos!! and a mini dachshund, jrt, and beagle.

its just SAD.

01-07-2006, 09:28 PM
Maybe only the name has changed, I believe "Designer dogs" used to be called "muts." If people want to pay that kind of money for a "designer dog", hope they don't mind shelling out for the vet bills for problems these puppy-mill bred pups may have. They should just go to their local Humane society and adopt a "designer dog" there!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-07-2006, 10:18 PM
exactly... there are acctually alot of designer dogs in shelters who need homes much more then any other dogs!! but there are some shelters now who are making those 'designer breeds' alot more expensive then there other dogs!!

01-08-2006, 12:02 AM
Just last night, on our local news station, they had one of those "funny" segments by a reporter who finds unusal things. Yesterday was Designer Dogs. I was shocked at all the unusal combinations. The Labradoodle went for $3000! I found my own sweet, Designer Dog at the SPCA for $35! Haven't figured out what Logan is yet, but it sure is the best of about 3 different breeds.

01-08-2006, 12:04 AM
There's sure been a lot of threads on this.

01-08-2006, 02:52 AM
There's sure been a lot of threads on this.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It would probably be a good idea to have a "Designer Dogs" thread topped at the top of the forum, so it's not flooded with these.

Miss Z
01-08-2006, 03:46 AM
:( That is sad. But i'm surprised that petstores sell kittens and puppies. It's pretty unusual to have that where i live, kittens and puppies mostly come from breeders. I think that's why there aren't a lot of designer dog breeds here. I still disagree with them though:mad:

01-08-2006, 06:48 AM
Pet company had a sign awhile back saying: DO NOT BUY DESIGNER DOGS and a whole article explaining why not to buy them. Then they go and sell them. :rolleyes: :mad:

01-08-2006, 07:05 AM
:(. They're asking more for some of these designer dogs than we paid for Lily. If you want a "designer dog" get your butt down to the shelter! There's a ton of them who wil be willing to give you their love. :mad:

01-08-2006, 12:22 PM
Last night I went into a pet store that sells puppies :( because my nephew really likes to see all the animals. I saw a "borgi" so I asked what in the heck it was, it was a corgi/basset hound mix they wanted $800 for!! I have seen the same thing on petfinder.com but those animals really need the homes.

I made a joke to the worker that it would nip and howl, and she acted like neither of those were true of either breed, like dogs never have any less-than-desirable qualities, they are just little bundles of love!! It made me really angry- they probably have to act like dogs are all fun and no work to get people who are uneducated about dog ownership to run in and buy a cute puppy. Ok, I know I am ranting, but I think just so wrong and irresponsible.

01-08-2006, 12:28 PM
oh, i didn't know there was alot of threads on this. i agree with you pembroke_corgi, that's rediculous. puppies and dogs are alot of work, and it's not all fun and games. and when people that think that get dogs and puppies, the animals are the ones who suffer for it. :(

01-08-2006, 12:30 PM
puppies and dogs are alot of work, and it's not all fun and games. and when people that think that get dogs and puppies, the animals are the ones who suffer for it.

Exactly!! They most likely end up at the shelter. :(

01-08-2006, 12:31 PM
yeah, i wish everyone could just realize what is right in front of them.

01-08-2006, 01:23 PM
Is there nothing we can do to stop this insanity? :(

01-08-2006, 01:25 PM
Is there nothing we can do to stop this insanity? :(

01-08-2006, 01:43 PM
Its not always easy to get a dog at the shelter..I was not able to and after a year i gave up and bought yollie, I dont regret it one bit..they told me at the shelterssssssss many of them i applied at that I dont quilify .....I got tired of tyring to prove i was good enough to own a dog..so I bought a baby and she is healthy and well and to adorable for words and I glad i did.. :D

01-09-2006, 07:49 AM
yep i know what you mean, thats why i've never bought a dog at a shelter before.

01-09-2006, 09:51 AM
You know, its just as bad the pet stores sell purebreds. If the puppy mills stopped selling designer breeds they'd just produce more purebreds to fill the gap.

01-09-2006, 09:56 AM
You know, its just as bad the pet stores sell purebreds. If the puppy mills stopped selling designer breeds they'd just produce more purebreds to fill the gap.
Yeah, I agree. Any breed -- designer or not -- shouldn't be in a petstore.

01-09-2006, 10:50 AM
You know, its just as bad the pet stores sell purebreds. If the puppy mills stopped selling designer breeds they'd just produce more purebreds to fill the gap.
Yeah, I agree. Any breed -- designer or not -- shouldn't be in a petstore.

I agree, too.

Suki Wingy
01-09-2006, 02:32 PM
go to a shelter and you'll find the same dogs sold at the petstores 2 months ago that the owners got tired of. They are then $50 instead of $1000!

01-09-2006, 03:06 PM
Maybe you should make a sign saying how theres the exact same puppies that are in this pet store , in shelters.And they deserve a home more then these puppies(not that they don't either but you get my drift)

EDIT:Not to mention a few hundred dollars cheaper!!!

01-09-2006, 04:18 PM
I rescued casey from a shelter a little over 2 years ago. I am all for rescue but when it was time to get bubba I could not find a small dog at the shelter so I bought him. I was on waiting lists for small dogs, I showed up right when they opened I drove for 2 hours to the out of town shelters.

Suki Wingy
01-09-2006, 04:21 PM
I don't think there is anything wrong with buying dogs as long as they are from proven responsible breeders.

01-09-2006, 04:35 PM
Well bubba is a mix from a whoops litter. I actually prefer mixes.

01-09-2006, 06:01 PM
Yes, I really don't understand this. A petstore in our mall had a sign thagt says all about designer dogs and why they are bad to buy. Then they go and sell them! I just am disgusted by it :rolleyes:

01-09-2006, 07:59 PM
yep i agree puppies shoulden't be sold at pet stores at all. its so sad what they go through in life. :( :(

01-09-2006, 08:03 PM
A petstore in our mall had a sign thagt says all about designer dogs and why they are bad to buy. Then they go and sell them!

I think you already said that...

No dogs should be bred except to better the breed, which nooo pet store puppies will ever do. Whether it's a Labradoodle or a pb Poodle, they're all horribly bred and sold off like material things :(. I think that mind-set in our society, that animals are just objects with a price like a piece of furniture, is why there is so much animal abuse and overpopulation in the US. It will never stop as long as there are impulsive buyers that want to "save" pet store puppies, and as long as there aren't laws against it.

01-09-2006, 08:09 PM
i've always wondered what's up with the puppies there? they don't act normal at all. like they don't seem to play and get grumpy. is that because of their sucky lives?

01-10-2006, 10:27 AM
They don't play and act lethargic because they are sickly. A lot of puppies are sold at discount prices at pet stores to get them to homes before they die. Once a person buys it they can't get a refund because it had parvo.

01-10-2006, 12:30 PM
They don't play and act lethargic because they are sickly. A lot of puppies are sold at discount prices at pet stores to get them to homes before they die. Once a person buys it they can't get a refund because it had parvo.
Stupid Petstores and BYBs...:(

01-10-2006, 01:44 PM
somebody on another pet board I belong to is beyond excited about getting her first Puggle in a couple days. says she understands its a mutt and knows shes paying more for this mutt than any of our purebred show qualitys ever came close to, but would rather pay for a mutt from a breeder than shelter. so she can "know who the parents are." :rolleyes:

01-10-2006, 01:53 PM
somebody on another pet board I belong to is beyond excited about getting her first Puggle in a couple days. says she understands its a mutt and knows shes paying more for this mutt than any of our purebred show qualitys ever came close to, but would rather pay for a mutt from a breeder than shelter. so she can "know who the parents are." :rolleyes:
What does it matter if you know who the parents are? Thats sad...Shes going to pay a big load of money so she can know who the parents are and leave all the poor shelter dogs to die?! :( (sorry dont mean to offend or anything, thats just sad to me...)

01-10-2006, 07:18 PM
Stupid Petstores and BYBs...:(

erm, not to offend you... but weren't your Poms from BYBs? -_-

01-10-2006, 07:23 PM
erm, not to offend you... but weren't your Poms from BYBs? -_-
Tinkerbelle was, and thats why I said stupid petstores and BYBs...It's because of a BYB who didnt give a crap about the health of her puppies that Tink had something wrong with her and that she died. Lily on the otherhand was gotten from a reputable Pom breeder, who had Lily checked for everything and taken to the vet 5 times before we got her.

01-11-2006, 03:36 PM
molli and sam are both from bybs so was my rb missy. :(

01-11-2006, 03:38 PM
somebody on another pet board I belong to is beyond excited about getting her first Puggle in a couple days. says she understands its a mutt and knows shes paying more for this mutt than any of our purebred show qualitys ever came close to, but would rather pay for a mutt from a breeder than shelter. so she can "know who the parents are." :rolleyes:

Boy, that makes no sense what so ever. :confused: :rolleyes:

01-11-2006, 05:22 PM

01-11-2006, 05:48 PM
All of this has been said 1 million times. We ALL KNOW ABOUT PET STORES.

01-11-2006, 06:33 PM
ok!! i didn't know there was threads about this

01-11-2006, 06:45 PM
A lady came to me for some work. I was making a joke about not "charging" for the fur.....MAXIMUS just has fur EVERYWHERE. The woman continues to tell me she just bought a golden "doodle??" She said they are not supposed to shed. I wanted to stick her with a pin. But you know, a job. Shoulda stuck her anyway. Make her bleed. Never in my sewing career, have I ever stuck a person before....ever. I shoulda though.

01-11-2006, 06:48 PM
the sad thing is that ALOT of people are NOT AT ALL educated about dog breeds and aren't in to it so they don't know that buying a 'doodle' dog or any other designer breed is bad.

01-14-2006, 04:04 PM
This stuff makes me soooooooooooo mad!!
There is a little pet store by my house, (a really dirty, cobwebbish store) it also reeks in there. And yep, you guessed it! They sell puppies. :mad: :mad: They sell sooo many designer dog breeds there, I don't even go in there to look at the puppies anymore, it makes me so darn upset. Luckily, they are going out of business! I'm soo happy! Hopfully another pet store goes there, and they keep it a lot cleaner, and know better then to sell puppies.