View Full Version : I can't believe some people

01-07-2006, 08:28 PM
My husband and I have been looking for a new pet friendly home to rent here in Illinois.All the ones we found were willing to rent to us until they found out we had an Akita.It was either"their to vicious" or since their on the black list it will make their insurance go up.One guy said we could have him if we kept him chained in the back yard.You can guess what I told him.I'm so sick of these uneducated idiots that think a dog is vicious because of his breed.Hopefully we'll find a landlord with some sense.Well I just needed to vent because it really ticked me off.

01-07-2006, 08:36 PM
I really think it should be based on idividual dog when it comes to a living situation.

Does Kujo have a CGC or any other titles to prove that he is a good companion? If he does I would bring his certification as well as maybe an article by the AKC/UKC explaining what the titles mean and what the dog did in order to get it. You could show the prospective landlord his certification, and then let him keep the articles.

If Kujo doesn't have any titles, maybe you could have the landlord meet with him in your current living area? This way he can see what he acts like at home.

If you're not comfortable with doing that you could maybe show some documentation of dog attacks that show that there are many other breeds that are considered "companions" that have been vicious. This would need to be thought out though because this may turn the person off of dogs entirely. You need to know if this is a dog person who is just biased against certain breeds, or a person who doesn't like dogs but will let them live in his condo/apartment/house if the breed is ok.

Good luck!

01-07-2006, 09:16 PM
I really think it should be based on idividual dog when it comes to a living situation.

Does Kujo have a CGC or any other titles to prove that he is a good companion? If he does I would bring his certification as well as maybe an article by the AKC/UKC explaining what the titles mean and what the dog did in order to get it. You could show the prospective landlord his certification, and then let him keep the articles.

If Kujo doesn't have any titles, maybe you could have the landlord meet with him in your current living area? This way he can see what he acts like at home.

If you're not comfortable with doing that you could maybe show some documentation of dog attacks that show that there are many other breeds that are considered "companions" that have been vicious. This would need to be thought out though because this may turn the person off of dogs entirely. You need to know if this is a dog person who is just biased against certain breeds, or a person who doesn't like dogs but will let them live in his condo/apartment/house if the breed is ok.

Good luck!

I totally agree. Sarah, you always have good ideas!

01-07-2006, 09:22 PM
I know what you mean, when we got house insurance the agent came out and photographed our dogs because one was a rottie-mix. "Just in case" he said. Keep searching, we finally found a house that would rent to us and our two dogs & one cat, but it took some looking and some convincing.

01-07-2006, 09:24 PM
I totally agree. Sarah, you always have good ideas!
lol thanks :D

01-08-2006, 06:23 PM
It's also always good to make a doggie resume-list the titles, obedience classes and certificates he's gotten, and also previous landlords, relatives, boarding facilities, vets, etc that the dog has stayed with, or had in depth experience with. :) Provide photos/video of the house your akita was previously in.

01-09-2006, 12:51 PM
Some great advice.Thanks guys.