View Full Version : a great story I heard at work today

01-07-2006, 05:37 PM
it was quite dead at work early this moring and this older chinese came in and she was asking me what I planned to do etc.. I mentioned dogs, she asked what breeds I told her and, mentioned that I am into natural remidys and natural feeding, she told me about her GSD/BC mix, the dog had ripped her tendions on both hips and could not walk, the vet told her that the surgery to fix it would be $1500, she was a bit skeptical and decided to try this chinese rub that the acrobats over there use when they get injured, she talked to a friend of hers who is a orthiapedic surgen and he told her to go for it, and told her how much to use and that it would take about 10 weeks to work. so 4 times a day every day she would rub this stuff on her dogs hips, and sure enugh 10 weeks later the dog was walking. :D her dog is 10 years old now and can jump up and down and run and play, she was telling me to try my own stuff first before spending that much money on sugery, so I mentioned that we go to a holistic vet, she did not know there was one in the city so I told her the vets name the clinic etc.. and she was happy to know there is someone she can go to that does that kind of thing and specilizes in these types of remidys :p anyway I thought the story was great, and its so true, you have to do your research first before diving into these things.