View Full Version : I Cant Belive It..Do Dogs Kiss????

01-07-2006, 04:22 PM
they are at each others mouth , like licking and kissing, they have been doing it most of the day, and no they havent ate any thing..lol.lol..lol..YOllie gets matted real easy when they play, she like a little scruff bucket.lol..lol..


I just love em..lol..lol..

Miss Z
01-07-2006, 04:31 PM
Aaaaaw, i guess dogs do kiss! Why not? It's so cute:D

01-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Mine kiss. If I take toby for a walk then when he gets back hell go find the other dogs in turn and give them each a kiss. And Spike likes to give Ollie kisses. And it doesnt bother them that theyre all boys, hehe ... :o :p

01-07-2006, 04:44 PM
lol..its so funny i got lots more pictures, sorry i put that one in 2 times, i have more of them kissing..they do it for long peroids at a time is what gets me..lol..lol..and yollie is all over sammyj and she gets all matted up..lol..lol


01-07-2006, 05:56 PM
A subordinate dog will often lick the lips/mouth of the alpha dog to show that he or she is the lesser animal in the pack. It could just be a way of showing respect to the alpha. In puppies and adult dogs, he or she could be asking for food, as well. Or who knows? Maybe they are kissing... :p

01-07-2006, 06:04 PM
like Giselle said its normally a sign of respect, my dogs do this all the time, only all my alpha dogs HATE being licked by the subordinats so it winds up in a circle, say Happy licks Misty, Misty get mad because she hates that then Happy gets upset cuz the alpha is angry with her so she in turn licks more franticly...its an annoying cycle in my house, and the only way to stop it is for us to step in between then and tell them to quite lol

01-07-2006, 06:11 PM
It is usually a sign of submission. My lower ranking dogs do it all the time to the higher ranking ones.

I think it can also be a sign of concern. Earle does it to dogs he is deeply attached to when they are sick or injured. I brought Muskwa home from the vet once still very groggy after having porcupine quills removed--it was a Sunday afternoon, both the vet and I wanted to go home. He couldn't walk under his own power yet so I carried him in from the truck. Earle was in a pen by himself. Muskwa is Earle's best friend. It's the only time in his life Earle's ever done anything like this, but he ripped the gate apart on his pen and bolted for the house. I let him and he curled up beside Muskwa and stayed there for hours. Every few minutes he would give Muskwa a little lick. Earle is a great nurse.

I took some pictures this afternoon of my guys displaying classic pack order behavior. I'll post them in a bit.

Daisy and Delilah
01-07-2006, 06:17 PM
Delilah kisses Daisy all the time(or at least she tries to ;) ) She is twice Daisy's size so she laps her with that big tongue but Daisy doesn't like it too much. She licks Daisy's head and mouth and after about two or three kisses, Daisy growls at Delilah to stop. It's pretty comical. Just another thing that keeps me laughing with these girls :)

01-07-2006, 06:24 PM
My dogs all kiss each other. Mandy is really really kissy to each dog, but she is neither at the bottom or top of the pack. It's really quite confusing.

Ginger's Mom
01-07-2006, 06:27 PM
Glad you asked Poofy. I thought it was probably a sign of submission, but to be honest I wasn't sure. Sammy is always kissing, licking Ginger's mouth, and in turn Kodi (Tibetan Spaniel) is always kissing, licking Sammy. It is pretty funny.

01-07-2006, 07:16 PM
Gosh you guys take all the romance out of things :D

01-08-2006, 11:18 AM
Poofy, That is adorable. They are possibly kissing, and showing affection. :)

01-08-2006, 11:59 AM
Awww, what cute pictures!! They look really happy to be together. :)
With my dogs, Adele licks everything, so her kissing Marta is pretty normal, but Marta will only very occasionally kiss Adele (but Marta is top dog). However, Marta has taken to kissing our new kittens face!! Maybe the cat is "top dog." lol

01-08-2006, 12:05 PM
Aww! Lily and her boyfriend kiss. ;) They were cuddling last night :D

01-08-2006, 01:24 PM
Awww, what cute pictures!! They look really happy to be together. :)
With my dogs, Adele licks everything, so her kissing Marta is pretty normal, but Marta will only very occasionally kiss Adele (but Marta is top dog). However, Marta has taken to kissing our new kittens face!! Maybe the cat is "top dog." lol

That is so cute with the kitten..got pictures..SAmmyj and yollie totally adore one another, they kiss almost evey time they pass..lol..lol..and she crys when he gets his time alone outside..he dont but she does..but she dont cry when its her time out alone..lol.lol..they are really just to adorble all of them..