View Full Version : Is this the perfect gift?

Laura's Babies
01-07-2006, 01:27 PM
As many of you know, my oldest son was in an explosion back in May, setting him on fire and burning 82% of his body. We were so lucky that day as there were some men there that we have called "Eddies Angels" ever since, that knew what to do and prevented him being burned 100% and possiably dying right there. They stayed with him, refusing to leave even though the building was on fire and they were ordered out of the building. They only would leave when Eddie was taken out by EMS. They too, suffered burnes on their hands from beating the fire out on Eddie.

We met and personally thanked all of them and have tried to come up with something we could do to really thank them and show our appreciation. I think it has finally happened, the idea of the perfect gift from our hearts and I have to give my daughter in law the credit for this one. Why not knit them all a afghan.. A blanket of love to warm them for the blanket of protection they gave our loved one that day in May..

Unfortunally, her knitting skills far exceed mine and make mine look like the beginner I am and I want them all to have equally perfect afghans so that throws her making them all. My contribution to the project is to knit their wives a scarf as a way of acknolagement of what they have been trough with their husbands trama of seeing a human being on fire, screaming for help.
I think this blanket of love for the blanket of protection they gave that day is perfect and the best idea either of us have come up with. Do you agree or what?

Eddie is still in the hospital and still has a long way to go in his recovery. He is batteling infection after infection and some mysterious rash and still having surgeries. I think I am more worried about him now than I have been since this happened! These infections, one after another really worry me! They always seem to be in the areas they keep bandaged up so it is nothing visitors are taking in to him and these infections are dangerous! He has come so far and these constant infections have to be building up resistance to the assorted antibotics he is being given. Would you all please keep him in your prayers for fast healing of these infections and the hospital discover the source of it and eleminate it!

01-07-2006, 02:11 PM
I just think that's the perfect gift. It touched my heart just hearing you talk about it :)

Continued prayers for your son..

01-07-2006, 03:04 PM
It sounds like a perfect gift, and one each family can keep and use for years to come.

Eddie is still in our prayers, that he continues his progress on the long road to recovery.

01-07-2006, 03:15 PM
Laura, I think the idea of the afghans is a BEAUTIFUL one!!!

I know, sweet friend, that you are still very worried over Eddie. I continue to pray for him, and that God will heal his body. You have remained so strong and faithful through all of this, and it is only human for you to worry at times. Afterall, that is what mom's do best!!! ;)

Love and Hugs,

01-07-2006, 03:16 PM
I think that would be the absolute perfect gift!

01-07-2006, 03:53 PM
What a wonderful idea!!

01-07-2006, 05:05 PM
Very sweet and loving gifts that will be..
Im so sorry for your son, I will be praying for him and you and the other familys..God be with you all, is my prayer to.

01-07-2006, 05:19 PM
It's a perfect gift for them, I'm sure they'll appreciate it very much. :)

I really hope your son be heal up, and will have no more infections! I was badly burned in my early 20ties and remember how it was. :( They gave me so much antibiotics, that after a while, allmy food started tasting of it. I was there for 5 weeks all together and had skin transplanted. At a point, they put me in a bathtub full of salt every day - wonder if that could help your son.

I'll be sending positive thoughts for a full recovery.

01-07-2006, 05:59 PM
I think that is an excellent gift. It is very thoughtful.

01-07-2006, 06:18 PM
What a great idea, I love the thinking too. As a wife of a ex firemen I know how much the wives help the guys get through these things . how very thoughtful of you.

Laura's Babies
01-07-2006, 06:42 PM
Randi... For awhile, they were letting him take showers but now they are keeping him wrapped in sippy, soppy, soaked with antibotic dressings where there are still open wounds. With the amount of infection these covered places are getting, I would be scared for him to get into a tub and get another one anyway!

January 4th starts his 9th month in the hospital..... :(

01-07-2006, 06:44 PM
I think that is such a thoughtful gift and will be greatly appreciated and valued for many years.

You and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.

01-07-2006, 07:09 PM
The afghans are a perfectly wonderful idea. As are the scarves for the wives.

I am so sorry that Eddie is having setbacks. :( I will say prayers for his continued strength.