View Full Version : How much your dog loves you

04-08-2002, 12:42 PM
You know when your dog gets out of your sight and your heart drops when you call her and she doesn't come right away ?? for that split second you think she's gone ?? Then she comes running around the corner and jumps into your arms ?? and in that second you realize how much you love her and would be lost with out her ??

Do you ever think how much your dog loves you and would be lost without you ?? I didn't untill this morning when I took Hannah outside and went for a walk to see the geese. She was ahead of me and I took a different trail thinking she would turn around and find me. But when she turned around and noticed I wasn't there she came running back looking around, I stood back behind a tree to see what she would do and she starting wimpering and running around sniffing the ground crying and looking all over, I steped out and said Hannah Im here and she came over and jumped up on me with her paws on my shoulder licking my face. Thats when I realized she really does love me and would probably feel the same way I would feel if we lost each other.

Dixieland Dancer
04-08-2002, 01:02 PM
What a great mental picture of Woman and her best friend! I feel the same way about both of mine! I'd be lost without them. I actually hate coming to work sometimes because I have to leave them. So I try to be understanding of my Dixie's seperation anxiety (to a point)!

04-08-2002, 01:14 PM
It's a great feeling Angie:) I know what you mean. I have seen my mom's dog do that with her.

Unfortunately, my dogs aren't that way with me. Lexi is way to captivated with the outside, I barely exist when I am out with her. Hooch is like that with Augie though.... they are very attached.

I know they love me, Lexi is just extrememly independent... just like her mama:)

04-08-2002, 01:23 PM
I know that I would be lost without my Draker. Aside from Andrew, he is my best friend. Whether or not he will be lost without me, I do not know. I know that when we go hiking and I get too far behind, he runs back to me and makes sure that I am OK. He also is very excited to see me when I come home and showers me with slobbery kisses and big hugs!

04-08-2002, 03:11 PM
Your story brought tears to my eyes Angie! Duncan is the same way with me. I take him and Jack for a long walk every morning and he always runs back to find me. It's so cute! Sometimes you can tell he is torn between wanting to follow Jack into the woods for their "adventure" because he'll stop and look back at me then look at Jack, then back to me again. But he always chooses me over Jack.:)
I worry sometimes that he is too attached. He is so very "protective" of me and so wary of others. I don't know his history before I adopted him but I don't think he had an easy life and maybe that explains his tendency to not open up to strangers. My roommate's golden on the other hand, loves all strangers, all other animals and seems to have no special attachment to anyone at all. He's a sweet dog just very "non-expressive" I think!

I just remembered a funny story after I looked at the pic of the 2 of them in my signature. We were at camp and my roommate and I wanted to go out for a boat ride. The dogs were on the dock as they are in the pic and when we pulled away, they started barking and evenutally jumped in the water and started to swim out to us. We had to go back obviously and weren't able to go on the boat ride that morning!:D

04-08-2002, 08:06 PM
That is so sweet! I think Sadie would do that...she follows me everytime I leave the room. Cincy however is a bit more independent and would probablly not notice for awhile I was gone

04-09-2002, 09:47 AM
Daisy and I have continually improved our love for each other over the three years she has been with me. I fell in love with her from the start, she was very standoffish, didn't want to be held, wouldn't come to me etc. Slowly, day by day she and I have got to know, appreciate and love each other. She is still very independent, but now if I don't feel well, she will come and lick my hand and lay by me, if I'm walking down the hall she will walk ahead of me and stop and wait for me, and on good days if I call her she will come to me. She knows how much I love her and I can see the love in her eyes for me now too. When I'm on the computer she lays in her little bed by the computer. In the beginning I was very discouraged with her but now we love and understand each other.

04-09-2002, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
In the beginning I was very discouraged with her but now we love and understand each other.

Jackie you have always said the Hannah and Daisy are so much alike. Seems like the relationships we each have with our independent girls have taken the same course.

04-09-2002, 08:32 PM
Louie is my world and I am his.

We would be lost without each other. When I leave the house and my husband stays home he says Louie goes to his "Look-Out" room and sits and waits for me to come home. He also doesn't bark when I'm gone...go figure?! When I come home though he tells me ALL ABOUT IT!:rolleyes: ;)

04-09-2002, 08:39 PM
As much as I love Honey....and you all know I do love her a lot, Lilly is my "heart dog". She simply adores Helen and me, and wants to be wherever we are. Honey is just more of a loner, but when she loves, she really loves. Lilly, on the other hand, can usually be found either lying right next to one of us, or with her face in our lap. Guess these lovely things are what it is all about!! :D

04-09-2002, 09:35 PM
Bella follows me from room to room. She can be in a sound sleep and if I get up and walk away she is right behind me. Sometimes I only want to run downstairs for one quick thing and down we both go and then right back up again. She is very much my shadow. My other poodles were just like this, so I am thinking that maybe it's a breed trait. There is one thing that will lure her away from me, though, and that's when my son walks by with some freshly popped popcorn! ;)

04-09-2002, 09:36 PM
Tonight we went to Super Petz for our obedience class. Roxey usually don't pay as much attention to me as she should, but tonight, being in a strange place, she couldn't hardely keep her eyes off me. She wanted to look at everything, but she made sure I was in her eyesight. Yes, I do know how much she loves me:D

04-09-2002, 10:04 PM
oh you guys are bringing tears to my eyes!!!!! when i think of my dear Scrubber!!!! he never left my side!!!!! never!!! never!!!!i could tell story after story of him...(i lost him at 19!!!)
he and his golden friend "maynard" used to follow our trucks 2 miles to the end of the dirt road that our farm was on....we would be leaving early in the a.m. to go to our one day horse shows...like 5:00 a.m....we would turn onto the main drag and we'd see maynard and scrubber stop and sit,watching us....it didn't matter if we got back at 10:00 p.m. that night...they would be in the same spot where we saw them last....to this day,i don't know if they left their spot all day or not,but as soon as they heard our trucks coming up the hill they would stand and start running toward the barn,racing the trucks...till we arrived in the driveway...they'd watch us unload and put the horses to bed...then we'd take them to our homes,where they had a nice hot meal and a soft bed to lie on...(this was in tewksbury,n.j.and it didn't mstter if it was snowing) they always waited in the same place for us!!!
i don't have an icon for tears,but i am sobbing now just thinking of him....though i love deli with all my heart...and i am her pet human now....Scrubber was my first born!!! i'll always love him so deeply!!!!

04-09-2002, 10:51 PM
Pam, Bella sounds like Bandit. I'm always in a mad rush in the mornings and I constantly forget things. I run up and down the stairs 10 times to retrieve things. Bandit is on my heels each time. If I got out to get the mail or take out the garbage and don't take him with me he stands at the door whimpering. Jeffrey on the other hand will have a blast wheter I'm there are not. Since he's been at my Mom's (I visit him almost every weekend) he runs toward the car as soon as I turn in the driveway and follows until I park. I get huge kisses until he sees Bandit and then I'm ignored. :)

04-09-2002, 10:58 PM
Delidog.....I'm not sure I have ever read a sweeter story on Pet Talk. I hope these are happy memories for you. 19 years is a wonderful life for a dog, just not long enough for us humans. :( :(

Your story brought tears to my eyes. (It is so late that I typed ears the first time :eek: ) :( A little sad, but a little happy that you have such wonderful memories.

Hug Delilah for me, please. I hope she gives you comfort. :)

04-09-2002, 11:07 PM
{{{You guys}}},

So many beautiful, heart-warming stories. You (and your fur-babies) are the greatest.

04-10-2002, 09:36 PM
I know what you guys mean, I totally love my dogs and would do anything for them and I think most of the time it's the same with me. Yes I get very frustrated with Smudge and his barking, and Winter with her bathroom staring (that's not as bad as the barking, the barking is a whole different topic) but then I remember what their like whenever I come home from work and see Smudge running around like a goof out of sheer joy and Winter playing trampboline on the couch or at night when we all get in to bed together and they lean up against me just so they know that I'm there (of course Smudge being the protector that he is likes to sleep between me and the door :D ) And I can't forget the trust that they put in me when we're doing agility and they have to try something new, they do it most times without thought knowing that I'll protect them, and I will of course.

04-11-2002, 06:09 PM
Crikit, I know how you feel. Sometimes I trip over Bandit and I say "Can I PUHLEEZE walk"?! Then I come home from work and that little bundle of fur greets me at the door and at that moment it seems that I am the most important person in the world and I absolutely love it! I've been bothered by allergies really bad and I can't sleep at night. (New meds taking a while to be effective) Bandit has been up with me, with this look of concern on his cute little face. He knows something is wrong with Mommy. He cuddles a little closer, laying his head on my stomach while I sit up a 3:00 am. What would I do without my little furball?

04-11-2002, 07:03 PM
I also get a empty feeling in my stomach when I have
to leave my dogs and go to work.

I always new my dogs loved me, even though they
are pretty independent.
2 weeks ago, I went on a 2 day camping trip with
my immediate family. My husband had to work and
he stayed home with Pepper and Sheba.
(I took Rocky with me)
When I returned home, my husband said
Sheba was misrable.
She refused to eat, and only ate the 2nd day when
he let Pepper out by her food bowl.
She low growled at him when he tried to give her
pills and she passed up and down the house
for 2 days.
Needless to say, when I got home she was one
happy camper that everything was back to normal.