View Full Version : Sweet swap

01-05-2006, 11:27 PM
When I was in the states, Kay, Amy and I was talking about a sweet swap. I still think it would be neat to try new sweats from other places...anyone interested at all?

01-05-2006, 11:29 PM
You know I am ;)

01-05-2006, 11:38 PM
sounds good.

01-05-2006, 11:54 PM
OOOO! As in Chocolate and stuff? Count me in!!!!

01-06-2006, 02:21 AM
Do you mean like Baking??
If so than i cannot participate, i'm not very good at making treats. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-06-2006, 02:56 AM
Oh yes!! Belgium is welknow for its yummie chocolate. So, count me in!!

01-06-2006, 08:52 AM
You know it:D

01-06-2006, 10:01 AM
if the price limit for this isn't too high I can join in :)
I only have 25.00 (I don't have a job so I'm quite limited).

I know a few snacks that the usa doesn't have that we do :)

01-06-2006, 10:06 AM
Sure! It's be fun!

Hey an idea! Maybe it should be, like if 25 people sign up, everyone gets 25 of their local sweets, and sends them to one person (with extra postage inside the box), who then puts one in each box, so we all get stuff from all over?

Or should it be a 1-to-one swap?

01-06-2006, 10:11 AM
Sure! It's be fun!

Hey an idea! Maybe it should be, like if 25 people sign up, everyone gets 25 of their local sweets, and sends them to one person (with extra postage inside the box), who then puts one in each box, so we all get stuff from all over?

Or should it be a 1-to-one swap?

I like that idea, but if the list gets too big, split it up into 10s or 5s.

Cause if I had to buy 1 candy for 25 people thats $25.00 just in candy, then there is shipping & then the extra postage to have something shipped again (which doesn't really work between countires). or am I confused?

01-06-2006, 10:16 AM
Good point. Also, let's see if we can make the "point person" in the U.S. - our postage is so much cheaper than yours in Canada!

01-06-2006, 10:39 AM
Not to be a wet blanket but I think a one to one would be better as we have seen some of the problems of responseablity on the gift swaps.

Laura's Babies
01-06-2006, 11:23 AM
Wow! Now that is something that I think would be fun! I LOVE baking and making candy and Louisiana is well known for it's pralines, which I love to make (and eat!).. Hope you can do this at a time when I am home and can join in. $25 would make a LOT of candy!

Kimboe, you have a microwave? I have a quick and easy microwave peanut brittle recipe that one bite would hook anybody who tried it and come back begging for more!

01-06-2006, 12:48 PM
We did this on another forum I visit, and I love the idea.. even though I don't eat sweets. But I'm not one that prefers the receiving. I like to give to other people to make them happy. :)

My suggestion is you do a one-to-one swap. Most Americans have similar candy, so sending something to other Americans would be a waste of postage... unless it was from a local homemade shop. You also have to consider postage. I sent one of my friends over in England a box of US candy that she cannot get in the UK. It was going to be $24 shipping if I shipped it First Class (2-3 week delivery from here to the UK!). I opted for the Economy Class shipping since it was a lot cheaper, but it was going to be up to 6 weeks in delivery. So, unless you send prepackaged non-homemade sweets (my friend particularly wanted the candies she couldn't get, but has had before..), that time is fine. Otherwise, you'll be spending a ton of money just to send some sweets.

No matter what I made you think, I still LOVE the idea! :)

01-06-2006, 01:12 PM
One thing to keep in mind is the import/export laws...

I'm interested but it really depends on when the swap takes place as I might be moving soon.

01-06-2006, 01:16 PM
One thing to keep in mind is the import/export laws...

I'm interested but it really depends on when the swap takes place as I might be moving soon.

AS far as I know the import & export for Canada to & from the usa on candies & home made foods for a friend or family member (a gift) is fine... There was a food ban going to the usa but that lasted only a few days until SO many complaints came in the usa had to allow the food gifts in.

01-06-2006, 01:19 PM
Yeh, I believe most countries will allow import and export of sweets/foods/candies. Of course, check with your post office and notify them that you have food in the box, but it will not ruin!

01-06-2006, 01:30 PM
Yeh, I believe most countries will allow import and export of sweets/foods/candies. Of course, check with your post office and notify them that you have food in the box, but it will not ruin!

If I recall Austrailia has some for of issues with Sugar, along with China & many 3rd world countries.

I know England is fine, but not sure about france.

I knew i should have taken that book with me when I left the post office heheh Its fun to read :)

01-06-2006, 01:35 PM
Lol, I was going to do this after everything was cleared with the gift swap. :p

I think some countries may have a problem with it. We'll have to research more or ask everyone who wants to participate to ask their mail service about certain food items.

01-06-2006, 01:48 PM
Yes, Australia was actually the one I had in mind but (for all) it's worth a peek into before buying/mailing.

So, do I understand this right? It's suppose to be regional sweets? Hmm... this might take some thinking for me! :cool:

01-06-2006, 02:10 PM
My original idea was for it to work like a normal gift swap and for people to swap sweets that are native in your area. Or, candies/sweets that are found easily in your area but rare in others.

Salt water taffy would probably be the only one I can think of at the moment for here.

01-06-2006, 02:34 PM
i would love to join, but iŽll have to ask in the post office since when my sister was in canada we couldnt send food, any kind, so iŽll have to ask, and besides that itŽll take around 3 weeks or the postage will be a lot of $$$ but itŽll get in 5 days, so iŽll think in stuff that lasts.

just a question how much would be the sweet gift of??

01-06-2006, 02:40 PM
Sounds like a great idea, I'd love to participate...

01-06-2006, 02:59 PM
I guess Canada has some different chocolate bars and chips that the states doesn't have...which is why we were talking about it originally (I was going to send stuff to Amy) but I imagen any type of sweet you want from chocolate, or even some special baked good if you wanted to?

I was thinking we should set it up so that different countries ship to other countries?? Duno how it would work? Like one-on-one or whatever.

I kinda would like to be involved somehow with the arranging of things, (like how Kay and Amy do gift swap) as I've never done so, and think it would be interesting to do...

01-06-2006, 03:03 PM
Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to participate. I'm not sure about other countries, but in the past I haven't run into problems with Australia, Germany or Japan, either sending or receiving from. The only problem was once with some dried sausage I was actually bring back with me from Germany. Customs wouldn't let it in, but sweets I've never had any issue with.

01-06-2006, 03:07 PM
I wonder if we should make some sort of list of what people have/don't have to make sure people don't get stuff they can buy themselves?? Or how would we go about that.

01-06-2006, 03:18 PM
I can send any thing huckleberry ,thats a huge thing here in Montana (ask Richard I sent him some before on the we don't have that)

01-06-2006, 03:32 PM
OOooo..... Iwould wan to join as long as i don't bake! :D
But, to find local sweets would be fun to recieve and send!

You think we should send a card of the shop(basic info), and description of what we're sending.

01-06-2006, 03:49 PM
sounds kinda fun

01-06-2006, 03:54 PM
Just a suggestion for slleipnir and/or whomever organizes this...

Please have a space on the questionaire (or information on our swap-partner or whatever) that lists food allergies, intolerances, etc. I would feel horrible if I sent something to someone and they couldn't even eat it. Thanks! :)

01-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Yup, Zippy, I was going to suggest that as well. My Secret Santa at work was forgetful enough to give me a great big box of hazelnut chocolates, and I am allergic to any "tree nuts!" Sadly, sadly, terribly so. I didn't used to be, so I *know* what I'm missing! :p

01-06-2006, 04:05 PM
Very interested! In fact, I've heard Canada has some really good chocolate items. I've got fresh citrus candy. I like to go there and graze. They have all the items available for purchase as samples also. I can't remember exactly what it's called but it's got tangerines in it. It's softly gelled candy rolled in fine sugar. Second favorite is the key lime. They are delicious!

01-06-2006, 05:35 PM
I'm interested ... but as I recall with the gift swap you had to be a member for like 5 months or so, is that the same for this too?

01-06-2006, 06:23 PM
i would love to join, but iŽll have to ask in the post office since when my sister was in canada we couldnt send food, any kind, so iŽll have to ask, and besides that itŽll take around 3 weeks or the postage will be a lot of $$$ but itŽll get in 5 days, so iŽll think in stuff that lasts.

just a question how much would be the sweet gift of??

That only lasted less then a month before all hell broke loose & the usa was forced to open towards foods as gifts only, which includes animal foods & treats, gum & spices.

If I recall that was in Aug 2004... Unless things have changed since Nov 2005, as my postal buddies from work haven't said anything to me as of yet.. & they do tell me of stupid things that go on to keep me updated hehehe

I'm sure Canada Post will have something on their website www.canadapost.ca

01-06-2006, 06:40 PM
I wish I could do it! Parents wouldn't let me, though, because when you really think about it, we really don't know each other except for online.

01-06-2006, 06:46 PM
That only lasted less then a month before all hell broke loose & the usa was forced to open towards foods as gifts only, which includes animal foods & treats, gum & spices.

I was told at Christmas by our local post office that most pre-packaged foods were fine to send to the States. I couldn't send anything homemade. Had to be commercially prepared food only. There were still some restrictions on pet foods as well. I can't recall the specifics but any pet food item will be stopped and opened by Customs. It may be passed, but it will greatly delay delivery. Lots of mushers up here are having a tough time getting into Alaska with their dog food right now.

01-06-2006, 07:04 PM
I was told at Christmas by our local post office that most pre-packaged foods were fine to send to the States. I couldn't send anything homemade. Had to be commercially prepared food only. There were still some restrictions on pet foods as well. I can't recall the specifics but any pet food item will be stopped and opened by Customs. It may be passed, but it will greatly delay delivery. Lots of mushers up here are having a tough time getting into Alaska with their dog food right now.

Well isn't that stupid. They promissed that homemade goods would never be affected, & if the ban was to happen, it would be on Comercial goods... Arg I wish they would stop jerking around. It was really hard telling customers that food was a no one day & that its ok the next.. now its a no again :mad:

You do know why this is happing right?? They fear someone in Canada will send anthrax in food & kill americans :mad: I remember have a huge argument with 10 others (on my side) to canada post on how retarded this is... *kicks the usa customs guys again*

01-06-2006, 09:07 PM
I'm interested. :)

01-06-2006, 09:19 PM
So I guess I'll do up some questions...Anyone wanna help with this...

01-06-2006, 09:42 PM
Same here BC_MOM! UGH! :rolleyes:

01-06-2006, 09:57 PM
I might be able to join. I have rather alot of money, but i'll have to ask my parents first.

01-06-2006, 10:13 PM
I'm interested ... but as I recall with the gift swap you had to be a member for like 5 months or so, is that the same for this too?
Just pointing this out in case you didn't see it before. I'll help you with it if you'd like, though I'm not sure if you want me to. heh.

01-06-2006, 10:44 PM
Audrey, I'd be more than willing to help, but I'm sure you'd rather Amy or Kay help you.

When I see the Rules/Guidelines/Questions, I'll decide if my budget will allow me to partcipate. Sending a bunch of sweets out of the country can cost more money than what's inside, and I sadly don't have a bunch of extra cash just hanging around.

I think even different coasts, or just using local sweet factories and cafes would work for those who wouldn't prefer to ship out of their country. Or... something similar. Hmmm.

01-07-2006, 08:01 AM
Maybe...I only have like $10, and my mom might not let me do it...I'd have to ask...

01-07-2006, 08:53 AM
Sounds like a good idea! I'll help if needed!

01-08-2006, 06:06 PM
Who will be gathering info and exchanging with other PT'rs?
When will we have it arranged by?
What's the deadline date?
How much should we have to spend on the sweets?
Should we add few sweets for pets? (treats)
What are some PT'rs allergic to?
How long should you be an active member to join?
What about younger PT'rs? 15 years or younger should get parents permission?
Can we have the choice to mail in same country?

Some Questions to get the ball rolling... :)

01-08-2006, 08:08 PM
I guess I will do it. I was waiting to hear from Kay if she wanted to help with it, but she hasn't answer so I'll wait to hear from Amy and if she doesn't want to then I'd appreciate the help Buckner