View Full Version : The fun new "game" - now meowmie's terrified

01-05-2006, 05:54 PM
Pouncer has found a great and exciting new game..... its called "pull the push pins off the bulletin board and carry them around in my mouth".

He started it last night, and I kept removing him from the desk and reprimanding him. He kept jumping back on the desk, putting his teeth over the push pins, and pulling them out and jumping off the desk to bat them around on the carpet. Ok. ok. Meowmie knew she couldn't leave the pins in the bulletin board so I removed them all and put them in a box before heading to bed.

I should NEVER underestimate how smart my boy is... because this afternoon I came home to find the box splayed open on the desk, and only ONE push pin in it.

I'm FRANTIC to know what happened to the other pushpins. My son said he found a bunch on the floor throughout the entire downstairs, and he put them on top of the fridge. I am sure a few found their way under the fridge and stove (because I spotted Abby having a high time knocking one around this kitchen)

I am TERRIFIED that he swallowed one. It has been hours since he got the last pushpin, and he's still eating drinking, playing normally.

01-05-2006, 05:59 PM
What a terrior he is.

01-05-2006, 06:05 PM
OMG! :eek: I'd watch him like a hawk! Danged kids!

01-05-2006, 06:08 PM
I have the feeling that you are going to find a few pushpins,by stepping on them!

01-05-2006, 07:07 PM
Pouncer, you are BAD :eek: :eek:

01-05-2006, 07:14 PM
I went through the exact same ordeal in my daughter's room!!! She had a bulletin board above her bed .... I kept finding the push pins in her bed (which she didn't particularly care for either) and around on the floor! :eek: I finally figured out what was happening. I can't remember which little monstor was the guilty party, but needless to say, the board and pins had to come down! :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
01-05-2006, 10:54 PM
:eek: MY GOD!! What that boy don't do to give you a heart attack! You are going to just have to cage him or keep him in a completely empty room for his own good someday....but I'd bet he still would find something to get into to hurt himself!

01-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Pouncer :eek: :eek: ! You know your meowmie loves you so much, don't do that to her! OMG

01-06-2006, 08:11 AM
O WOW!!!! I would get rid of the push pins ASAP and go with thumb tacks FIRMLY pushed in so Pouncer cannot get them out!!!

01-06-2006, 08:34 AM
You are a wonderful person to be so careful and concerned. I think probably all is well. In case you are still worried, you can always get an x-ray done to make sure - since pushpins have metal in them, one would show up. My dog swallowed a sewing needle once - and thank goodness we saw it going down, all snarled up in some thread, so we were able to get him to the vet for surgery, and he was fine. But to give you a bit of encouragement about the pushpins - my cat Beauty loves to play with a bead about the size of a pushpin, but of course without the metal point. She carries it around in her teeth and never swallows it. She can even toss it in the air with her mouth and swat it with her paw. So your cat is, I think, dextrous and intelligent enough to know how to take care and not swallow the pushpin. But keeping them in a box (in a drawer?) would seem to be worthwhile. Hmm. Maybe you will have to go to those flat headed thumbtacks for use in your bulletin board, so that your cat will not be able to steal those already in use.

01-06-2006, 08:39 AM
Well, all pins are present and accounted for! WHEW!

I found some under the radiator in the kitchen and two under Nicki's bowls! :D

As for flat-head pins.... he's too smart for that. He's already pulled out some stuff I STAPLED up!!! Ok, so with the stapled papers, he took his hint from Harry who liked to yank on paper and shred it, but he still did it!

This boy also knows how to open drawers (along with Allen) Maybe my kids are just smarter than the average bear? ;)

Perhaps I should look into training them for commercials! :p

01-06-2006, 10:15 PM
This boy also knows how to open drawers (along with Allen) Maybe my kids are just smarter than the average bear?

Corkscrew does this too and it drives me nuts! I have to be careful where I hide treats or he will open the drawer to take them out. He also enjoys pulling out my drawers so that he can sleep on the comfy clothes. However I'm mainly annoyed when he does it simply out of boredom and totally removes the drawer leaving everything for me to pick up. What is it with our tabby boys being so nawtee?

01-06-2006, 10:20 PM
EEEEK!Make sure everyone wears shoes....and use thumb tacks instead! ;) I know it's easier for us hoomans to use push pins, but better safer than sorry. ;)

01-07-2006, 05:51 AM
Dang! That boy is very clever and dextrous (sp?) with his teeth and paws! Staples????? Wow, I am surprised at that.

Glad you found them all. Binky swallowed a sewing needle with thread once; we didn't know it until he hacked it up a day later. SCARY. :eek: