View Full Version : Pics Of Neighbors Dog Pen

01-05-2006, 09:00 AM
well the dog's once again got out so we gave them a big bowl of food each and took them over to put them back in their pen and i had my digi with me hehehe so i took some pic's of their pen while i was over there..

the skinnest one of the dog's did not wanna go in and i did not blame him..

and after you see the pic's would you blame him either

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid198/pe2a898973d550e4427cebfee2a1ba160/f0b7ffd5.jpg The gray thing is suppose to be their water i guess its EMPTY





01-05-2006, 09:23 AM
Are these the 2 weims?

That is a terrible water bowl (even if it was full), the food dish is empty too & there is not a lot of space in there at all for 2 large dogs either. No toys or obstacles to keep their minds busy.
And the fence is broke? No wonder they keep escaping.

Looks pretty dirty too, the snow is all yellowish near the edges, looks almost like that whole corner is all sewage. Yuck.

The straw doesn't loook clean & fresh at all either. Looks very dirty & run down, which probably isn't comfortable at all, it's probably wet too because there are no flaps on the dog houses.

I'd be on the phone with animal control right now if I were in your shoes.

01-05-2006, 09:27 AM
Yes these are the two weinms

The water is not full and the dog houses have holes in the back of them and the hay is nast dirty and just eeeeeeewwwwwwwww

Yes the fence is broke and i d on't even see how they are able to get in their to change their hay i mean my god these dog's want love and attention and FOOD and FRESH water...

this makes me sick

i called ac but they are closed today :(

01-05-2006, 09:55 AM
thats sick, i first i thought it look ok other then it could be bigger and could have food and water, but man after you say all the stuff wrong id just take the dogs out of there, next time they come over why dont you just take them?

01-05-2006, 10:01 AM
Poor pups. No wonder they keep coming over to your house! They probably wish they lived there instead. It's definately not big enough or clean enough. Why do people even have dogs if they are just going to live outside like that?

01-05-2006, 10:32 AM
Sadly enough that is nicer than the pen my neighbors keep their poor dog in. I don't think they have ever cleaned up the poop and he never gets let out. They do feed him but he sleeps curled up in half of a feed bucket to try to keep warm. He's a lab mix boy. In the summer the nice strong poop smell comes right in my bedroom window, very pleasant. AC here won't do anything because he has what could be consdiered a dog house and food. They unfortunately don't require that you love your dog or keep it clean =( I go over sometimes to give him loves through the fence, he is the sweetest dog. I don't even know why they bother to have him. He feels gross when I give him loves but it's not his fault. I'd steal him but I'm afraid being my neighbor they would know, obviusly. I can't even beleive how much poo is in there. He has no choice but to walk in it and its now a wet messy mud pit besides. I just don't see why bother to have a dog just to keep it outside and ignore it most of the time=/

01-07-2006, 06:16 PM
You have such a kind heart to help these 2 Weims. That's just horrible that their so-called "owners" don't even care a bit about them. :( :( You shouldn't even own an animal, if you don't care for them. That makes me sooo sad.

01-07-2006, 07:22 PM
dont you notice that when dogs are dumped outside with really bad living conditions they are super sweet and freindly?

01-07-2006, 07:43 PM
Not all dogs kept outside get enough socialization to be friendly, sadly. Some are just plain fearful, and with good reason.

If your town's Animal Control has an email address, I'd send those pictures to them, with a good description, describe that the dogs regularly escape, and ask what can be done about making the owners improve the dogs' living conditions.