View Full Version : update on my kitty rescue.....

01-04-2006, 02:57 PM
Well i am in what i like to call my last stages now, and thank goodness for that, it has been a stressful and emotional time for me to say the least, and I admire those of you who do this on a regular basis,you are made of tougher stuff than I am.

Well all the kittens will be going to the cat shelter on Sunday, she now has confirmed a place for them, I am pretty relieved about that, they are doing great and are looking beautiful, two of the boys are now eating solid cat food now, and I am trying to get the other two interested, before they go to the shelter so they don't get upset tummy's when changing their diet from Mama's milk.

Duchess is booked in for spaying next Wednesday and not before time, I am not sure if she is preggies again, I have been feeding her up well, but her tummy looks a bit too rounded for my liking, let's hope it is the food and being de-wormed, she has a ferocious appetite so that makes me wonder, I realise she is feeding four hungry babies, but she can eat so much.

I am going to find the part separating Duchess from her babies heartbreaking, although I know it is the best and only thing to do, and parting with the kittens will be especially difficult for me, I have handled them daily for over three weeks and of course i am extremely attached to them all, my stomach is in knots just thinking about it all,but it is something i just have to prepare myself for,after Zara died i felt very despondent and like giving up, but i knew i had to go on for Duchess and her babies sake, oh and some good news , two of Victorias kittens are now in new homes, three more to go, I will hopefully get to see them at the shelter when i drop the babies off, and Zara's wee girl to with a bit of luck.

So folks wish me well and hope all goes according to plan. :)

01-04-2006, 03:53 PM
Sis, I think you are doing a wonderful job taking care of Duchess and the little ones, a much better job than I would have done! I'm hoping that you're having Duchess fixed in time. I know that this is a rough and emotional time for you. {{{{HUGS}}}}

01-04-2006, 04:40 PM
Congratulations on all your success so far & best of luck with the
whineing down of the big rescue effort. You should be very proud. :)

01-04-2006, 05:09 PM
I really hope the final stage goes well, it's just so hard when such irresponsible people keep cats. :)

01-04-2006, 05:10 PM
Carole ~ We're wishing you good luck. These kitties have a much happier and healthier future ahead of them thanks to you and your family. Zara must be so happy that you are looking out for her little family.

01-04-2006, 07:56 PM

You and Melissa are to be commended for your diligence and hard work. That is wonderful news. Don't be too heartbroken though. They should get adopted pretty quickly. Take comfort in knowing they'll be loved and cared for and not thrown outside to fend for themselves.

I'm proud of you girl!!

01-05-2006, 07:05 PM
Oh dear I have a setback, i cannot believe this happened, i was over visiting the kittens when Melissa and her friend came to see them and pet them, the ginger boy jumped out of her friends hands, landed on the concrete and now is limping, I am very concerned, I sure hope it is not broken, I have been advised to leave him a day to see how he goes, even though this bothers me alot, the cat shelter lady and others have said it could be just a sprain and will be fine, this is really is a blow to me, after keeping them safe for so long, I can only blame myself, I was distracted by the moron son of hers talking to me, otherwise i would have noticed and made her sit down with him, I am so hopping mad at myself, please pray lil ginger boy will be ok.

David i sure wish there were more men in this world with the love and compassion you have for animals.

01-05-2006, 07:34 PM
Here's praying the ginger boy is OK.

Carole, turning the kittens over is hard emotionally, but they'll go to good homes, I'm sure, which you can take comfort in. Kittens usually go fast, too. Although it hurts, it's a good thing.

01-05-2006, 08:53 PM
Good news I checked on ginger boy and he is walking and playing around ok, he is limping a little but it must just be a mild strain or bruise, certainly he got hurt but he seems ok enough thank goodness I am so relieved, Abbymom i know you are so right, it is just hard to let go, as I have been with them daily for over three weeks, and of course i love them all, but yes i am content and comforted in knowing their future is good, whereas had i not become involved they would have been feral and living a life of misery, so I hold on to that thought, but yes there will be some tears shed i can tell you.

01-06-2006, 02:00 PM
With Carole's permission, I am posting photos of her rescue babies.

This pic is of mama Duchess and the largest kitten, when they were in my (Carole's) upstairs room, they have grown heaps since then too, he is a very pretty boy this one like his pretty mother.

This is a pic of them all, these are not as good pics as the new ones i have, i will send you two more tomorrow, but they do show all the kittens, they are so much bigger now and cutier than ever, ENJOY to the max.

Carole ~ I don't know anything about resizing photos. Luckily, someone at www.imagestation.com does because when I copied the photos to my album there, they appeared resized. I will be happy to add any other photos you want to send. Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in your family helping these Kiwi Kitties. :D

01-06-2006, 02:26 PM
Beautiful Duchess and her completely adorable kittens will find great homes, I am sure of it! What a nice variety for people to choose from, too!

01-06-2006, 03:10 PM
Duchess is ABSOLUTELY adorable! She's living up to her name. Also, those kittens are SO angelic! I wish I could hop on a plane and adopt one of them.

01-06-2006, 05:57 PM
Sadly David Pet Rescue can be a lot like the Greek Fellow who would roll a Giant Boulder almost to the top of a steep hill,only to have it roll downhill,and he would have to start all over again.
God Bless You for helping the Duchess and Her Kittens,and may they all find Furr Ever Homes!

01-06-2006, 06:24 PM
Beautiful momma cat and the babies are adorable. :)

01-06-2006, 06:39 PM
Oh, wow.. beautiful felines!! Good job on all the hard work you did. :)

01-07-2006, 02:34 AM
Thank you so much Lisa, I really appreciate you posting these for me, just wait to you all see these gorgeous babies in their new photos, I have been over to check on them tonite and the wee Tortie girl just sat on my lap being patted and loved it , i picked her up and she looked up at me with the most sweetest loving look ever, it melted my heart even more than it already is, tomorrow is going to be a very tough day for me saying goodbye and for poor Duchess and Victoria who have taken such wonderful care of these babies and raised them to be healthy and sweet, a job well done girls.,two awesome kitties mother and aunt looking after them all has meant they have grown into beautiful furbabies, well taken care of , i am extremely proud of those kitties in circumstances which are far from ideal they have exceeded themselves.

Lisa I will send you some more tonight Ok and thanks you truely are one in a million. :)

01-07-2006, 01:11 PM
Here are 3 more photos from Carole of her rescue success. (Carole, I am totally in love with little tortie girl).

Here is a close up of Tortie girl being held by Melissa, now you can all see why I want to keep lil Miss Precious.

This one we call the small twin, he is the runt of the litter, but fastly catching up, here he is posing in my hand for a lovely pic, he is an angel as well.,he and his big brother are the same colourings as my beloved feral Zara, she was related to them so no suprises there.

here they are playing in the basket, lil tortie girl is missing but they all jumped in there by themselves and i could not resist taking this pic, and good news they are all eating solids now, so that is very helpful for the shelter.

01-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Thanks so much Lisa, I know miss Tortie is gorgeous isn't she? but then they all are, the bigger black and white boy is very pretty when you see him in real life and he is quite fluffy, more so than his little twin or the other, Miss Tortie's fur is so soft and she has a sweet purrsonality, a lap cat coming up for sure, today is the day, and my heart is heavy and excited all in one, it is going to be tough handing them over and my emotions are running high.

01-07-2006, 04:35 PM
Oh, Sis! I can sure see why you would like to keep Tortie Girl! She is absolutely gorgeous. They are all so beautiful and I think they all will be in furever homes very quickly. Carole, you're a saint to those kitties!

01-07-2006, 04:55 PM
CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!! What precious little kits!! That tortie is adorable! Now I know why you're having a difficult time parting with them.

01-07-2006, 07:56 PM
Well folks I have done it, handed over the precious furbabies to the shelter, it was a hard trip out there, I could feel a big knot in my throat, but when i got there it was good, because the babies settled into their new cage well, and seem pretty content, and playful, ginger boy was probably the most not so relaxed, the trip out was fun Melissa and her friend took videos on the camera, the little rascals were as keen as mustard to climb out of the box and did.

Yep it has been hard to let go, but i feel good in knowing these darlings now have a great chance of finding homes.

I saw Victorias two kittens, the calico girl and the one we named specs he is a clone of the two black and white boys, and super big now and friendly, and the best of all was to see Zara's little girl, she is a bit smaller than the other two and a blackish/brown colour with white under her belly and Zara's cute little white marking on the chin, she is not a scaredy cat either, loved being patted, maybe a little shy but she is sweet, it was a great feeling to hold her, they are back at the shelter because their eyes are mucky again, they are having alot of trouble fixing them up, it is a virus and it seems to keep flaring up, they looked quite bad today, so i hope they can get them cleared up soon, for adoption purposes, I am glad Duchess's kittens are so healthy and do not have the eye virus, thank goodness,apparently they will be up for adoption almost immediately, so fingers crossed they go to good homes, love to see two of them go together, as you can all see they are a particularly good looking bunch of kitties.

It has been a very emotional day for me and I have the headache from hell, probably just tension i suppose, i hope poor mama and aunty cat are not too upset and get over loosing their babies soon, as that distresses me, but i know they will be ok, now just the spaying to get through, phew, be glad when it is all over i will.