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01-04-2006, 08:36 AM
i know i posted this in pet general too but not too many people look there

i was loking in roxys cage this morning and i saw some blood on her ledge, so i toook her out thinking its nothing maye she just ripped a nail, but i found somethign worse, it looks like she worn her fur down to the bone like the bottom end of her foot is one huge cut, my mum said to bathe it in salt water but i dont know if that will help, she was on like a grid cage before but we found out we can remove it so we did shes now on shavings. ill try to get some pictures if it will help, but im really worried my mom thinks i shouldnt call the vet...

i need replies and advice!!!

01-04-2006, 08:51 AM
Take her to the vets.

Miss Z
01-04-2006, 08:55 AM
Hmmm, there must be a rough patch of wood in the hutch somewhere that Roxy is catching her foot on. Have a thorough check in there. Also check any other places she might have been for sharp or rough places. For now though, she definitely needs vet attention, infection can be nasty for any animal, as it's more than likely it will become an abcess, and if an abcess gets really bad it can KILL. Bathing in salt water sounds like quite a good idea, but it would be hard to hold her in a bucket of salt water as it'll probably sting a little and she'll want out. You could try dabbing it with a sponge or something soaked in salt water. Please keep us posted on how she is, if you can.

01-04-2006, 08:59 AM
lol no roxy enjoys the water i put her foot in the salt water this morning and she sat there enjoying it and didnt want to get out so thats not a problem, my mom WONT take her to the vet she dosent understand these things...i called them though and they said to do what i was doing and if it dosent clear up withing a few day or start to look better then she will need to be brought in

Miss Z
01-04-2006, 09:12 AM
my mom WONT take her to the vet she dosent understand these things...i called them though and they said to do what i was doing and if it dosent clear up withing a few day or start to look better then she will need to be brought in

Yes, well if your mother won't let you then i know from experience that it's hard to change her mind:rolleyes: but keep doing what you're doing, and also keep an eye on the wound. If you think it's swelling, or there's discharge coming out of it, she NEEDS a vet. Tell your mother it's really important that she goes, it could poison her internally. Hopefully, the wound will heal without an abcess forming, and i sincerely hope it does, just keep checking that she's OK;)

01-04-2006, 09:31 AM
ok here i got a picture of it, bless her she was so good for the picture just sat there

Miss Z
01-04-2006, 09:35 AM
Ouch. That looks like a pretty open wound too. I'm no expert, but there's a chance that may need a stitch to stop stuff getting in that. Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to keep her on wood shavings at the moment, but then, i don't really know what else you could put her on which would not get into that cut. Perhaps an old towel or a big piece of material? I still reckon that you should try your hardest to get your mother to take her to the vet, good luck.

01-04-2006, 09:47 AM
i know i posted this in pet general too but not too many people look there

Where this should go is Dog Health, and I will move it there.

It is hard to tell how big the wound is, but she should be seen by the vet to make sure it isn't infected, and then bangade it up. I also think the shaving could make it worse, an old towel or something else less "pokey" would help once she's home.

01-04-2006, 07:24 PM
I can't stress enough how important it is to get her veterinary care! I don't understand why your mom doesn't seem to understand that!! If it were your pom she'd bring her to the vet, wouldn't she.... anyway I know this is in no way your fault at all, just keep an eye on it, make sure there is no swelling or green puss, or puss at all. Clean it daily.

What I'm thinking is that there was no padding on the bottom of her crate or cage or dog house and the hard flooring could wear the fur and skin down. But the picture you have is VERY hard to tell since its so blurry

01-05-2006, 12:56 AM
If it were your pom she'd bring her to the vet
You're thinking of RoxyLuvsMe, Buttercup has a big dog.

Sorry about Roxy :( I don't know much about bunnies so I can't help.

01-06-2006, 10:53 PM
You're thinking of RoxyLuvsMe, Buttercup has a big dog.

Sorry about Roxy :( I don't know much about bunnies so I can't help.

Oh poop I am, aren't I!! My apologies. The pets name "Roxy" threw me off. Sorry!!

01-06-2006, 11:23 PM
Bunnies do often get hock sores when they live on a grid. For now, I'd bandage it and keep it as clean as possible until she can see a vet. When animals are hurt, they NEED to see a vet. Legally, it's animal cruelty to not take your pet to the vet when she is injured. She can easily get a bad infection without proper treatment, which will only rack up the vet bills much, much more and could lead to more serious illness. Please tell your Mom that.