View Full Version : Hello Again!

04-07-2002, 11:43 PM
I've been away for a while. With my job, Sept 11 threw me in a tailspin. (Want to know how many hours I can work with no sleep?) I had to take some time to re-evaluate a lot of things afterward but now I think I'm back to my old self. Bandit and Jeffrey are doing great. They both were with my Mom for a while. Jeffrey is still there. My Mom has grown so attached to him. When I told her I was taking him back I thought she would cry! I originally took him there because I had a lot of back yard construction going on so the fence had to come down. He's still there because we'll be moving to Oklahoma in June so we're not going to put the fence back up. Bandit gave me quite a scare recently. My brother's new pup (Jezebel, a rescue, we haven't figured out the breed(s) yet) bit Bandit on the neck. We didn't see the bite because it was in the folds of his neck. A couple of days later he just didn't seem to be himself. I was scheduled to take him for his shots in the next couple of days so I didn't worry too much. I came home from work one day and he didn't greet me at the door. I found him lying on his bed with his neck covered with blood! Talk about sheer panic. I checked the area and it was covered in blood and puss. I called my vet and she had me wash his neck and told me to give him a benedryl to stop the itching. I took him in first thing the next morning. I had to leave him. It was so sad. He howled as I was leaving. Anyone ever heard a Pug howl? Heartbreaking! She said she would call before noon. Around 1030 I couldn't stand it and so I called. She said that from that tiny little puppy bite, bacteria had entered the wound and he had gotten a staph infection. He was on antibiotics for 12 days and I had to wash the area and put Dermagen ointment on twice a day. He had to run around with a shaved neck for a while but I am happy to say he is back to normal.

I missed being here. I would lurk every now and then but my heart wasn't in it. Oh! Hopefully you'll have some new citizens soon. My neighbor rescued a beautiful GS mix from the shelter and a co-worker recently became dad to..what else...a Pug! (He met Bandit and fell in love!) I told them both about Pet Talk and they said they would visit.

04-07-2002, 11:48 PM

So glad to see you're back. Poor, sweet Bandit!! I'm so happy to hear he's all better. What a scare. It is so frightening when our babies are hurt, especially coming in to find blood everywhere. That must have been so hard. Well at least its all over. I hope you are taking care of yourself and feeling much better. Stay in touch!

04-08-2002, 04:18 AM
What Aly gave you was a big Texas welcome!

Welcome Back! It's good to hear from you again. I know what you mean when your off the message board for awhile and have other things on your mind 0 it's hard to get back in the swing.

04-08-2002, 04:23 AM
Welcome back Genia. :) :) :)

I'm pleased that is back to his old self. What a scare finding him like that!

04-08-2002, 06:28 AM
Genia you know Bandit has my heart!!! Yes nothing has changed, I still have my "love affair from afar" when it comes to pugs. One day maybe.... Please give Bandit a huge hug from me and lots and lots of kisses!

I don't know if you were still on the boards when Leslie had her scare with Cassie, her pug, who was injured at the dog park. These poor little puggilys! I am sooo glad Bandit is feeling better.

If you ever get a chance to post some pictures of Bandit and/or Jeffrey I would love to see them, and also give your friend a great big welcome ahead of time from us!!

04-08-2002, 08:21 AM
I can't remember what you do for a living, but I can imagine how busy you must have been lately! We've missed you.

So glad your Bandit is ok now. What a scare! And Jeffrey sounds like he is very happy with your mom. And that's ok too. :) YOu take care and stay in touch with us!!! :D

Honey and Lilly

04-08-2002, 10:23 AM
Hi Genia, so glad you are back, we missed you and it's nice to hear from you again. That must have been quite a scare with Bandit, but glad he is on the way to a good recovery.
Hope to hear from you more often.