View Full Version : i got in a fight with some guy in the store today...

01-03-2006, 08:05 PM
ok well lets begin,
there was 2 girls in the toy isle one is about 3 the other 5 maybe
there parents were both there with them then all of a sudden disapeared to the next couple of isles down, i stood there shocked and then the older girl starts swingin one of those plastic swords around and smashing the stores stuff and hitting the younger sister over the head with it! so i told her to stop(wich she didnt listen) and moved the younger girl away, wellt he dad came back and im like umm you should be watchign your kids and hes liek why u have a problem with it, i was like umm well cuz you shouldnt be leaving your kids un-supervised for one , 2 she is smashing stuff,3 she is hitting her sister over the head, and 4 she almost hit me with the sword! hes like o well blah blah and then hes like well if she hit you then go ahead hit her back!! i was like WHAT are you kdding me, hes like i dont care go ahead! then my mom came by and i told her wat he said and i stood there arguing with the guy and my mom finally said lets go...UGGH THE NERE OF SOME PEOPLE!!! i stormed off saying learn to be a parent...

sorry i was in BIG need of vent!!

01-03-2006, 08:14 PM
That so stupid! :o I would have been like i'm not going to hit your child, next time be watching your children or i'll tell a store manager or something!

01-03-2006, 08:19 PM
I feel the matter should have been taken to a responsible adult rather than you arguing with the parents. I know times have changed, but as a child I would not have DREAMED of arguing with an adult like that no matter how much I may have thought it justified.

The best course of action would have been to just walk away. All your life, you will run into poorly controlled, undisciplined children who are not monitored as they should be. Unless they are damaging the store or specifically hurting you, there is no purpose arguing and shouting at a parent. All that does is reinforce the kids' behavior when they see their dad not caring or even taking their side. It is NOT going to do anything to change the parent, all it does is compromise your own dignity. If they had been damaging the store, I'd have gone to a store manager to report it. If they had specifically done something to hurt me, I would have gone to my own parents to report it.

01-03-2006, 08:25 PM

01-03-2006, 08:43 PM
Don't be upset. You are more mature then that "DAD" for sure! I would have been like "No, I will not hit your child. Are you retarded? Letting some stranger hit you child. Grow up and go to parenting classes."

I beg to differ. Showing more maturity than him would have involved walking away rather than standing and arguing when it was obviously pointless.

01-03-2006, 09:16 PM
Getting confrontational with the parent is not going to teach him anything, or the child anything but that her Dad ill defend her, so she must not have been doing anything wrong. Next time, call attention to the situation with a store employee, and then walk away.

01-03-2006, 09:18 PM
Telling an adult to grow up and go to a parenting class would be very disrespectful imo.

01-03-2006, 09:22 PM
I was just about to say what Jessica did, however, she put it a lot better than I could. :)

01-03-2006, 09:43 PM
I agree with Jessica. There are responsible adults to take these matters to and a child has no place telling an adult how to behave. Kids nowdays are often disrespectful but arguing with an adult is not another child's place, even if that means taking the problem to a responsible adult rather than arguing with the one causing the problem. Not to mention a kid could get hurt arguing with an adult and it's just not a good idea.

01-04-2006, 12:54 AM
Age does not necessarily denote maturity, as we all know. I see nothing wrong with a younger person telling an older person if they feel the older person is being irresponsible. Being young doesn't mean that you don't know anything, and honestly, some of the parents I see coming into my store could improve their parenting with lessons from my fifteen year old brother.

01-04-2006, 11:08 AM
Good for you for stepping in. Plenty of people would have just walked away, allowing that girl to continue on her destructive rampage.

She is obviously not being raised well by her parents if they allow that kind of behavior.

Only thing that might work better if there's ever a next time is to raise your voice even louder - for the sake of startling her. Something like


Miss Z
01-04-2006, 01:29 PM
That man must be a really irresponsible parent just letting his kids wreck stuff like that. Good for you to stand your ground and not back down, he sounds like he needs more people standing up to him to make him realise that the world does not revolve around him and his needs:mad: i really hate people like that:mad: