View Full Version : cat+corn=????????????????????

01-03-2006, 05:23 PM
Gemini just put her paw in a bowl of corn and started to eat it!!
that's not her to eat veggies!! and she ate the whole BOWL!!
is that healthy for digestive system?? :eek:

01-03-2006, 05:40 PM
I don't see a problem with her eating corn. MooShoo likes popcorn! :eek: Just keep an eye on her poos just in case.

01-03-2006, 05:47 PM
Corn is well, an ingredient looked down upon when its found in commercial pet foods. Corn is not digestable, and just comes right back out the other end.

However its not BAD and won't HARM them at all, it just will make them poo more. And was there butter and salt on the corn? Because the butter could give her diarrhea

01-03-2006, 07:11 PM
Yet even the Premium Cat Foods have a bit of Ground Corn Meal in them,so it cant be all that bad for them.
Scrappy 2 will eat a bit of corn,but then again she is not the hardest Cat to please that I have ever seen.

01-03-2006, 07:24 PM
I think the problem is seeing the corn in it's 'still natural state' when sifting thru the litter box...

But brown and yellow ARE complimentary colors...aren't they? :confused:

01-03-2006, 09:52 PM
Yet even the Premium Cat Foods have a bit of Ground Corn Meal in them,so it cant be all that bad for them.
Scrappy 2 will eat a bit of corn,but then again she is not the hardest Cat to please that I have ever seen.

I never said it was BAD, its just not the best ingredient and something you want to stay away from in foods because it holds no nutritional value and is non-digestable for dogs anyway. Not to mention it is the number one allergen in food.

Some foods "claiming" to be premium will have corn meal in them, yes, but REAL "premium" foods do not ;)

01-03-2006, 09:54 PM
My RB Siamese used to LOVE Corn on the Cob.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-04-2006, 09:11 AM
I don't think it will be a problem, but if you saw her do it and were concerned, why did you let her eat the whole bowl? :confused:

Miss Z
01-04-2006, 09:16 AM
Corn will be fine i think. It's not digestable anyway as it's mostly fibre. I know that there are some veggies that make cats sick, but i don't think corn's one of them.

01-04-2006, 02:18 PM
I don't think it will be a problem, but if you saw her do it and were concerned, why did you let her eat the whole bowl? :confused:

it was'nt exacly a whole bowl it was like 2 spoons of corn and also there wasnt butter or salt on it either

01-04-2006, 02:31 PM
Two spoons is definetly no biggie .....your first post sounded like she consumed a large quantity.

01-04-2006, 02:40 PM
I honestly would not have a clue, but opinion is that it will do her no harm, I remember the other day i had dropped a piece of Brocoli on the floor,from a frozen pack, and low and behold i saw Lexie eating and playing with it, I was very suprised, she only had a few bites but i never knew she even liked it. :)