View Full Version : Prayers for Itty please =(.......

01-02-2006, 08:08 PM
Please pray for my baby boy on Wensday he is getting nuetured and I know that is not a big surgury but I worry about my sweetie all the same and I won't be able to call the vet around noon to see how it went cause of school and we are not allowed to use the phone at school (stupid principal!) .. also he has these spots on the back of his neck that just look AWFUL! they really have me worried!... they start out as little scabs then as I start to docter them and all they all the sudden lose the fur in that spot and get bigger they bleed because they itch him I have been doctering them with peroxide and a strong antibiotic but to little help I called the vet and they said they would take care of it when he came in to be nuetured.... I am really wondering if he has a allergy rat terriers are very suseptive to allergies it really wories me my poor baby boy!!! :( ... I know that Roxie (my brothers dog) is very allergic to fleas so if we don't put the fontline on her the day that it is time to regive it she will start to break out!! I have given roxie and chewie's fontline to them but I am scared to give Itty his because I don't want it to irratate his bobos!....sorry for blabbing but please keep my baby in your thoughts :(

01-02-2006, 08:17 PM
Prayers on the way. It is a very minor surgery. But I was so worried about Sassy when she got spayed. Good LUck!

01-02-2006, 10:43 PM
He'll be fine! Don't worry! :) ((((reassured hugs))))

01-03-2006, 05:51 AM
I said a prayer for Itty. Don't worry too much. Everything will be fine.


01-03-2006, 05:54 AM
Good vibes on the way for Itty {{Hugs}}.

01-03-2006, 07:23 PM
Thanks Everyone! I feel alittle better ...my mom will have to leave while I am getting ready for school to get him there and I will pick him up in the afternoon.... I am just more worried about his skin I mean they are looking better but they just make me sad for him and worry me :( ....But I know hat he will be okay.... so be perpared for lots of itty pictures tomorrow!!! :D