View Full Version : It is officially time to CRY...about my computer.

01-02-2006, 04:36 PM
My computer (as mentioned in General a little while ago) is officially unfixable. :(:(:(:(:(:( (not many people saw the thread..:( )

I am currently on my OLD machine, but with its windows 95 and virtually NO open memory space, I can't do much of anything. I can get online, and get e-mail.........But NO pictures, NO printer (both my camera and printer use USB ports and win95 doesn't support USB)
That means no pictures to post here or on Petfinder.com for my rescue group.

I can't use my favorite e-mail program.....long explaination......

I can't play most of the games I came to enjoy because my computer lacks "microsoft virtual machine" and it must not be compatable with win95 either.

I don't even have the original solitaire game that came with windows because I deleted it long ago to free up some space.

I could cry.......heck, I AM crying. There is no way on this earth I can or will put money out for a new computer when finances are so tight. I am so depressed. :( :(

Miss Z
01-02-2006, 04:41 PM
Poor you!!! That is so annoying when things break at inconvenient times, i hope that you can find the money soon to get yourself a new one.:(

I suppose at least you have an old one to keep you going on PT, which will sustain you until you can get a new one.

01-02-2006, 04:47 PM
Oh Jen, I am so, so sorry to hear this. Please don't cry. I am glad though that you are still able to join your friends on here.

I pray that things will gradually work out so that you will be able to get yourself a new computer in the near future.


01-02-2006, 04:53 PM
Jen, I'm sorry to hear this. :( Do you mind telling me what is wrong with your other computer? I missed your thread in general. I hope that you'll be able to save for a new computer soon. Some places allow you to pay a monthly fee so you don't have to be charged for the whole thing at once. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

01-02-2006, 04:56 PM
Oh Jen, I'm so sorry!! I can understand very well how upset you are! :( :( :( I would be totally lost without my computer!

Is there really no way you can fix your comp? What's wrong with it?


01-02-2006, 06:31 PM
I (as a computer idiot) do not KNOW what is wrong. All I know is that I sent it to my brother-in-law who really does know a lot about computers. AND he is the type that doesn't like to be beaten.....he tried so hard, but just could not fix it. And even if he explained it to me, I would not understand, so I believe him.

Sure, I could sent it to an expert, but I can't afford to pay someone to tell me it is unfixable.....know what I mean??

The part that worries me is that this computer is OLD. It is bound to break down. And even saving for a new computer is simply not in the budget. :(

Well, I will stay here with you all for as long as I can. if this thing dies......well we won't think about that now. :(

01-02-2006, 06:42 PM
Fear not, your Fairy Godmother is here!

I just asked hubby and the computer sitting in storage collecting dust is yours. We've recently had it completely wiped clean. Windows 98 is the only thing on it, so you'd have to install everything you normally use. AND the on/off button doesn't work. So once you got it on, it'd have to stay on.

Interested in it?

01-02-2006, 06:46 PM
We Hope That You Could Take Kims Computer And Have The On/off Fixed As We Would Miss You On Pet Talk,with All Your Cats.
We Are Praying For Some Good Luck To Come To You.

01-02-2006, 06:53 PM
Fear not, your Fairy Godmother is here!

I just asked hubby and the computer sitting in storage collecting dust is yours. We've recently had it completely wiped clean. Windows 98 is the only thing on it, so you'd have to install everything you normally use. AND the on/off button doesn't work. So once you got it on, it'd have to stay on.

Interested in it?


Thank you. :cool: (I am speachless) :o

01-02-2006, 06:58 PM
Aww Jen I am so sorry to hear that, I wished you lived here, hubby would be over and attempting to fix it for you at no cost, he is a dab hand at that, and has fixed many a computer, i could not imagine my life without mine now, i hope you can afford to get a new one sooner rather than later, cheer up at least we can still hear from you thank goodness. :)oops missed the above post, oh neat to be offered another one, awesome, thats PT for ya. :)

01-02-2006, 06:58 PM
I take it you're interested? ;)

No problem, it feels good to be able to give whenever posible!

01-02-2006, 07:09 PM
Here's me sitting on the other side of the world with three computers which you could have had your choice of seeing as you do so much for cats. As for your old one it probably died of old age or a power surge could have killed it, hard to tell really without seeing it. If you ever move to Australia there's a computer waiting for a good home, there's always a spare or two here as I'm a part time tech. :)

01-02-2006, 09:33 PM
YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! For your Fairy Godmother. Thank you so much Kim, for being so kind to give Jen your used computer.

There ya go Jen. Now wipe those tears and put a big happy :D on that sweet face of yours.

All good things come to those who deserve it and you truly deserve it Jen. :)


01-02-2006, 10:14 PM
How great you have a new computer to foster! And maybe catnapper's hubby can look at your old machine and transfer files from your old HD to the newer computer.

For future reference - if you don't have a computer savvy friend who will do it for free, call your local high school. They'll find a kid to help you out who, at his/her age, knows more about pooters than 10 of us put together!

Happy news!


01-02-2006, 10:49 PM
Jen, I'm so glad that Kim has a spare computer for you. We'd hate to lose touch with you here on PT. :)

01-02-2006, 11:50 PM
Yippee!!! Our Catnapper has saved the day!!! Congrats Jen, and THANK YOU Kim! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-03-2006, 01:45 PM
Yeah for Kim!!! When I first read this, the first thing that came to my mind was how so many people must have gotten new computers for Christmas and there just had to be an unused out there that somebody wanted to get rid of - and next thing you know there's one right there in your own back yard!

Here's hoping it will all work out for you and you'll be back up and running in no time! :)