View Full Version : Sassy is showing the early signs of.....

01-02-2006, 03:49 PM
Arthritis. I can't believe it. I am so upset. My parents said if it gets really bad we may have to put her down. I agree! I would NEVER want her to suffer bad if she could die peacefully. But I don't know what I'm going to do without her if anything happens! :(

01-02-2006, 03:52 PM
I am appaled that you are even talking about putting her down over a little arthritis...hopefully this is attention seeking.

01-02-2006, 03:53 PM
At least you're catching it early, right?

How old is Sassy?

Our Gordon Setter x Golden Retriever had horrible arthritis and a bone chip in one of his shoulders. He cried daily. At first the vet gave us pills, and they worked for a while until...

One morning we awoke to a sound that sounded like screaming. It was Wolfgang. My Dad picked him up and drove him to the emergency vet. They gave him morphine to ease the pain.

We had two choices. Send him to the Bridge, or take him to a chiropractor who also worked on show dogs. Within the first visit, Wolfgang was acting like a puppy again.. keeping in mind that his is an 11 year old dog! :)

So try seeing if there's something you can do.. acupuncture, find a chiropractor.. I'm not sure how much a chiropractor is there, but he didn't charge us an insane amount here.

Please keep me updated on Sassy! I love her.

01-02-2006, 03:55 PM
She's eight. Theres medicine for this? Does it help alot?

01-02-2006, 03:59 PM
Most do help. I say contact your vet and discuss your options. Catching it early on is very helpful.

I have a friend who has a Border Collie with arthritis.. if you have any questions, PM me and I can forward them on to her and get some answers for you.

01-02-2006, 04:00 PM
Thanks alot. My parents are making a Vet appointment soon for this reason. So maybe this can help. And no, I'm not seeking attention. Many of my friends dogs had to be put down becuase they were in so much pain.

01-02-2006, 04:05 PM
Caseymom, This is true. My aunt's dog suffered from artitis, and she couldn't walk up stairs, or stand up once she sat down.They had to pick her up each time, also the little jack russel was jealous and would bite her feet. My aunt and uncle's dog had to be put to sleep, because she would suffer! No offense, but you always think alyssa is lying or something. Well you don't have to get mean about it. WEll thanks for listening. :o

P.S I have learned, if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all. Just a reminder. :p (And I just had to remind you also that you keep acusing her of atteniton seeking, because you might think I'm not having something nice to say, just a friendly reminder) :o

01-02-2006, 04:09 PM
Caseymom, This is true. My aunt's dog suffered from artitis, and she couldn't walk up stairs, or stand up once she sat down. My aunt and uncle's dog had to be put to sleep, because he would suffer! No offense, but you always think alyssa is lying or something. Well you don't have to get mean about it. WEll thanks for listening. :o

That's what I'm always feeling. And it could turn into BIG arthritis. Which cna cuase huge pain. My moms old dog RedRouge got such bad arthritis he could barley get up. My friends dog got arthritis that all it did was sleep. It wouldn't even get up to eat. They had to bring the food to him.

01-02-2006, 04:11 PM
That's what I'm always feeling. And it could turn into BIG arthritis. Which cna cuase huge pain. My moms old dog RedRouge got such bad arthritis he could barley get up. My friends dog got arthritis that all it did was sleep. It wouldn't even get up to eat. They had to bring the food to him.

Yes, Wolfgang couldn't make it up the stairs or down, either.

If there was nothing we could have done for Wolfgang, we would have put him to sleep if it had got bad enough. Why put them through cruel pain like that when they don't have to?

Sounds to me like Alyssa is trying to find help for Sassy before it gets bad. :)

01-02-2006, 04:13 PM
She's eight. Theres medicine for this? Does it help alot?

There are literally hundreds of options for treating arthritis. My Goldie has severe athritis in her front shoulders. She takes an anti-inflammatory every day(Meloxicam) and she's just fine--no pain, no stiffness, no problems. She runs and plays like any of the other huskies. (Goldie never was a sled dog so she never had to retire from pulling).

Preacher has had athritis for years. He gets a daily supplement of antler dust. Works miracles for him. He's still stiff, but he's not in pain and he's not getting any worse.

Get Sassy on a daily dose of Glucosomine-Chondrotin-MSM. Talk to you vet for the right dose for her size. You don't need to buy the pricey one from the vet. A human supplement will work just fine.

Keep her weight down, keep her moving. 8 is young for a dog Sassy's size. She's got years left!

01-02-2006, 04:17 PM
Thanks for the Information, Glacier. My mom said these are the same exact symtoms that RedRouge and Shana had before they had arthrtis. So, we are sure that she is getting it. Also, the fact that she limps daily worries us. So she is going to the vet soon. Thanks agian! :D

Miss Z
01-02-2006, 04:24 PM
Zsa-Zsa has mild arthritis, but my RB cat, Brando, had it quite bad in his last few years, especially around the area where he broke his leg. It was heartbreaking to see him gradually become in more pain as he tried to walk, and i know that animals do have to be put down because of it, it is unfair once it gets really bad to just let them suffer.

To help her though, does Sassy like baths? Brando hated them, but warm water soothes stiff joints and also movement is slower, and therefore easier, underwater. They use pool therapy for people who are suffering from aches and pains.

I hope that Sassy is OK for many more years to come.

01-02-2006, 04:27 PM
Yes, she does get baths. But she absoulty HATES them. Thanks for the advice. It's may just help her. RIP Brando. :(

01-02-2006, 04:45 PM
I am appaled that you are even talking about putting her down over a little arthritis...hopefully this is attention seeking.

yeah, I hope so, too! Arthritis CAN be controlled. Take her to the vet and get some medication for her.

01-02-2006, 05:03 PM
I really hope that sassy is ok. :(

01-02-2006, 05:17 PM
I don't think there would be any need to put her down :) I hope she can get some medication for it and starts feeling better.

By the way, I like your new sig!

01-02-2006, 05:38 PM
Thanks Cagneydog:) I FINALLY got PSP.

01-02-2006, 05:39 PM
Get Sassy on a daily dose of Glucosomine-Chondrotin-MSM. Talk to you vet for the right dose for her size. You don't need to buy the pricey one from the vet. A human supplement will work just fine.

My sister gives her dogs Glucosomine and it works very well. Perhaps you can print these suggestions out and give them to your parents so when you all go to the vet, you can ask him/her about them?

Please keep us posted on Sassy. Eight is very young. Especially for such a small dog.

Good luck!

Queen of Poop
01-02-2006, 07:11 PM
I had my Sasha to the vet 1 week ago for arthritis in her shoulders. The vet gave us some Metacam. I also went to the local doggie health food store and got her Lakota supplements for arthritis. Today we went for a 1 hour walk and she is doing GREAT!! No limping, crying or anything. She is 11 years old and our vet says she has alot of years left. Arthritis is NOT a death sentence!! Not for people and certainly not for dogs!!! Please, please see your vet right away, if you receive no satisfaction please see another one.

01-03-2006, 10:51 AM
Get Sassy on a daily dose of Glucosomine-Chondrotin-MSM. Talk to you vet for the right dose for her size. You don't need to buy the pricey one from the vet. A human supplement will work just fine.

Keep her weight down, keep her moving. 8 is young for a dog Sassy's size. She's got years left!

I agree with Glacier. Bears been on this for almost 4 years now. He's a little stiff but isn't in any pain and can run and play with the others.

01-03-2006, 11:02 AM
I have learned that weight can be an issue with arthritis. From your sig it doesn't look as if Sassy is overweight, but if by any chance she is, losing a few pounds may make the difference. Our RB Nikki was about 8-10 pounds overweight and we noticed she was starting to limp when she was around 7 years old, always after sleeping for a while (the weight pressure on the bones). Losing a few pounds, especially after recommendation from the vet, helped her a lot.

01-03-2006, 02:30 PM
I think Sassy is about 1 or 2 pounds overweight. But not to much. So, I'll take her for walks more often. She was overweight. But she's on a special diet now. Thanks for the info:)

01-03-2006, 04:31 PM
At the beginning of arthritis, there is nothing to worry about. Sometimes it doesn't get ever get that bad. It ussually takes years before it gives them bad pain.

My old cocker, missy, was about 8 pounds over weight for a few years. That is alot for a dog. She was 32 pounds and was supposed to be around 25. Her arthritis was bad, but not bad enough to need to put her to sleep.

01-03-2006, 05:59 PM
But 8 years old isnt very old for a maltese? They live to 14-16.

01-03-2006, 07:28 PM
its about mid aged.