View Full Version : We are going on Vacation!

04-07-2002, 08:37 AM
Good news!

We are going on vacation for sure now...

I met a girl that I got to know through an Israeli cat forum, she was in my house on friday, and she will take care of our babies! She didn't even want us to pay, but we said we would feel better if we did, since it's 4 cats, fish tank and a few plants and we'll be gone for about 25 days!

:) anyway, she will come once a day for sure, twice if she can make it, and twice for sure on the weekends. Kfitzi and Tsoomi like her already... and she will come a few more times to visit us before the trip so they will get to know her better.

we'll lleave her exta food, phone numbers of anyone I can think about (2 vets, my parents, my friend who breeds siamese and said he would help if there are any problems, my moblie of course, and places we will stay in...)

Any ideas what else? we thought about leaving the radio on, maybe with a timer, and also a few lights around the house with timers...what do you think?

We don't have flight tickets yet, but she said she will take care of the cats, and my boss said Ok as well... we'll get our flights on friday... I can't wait. We will be in London for a week (going to see Kylie Minogue in concert!!) and from there travell to Chicago to see Ilan's family....:cool: I'm getting excited already! and also missing my babies already...:rolleyes:

04-07-2002, 08:43 AM
Efrat great news! Thanks for letting us know in advance because we would be worried if we didn't hear from you for that long!! It sounds like you have thought everything out regarding your kitties and they will be in good hands. I wish safe travel for you and yours. Maybe when you are in London you could meet up with a Pet Talker or two! :) Lynne? Carrie? Helen?

Heather Wallace
04-07-2002, 09:05 AM
Great news, no I think you have everything covered in terms of arrangements with the telphone numbers etc, as a pet sitter I ask for one contact number plus a mobile number, I have never had any need to use the nunbers YET! I'm sure evrything will be ok, remember if you have a house alarm make sure your friend knows how to set it properley etc. The cats will have fun will a new person giving them all the attention they need. At least they are not at someone elses house like th e two simease I am looking after at the moment from my house.

04-07-2002, 09:15 AM
Sounds like you will have fun!

I would leave some worn clothes around and a few beds unmade, so they can crawl under covers easily, and sit on your clothes.... with your scent on them......

Lots of toys around sometimes helps too.....and lots of little spots with WATER and dry food incase someone gets locked in the wrong room....by accident (door shuts by accident etc.)...I usually add extra litter boxes in other rooms too....just incase.... I do the extra water and food, just incase the sitter has an emergency and can't come by......

Good luck...and hope your vacation/holiday is a good one!

I can imagine Israel is a bit of a mess right now......and hope that you stay safe and out of harms way!


04-07-2002, 12:34 PM
Woooohoooo WTG!!!! Have a wonderful time! Where are you going?

04-07-2002, 12:34 PM
Yes, thanks for letting us know where you will be so we don't worry!! Have a Safe, FUN(!!) trip!!!

Can't wait to hear about your adventrues when you return!

04-07-2002, 03:04 PM
Have a great time! Sounds like you have your fur-babies covered well while you're gone, so have a blast in London and Chicago (and Wisconsin if the Cat Show thing works out).

Edwina's Secretary
04-07-2002, 03:17 PM
Edwina is so excited and hopes you will be coming by to see her!

04-07-2002, 05:32 PM
Great news Efrat - hope it's a really good holiday. When do you plan to leave? Good idea those lights you can programme to come on at various times of day.:D :D


04-08-2002, 01:36 AM
Hi ....

well, we still have a lot of time before we go, we are leaving the last week of May. I was just so happy yesterday after I realized it's really happenning that I had to jump in here with all the details...

Pam - I'll be in London from may 23rd to the 28th, not too sure about the exect days as I don't havemy flights details yet, but thats the idea. I'll be in the Kylie concerts every night (24,25,26,27), but I don't have much plans for the rest of the day. I'll probably meet a few penpals of mine, and it'll be fun to meet some pet-talkers as well. Contact me by e-mail and we can talk more... ([email protected])

You will hear from me during the trip, I'll probably have time to catch up in chicago....

Heather Wallace - Nope, no alarm here... the cats turn in on all the time as they jump on the windows... The siameses look great! We'd love to have one ...

sasvermont - There are toys all around the house all the time, we have 3 cat trees, 6 tunnels and tonz of toys... All doors in the house are really hard to close so I doubt they will lock themselfs somewhere. As for water, we have a cat fountain so even in case no one come they are ok with water for a few days. we'll add another litter box...good idea!

SpencerTheLion - Kylie does have a hit in America, her last single can't get you out of my head reached the top 10, and her last album debut at No. 3... she's all over some magazines now, and she was on a few Tv show lately including Jay Leno... She's getting there! I have been to Madame Tussod's a few times, last time my friend and I explored Kylie for 30 minutes and everyone were looking at us thinking we must be nuts... it was fun.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-09-2002, 10:16 AM
Wonderful news Efrat! I can tell you're getting excited! :) One thing you might want to leave with your kitty sitter is a land line phone number of Ilan's parents, or somebody in the US because unless you have a special kind of mobile phone, it won't work here in the US. For some reason we're on a different wave length or something. When we go to Europe ours won't work. Terry's boss has a special one that works everywhere, but those are the exception. I would think it would still work while you were in London, but not too sure about that either. Maybe you can checkwith somebody who has actually been here with their mobile.

Anyway, it sounds like we'll completely miss you. We'll be gone about the time you get to Chicago and we'll be coming back about the time you leave. :(

Hope things calm down around there so nothing prevents you from coming. I know you'll have a great time! You'll miss your babies, but you'll probably be so busy that you'll be back to them before you know it. :)

04-09-2002, 11:31 AM
Hi Tubby & Peanut's Mom ,

My mobile will work there, my brother travelled to NY a few months ago with his mobile and it was fine, but of course I'll leave Ilan's home numbers and our hotel in London and eveything else I can think about...

It's a shame we will miss you... maybe next time we come...


04-10-2002, 01:05 AM

Please be safe in your travels.

Katie, Kit, Louie & The Beans