View Full Version : It's a new year so here's new pics of the kitties...

01-01-2006, 01:47 PM
It has been forever since I've posted about my kitties, but everyone is doing well. Whispy's eyes are leaking a lot right now but the vet doesn't think it is anything. He's always been leaky since I've had him. ;) The girls are good.

We did have some angry kitties when we got back from Christmas. Hubby came down on the 23rd to GA (I had been there since the 17th) and we came back on the 26th. I think they were upset they were alone on the holidays and one of them left a single poop on our computer chair. :eek: This has happened before when we were on vacation; one of them pooped on our old couch when we were gone for a week a couple years ago.

Callie has taken up to sleeping on the clean clothes in the laundry room. It startled me this morning when I went in there without the light on and heard a "rrrrrppppp." I knew it was her but couldn't find where she was; she was sleeping in the hamper on the dryer. That is a new one. I never would have figured she would sleep in there because their litter boxes are in there. It's more of a cat bathroom than a laundry room.

On to pictures:
"These towels are comfy."

Sorry it takes us a while to actually FOLD our clothes. :eek: :D

The pile got a little higher when more clothes were added later. Again, she finds them irrestible. Strange girl.
"Lady, can't you see I'm sleeping?"

Shadow's bed. NO ONE else ever uses it. Probably because she's always in it except to eat, potty, and get scritches. She's strange too! ;)

I take that back. She did find time to sleep on our chair in the living room.

01-01-2006, 01:49 PM
Whispy wanting scritches.

He was trying to take a nap while I worked on the computer.

Hope you all enjoyed! Happy New Year!

01-01-2006, 02:18 PM
We always love seeing pics of your furbabies!

Send Whispy right here and I'll scritch all day! He is so gorgeous.

Callie probably wants to help out with the daily chores; that's why she's keeping an eye on the laundry. And, Shadow, you look SOOOO comfy in your bed and chair. May I join you for a nap?

My little boy Archy is demanding attention now, too. He'll sit in the hallway and do his mrrrrOW, gradually getting louded and louder. Time for some lovins!

01-01-2006, 02:49 PM
What sweet pictures of your babies! Fold laundry? What's that? :eek: ;)

01-01-2006, 02:56 PM
Someone was really showing their displeasure about you being away for the holidays. :eek: I hope all is forgiven now.

You could also send Whispy over here as I would be more than happy to give that gorgeous boy some scritchies, kisses, headbumpies and anything else his little heart desires. :D

Callie looks so adorable. Inspecting laundry is hard work. :)

Ohhhhhh Shadow, you are just too beautiful for your own good. :)

01-01-2006, 05:09 PM
I'm glad that all of your kitties are doing well and getting along. :) I was also away during Christmas and when I came home, no one even greeted me at the door. :( They made up for it later by following me every where and wanting lots of scritches, cuddles, and loving. :)

They're all looking gorgeous and Sunny would love to share Callie's laundry bed with her. ;)

01-01-2006, 07:33 PM
We are all very glad to see Your Kitties,and we are so pleased that things are goung so well for you,and your beloved Companions.
And we of course wish you a Happy 2006,and All The Best from the Found Cat Hotel.