View Full Version : Some people really upset me...

12-31-2005, 11:15 PM
Ok, first of all, I know that with my job (bartender) I can't take things that people say to heart...but sometimes it hurts. Some areas are pretty sensitive, like animals...especially my pets.

Today this guy comes in and says something like he knows that I'm an animal lover, but why would people waste all their money on pets instead of kids or something better. Like, some kid had a rat, and she loved it to death. The rat got cancer and her parents paid $2000 for the rat. He went on how stupid it was for a rat. He asked me if I would do it for a rat. I said I wouldn't, but then again I don't have a rat, and never did. Maybe I would if I had one to know? I sure know I would be very attached, I just think they usually put them to sleep. I told him I would spend all the money in the world on my pets though. He asked "but why?"

Then he asked if I loved animals so much, why do I eat meat? Then he said who would I give a kidney to, my mom or my dog. What a dumb question. I told him my pets are family, so yes, I will and do, spend whatever money I need to on them. What's the big deal anyway? Pets are living, feeling creatures, just because they can't talk to us, doesn't mean they shouldn't have a life like we would want for ourselfs. I mean, I wouldn't dress my dog up with coats and boots everyday unless it needed it..but I seriously look at my pets in anyway I can think of, as family. They are so precious to me.

Another guy was in at the same time listening in. I've told him a lot about my dogs, how Josie is aggressive and stuff. Anyway, I was saying how I have a special bond with her, and how I would don't think I could live without her and stuff. He said "oh, that was the dog you had in here the other day?" he was refering to Zeke. I said no, my other one. He said "The mean one? You like it more? Why would you like it more than the nice one?" Uhhhh....what? I don't like anyone more than the other, I just have a special bond with her. She is the SWEETEST dog in the world...she is just a little aggressive and fearful of people...geez. Then he kept saying "You're so right Norman. Yup, why do people do it?"

Geez! It really hurt me! They were both going on about it. Ralph (the second guy) knows EXACTLY why my dogs mean to me. I talk to him about htem ALL the time. I had Zeke in one day he was there and he saw how much I loved him, and even said Look how spoiled he is! He has a cat he talks about all the time and how it is the best thing ever. I'm SURE he would pay a lot of money for her if she needed it!

Back to Norman, the first guy. Tell me...why is spending X amount of dollars on BEER justifiable but not pets? Livings animals who need us? why does it matter if I want to spend all my money on my pets? I don't tell him not to buy beer!

One last thing...He comes in a lot, and he always talks to me and says hi and stuff...well, I took Zeke in (the same day I was talking about Ralph saying he was spoiled) and Norman came in. He didn't even acknowledge that I was there. I was hugging and kissing Zeke and stuff. He didn't say hi or why do you have a dog here or anything. Then the next time I see him he goes on about pets....

Anyway, sorry for such a long boring vent...I just don't like the guy. He always asks me weird things like "do you eat a lot" "Do you wear your hair down?" "do you wear dresses" like...ok??? :rolleyes:

Queen of Poop
12-31-2005, 11:20 PM
Sounds like the guy needs to get a life.

Next time he's trying to get your goat consider the source, he's an idiot that likes to spout about stuff he knows nothing about.

Miss Z
01-01-2006, 05:24 AM
He obvoiusly doesn't have feelings. Any decent person would know what it's like to love. And he's basically harassing you about what you believe and trying to change your mind. I'm glad he was talking to you and not me though, because i'd have smacked him across the face:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-01-2006, 06:07 AM
Lonely man who'll settle for even negative attention. That is all.

Daisy and Delilah
01-01-2006, 08:02 AM
Well said Allecto. He's just trying to get you going. Don't let him bother you. You're obviously far above him. He seems to be in lack of a life for sure and just trying to push your sensitive buttons. ;)

01-01-2006, 09:50 AM
Remember some people go to a bar for a reason. They have NO life or they are hiding from their life.

My dad has spent a lot of money on Buttons, as his health was really poor when my dad moved in with his mom.. Before Buttons would hardly get up & do anything due to his poor diet & health.. Dad spent 1k on him to get him fixed up.. & as you saw him at their house he was FULL of angry energy, & had no teeth hahahahaha!!!

01-01-2006, 10:23 AM
I can definately relate! I went to a BIG client meeting. MY coworkercommented on how I do cat rescue (don't know why he did, because it had nothing to do with the conversation) and the client actually said "I shoot the cats in my backyard. Kill them all!" OMG.... I had to stand there and be polite and say wimpy things like "thats you perrogative, mine is to rescue the cats you try to kill." Then he went on to say things all throughout the meeting "there's more than one way to skin a cat" and all the other REALLY bad cliches pointing out his hatred for cats. WHY would he do that? I didn't pick on his loves -- and it was apparent because he had photos and such all over his office.

01-01-2006, 11:53 AM
Norman sounds creepy watch yourself around him.

01-01-2006, 12:32 PM
That's completly heartless. Don't get upset over him. He obviously knows nothing about the bond between owners and pets! :mad:

01-01-2006, 02:59 PM

Audrey, try not to let what others say bug you. Sometimes you have to let it roll off your back. Not much you can do about people like that.

01-01-2006, 04:29 PM
I know...I try so hard not to let people bother me, but I guess I'm just really sensitive. I am ok at first..it's when they don't lay off the subject. I can talk about a lot of painful things, and I don't cry in front of people....but when it'smy pets, I don't know, I find it hurtful. Especially Josie.

This guy always goes on how optimisic he is, and how he doesn't get angry or fight with people cause he's so easy going. Urg. He's SO weird. He has kids and grand kids and stuff, but I guess animals don't fit into his life...

Besides..if making my pets happy makes me happy..if spending all my money on my pets makes me happy..then how is it wrong? It's not for him to decide...