View Full Version : Venting: shaking, weepy

04-07-2002, 01:15 AM
Cassy is home now, fine and smug and sassy and I'm a bundle of nerves. Just needed to vent without hearing, "It's ONLY a cat..." or the like.

Cassy and Livvy got out this evening. Livvy I caught in a jiffy but Cassy went hogwild as the saying goes. I tried chasing him but had no luck what-so-ever. None of the usual tricks worked. I finally gave up and came home. I left the patio door open and let Livvy play in the patio potted plants, our 'garden'. She was so sweet, at least it sounded like she was calling Cassy to come home. It reminded me of the poem of the woman crying for her demon lover. :o No, Oliver, I'm just tired and anthropromorphizing (sp?) He was gone for several hours; we are surrounded on three sides by very fast trafficked roads. :( I was so worried.

He's really gotten fast. Several times he ran right by me and I couldn't catch him at all. He's sleeping in his window hammock by my elbow right now and part of me wants to cuddle him and part to throttle him.

Part of the problem is I haven't eaten in over 12 hours. I still don't want to, but need to. I'm logging off.

Cuddle a kitty for me, please, and understand if I confess to baby beating tomorrow. (Sooooo tempting right now.)

04-07-2002, 01:28 AM
Oh Amber, we know you take good care of your furbabies--but please dont' forget to take care of you, too!!

Personally, I'll completely understand if you confess to baby-beating...I won't mention names (but she goes by Sophie) just got in her box of hay and started throwing it OVER THE SIDES...

Cassy, you be a good boy from here on out!! No more running away!!!

04-07-2002, 01:37 AM
Oh AmberLee! How scary!! Glad everyone is home safe and sound now! My Husband and I know just how you feel. Mocha is our "Runner" she thinks she might like it outside but then she FREAKS when she gets out there and gets stuck in trees. The last home we lived in was right on a ravine going down to a creek..with LOTS of wildlife. Well, Miss Mocha got out one night. It was windy and rainy, she headed straight for the ravine... I had just gotten out of the shower..... Well, lets just be thankful I live in the woods and that Bigfoot sightings are common folkore up here.;) :o Needless, to say Miss Mocha wasn't out long but I had a heck of time explainning to the hubby how some of those pine needles got where they were.:D

Very glad everyone is safe. Give them lots of cuddles for me.

P.S.- They are not JUST CATS... They are our children in fur coats....;)

04-07-2002, 01:47 AM
I totally understand what you went thru. Shaianne was my first great escape artist, now Kylie, now Keegan.
You take wonderful care of your furbabes, no apologies, we all have to vent everyonce in awhile and get sympathy when needed.
Thinking of you.

04-07-2002, 03:25 AM
I totally do not blame you... what a scare... and it isnt "just a cat" he is your baby.... (((AmberLee))))

Cassy you mind your mommy from now on :) dont care her like that!!!

04-07-2002, 07:21 AM
Poor Mom!!! :( :(

I'm so glad he's back Amberlee. :)

I was not so lucky once....another story for another day. :( We'll concentrate on your good luck instead. You know, mine both go outside, but I think Butter only goes out so he can bang on the window screen at 3 in the morning and scare me out of my deep sleep!!! :D :D :D

04-07-2002, 08:03 AM
Aw AmberLee - so sorry you'r hurting so - it's probably adrenalin rush , they scare the living daylights out of us don't they - and when they get back it's a case of 'Missing? Me missing? No Mummy I knew exactly where I was!!!!!' The little b****** - no wonder you feel like throttling Cassey. Try and eat something. It'll keep your hands off his neck!!!!
No - they are not 'only cats' - but very precious furbabies we adore.
Glad it's turned out so well - but here's a {{{{{{hug}}}}}}} just for you.xx


04-07-2002, 02:50 PM
Food and a warm soaking bath did wonders for me. Thank you all for your concern. My furry Houdini is asleep in his hanging hammock beside me, unthrottled and happy. I did speak to him sternly, but don't think a single word registered.

So glad that we have this on-line Pet Haven called Pet Talk. Don't know what I'd do without you all.

Edwina's Secretary
04-07-2002, 03:25 PM
AmberLee....So sorry Cassy put you through that. Edwina has done it to me on more than one occasion! So scary! Thankful with her the squirrels usually give it away by perching near by her and chattering away telling me her hiding place. We too live on a very busy street and once she crawled under the fence and was in the front yard :mad: :mad: She was terribly frightened of it all but not as frightened as I was.

Oh the panic, tears, gut wrenching! Glad it all turned out okay.

04-07-2002, 03:34 PM
Gosh, I'm so glad everyone is safe and sound now. I would be an absolute basket case if it was me. My boys haven't been out other than trips to the white coats since they came to live with me. I just know they would get lost or something. Glad you a feeling better now.

04-07-2002, 10:22 PM
Oh geez, I can't even imagine the feeling. I know how panicked you must have been. I don't know how I would have handled it. Shiloh getting outside is one of my biggest fears. She's such a pampered princess, she has no street smarts at all. I just know she'd get lost and I'd be thinking all sorts of bad things that could have happened to her. Not to mention she's black and I'm afraid of superstitious people being mean to her.

So glad everyone is back home, safe and unharmed. Don't you just love that about cats? You can talk so sternly to them and they just look at you, blink, yawn, and shut their eyes. Hehe :)

I hope that never happens to you again!!

04-08-2002, 12:42 PM
OMG OMG!!! I just saw this!! I'm so glad your baby is safe and sound now, but I can totally understand! It's scary when a furkid gets out and you can't find them!! Especially since it's just so dangerous out there!! I know I was just beside myself the minute that my Marius happened to get out and took off down our front walkway after Crookshanks!! Even though he was gone for only a minute or two...I just stood there shouting and feeling helpless. Luckly swift-footed hubby was able to steer him back into the house!
I can't imagine him being gone for a couple of hours!! Yikes!! {{{{{AmberLee}}}}}
I'm thankful that he's home safe and sound now! How are you doing today???

04-08-2002, 12:48 PM
Oh My Amberlee - what a horrible scare. I've been there with mine a couple times and it takes a long time to get back to normal after a scare like that. Thank goodness all is well now, can't blame you for wanting to beat a butt, but you're usually so relieved to see them that all you want to do is cuddle them.;)

04-08-2002, 03:43 PM
Wow... that must have been a scare for you Amber Lee, glad Cassy is safe and well.

I was interested to read about everyone's cats trying to escape. My two are indoor boys (quite unusual in the UK) - this was not originally our intention, it is just that they were both very shy when they arrived and neither showed any interest in going outside.

Even now they make no attempt to escape... which is a relief! :D

Do most people here who have indoor cats find they are desperate to get outside?

04-09-2002, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by sooty&splodge
Wow... that must have been a scare for you Amber Lee, glad Cassy is safe and well.

I was interested to read about everyone's cats trying to escape. My two are indoor boys (quite unusual in the UK) - this was not originally our intention, it is just that they were both very shy when they arrived and neither showed any interest in going outside.

Even now they make no attempt to escape... which is a relief! :D

Do most people here who have indoor cats find they are desperate to get outside?
Kylie is mostly indoors, has been all her life except for when she was born. And when my friend had her she kept trying to get outside, and since I have had her I was letting her explore a little too. Until two nights in row I had to chase her under the neighbor's truck at 230 in the morning, now whenever she gets near the door she gets sprayed with the water bottle. She did get out on the back step a couple weeks ago when I was unloading groceries so I calmly walked by her and put them in the house and on my way back out I grabbed the water bottle and when I got to my car, I turned and nailed her and that was the end of it!