View Full Version : Border Collie x Husky? =\

12-31-2005, 02:09 PM
Here is a picture of Border Collie x Husky..

Do you think Molly is crossed with Husky? =\

12-31-2005, 02:12 PM
nope, Molly looks purebred BC to me, I dont see anything else in her.

12-31-2005, 02:18 PM
I'm not sure. She's cute though. I have 2 bc-husky crosses...For comparison, here's Pingo

She's my main lead dog. Goofy little mutt. Cracks me up when her herding instinct kicks in. Fortunately that doesn't happen when she's pulling. The husky takes over then,

And Pingo's son, Sundin. He nips like a herding dog, but he prefers to go for your butt!

12-31-2005, 03:16 PM
No, I think she's a purebred.

12-31-2005, 04:08 PM
If you don't mind me asking (and I am certainly not trying to be rude here), but you always seem so dismayed at the suggestion that she MIGHT have husky in her or may not be full BC. Why does it matter so much? She sure is a doll. I tend to think she's full BC but you really won't be able to tell for sure till she's an adult I would think :)

12-31-2005, 04:21 PM
It matters because my mother will not keep her if she is crossed with Husky.

I agree, it's hard to tell until they are full grown.

12-31-2005, 04:25 PM
So if you guys love the dog and it turned out she might be crossed with a husky then your mom will get rid of her? err....alrighty.

12-31-2005, 04:27 PM
I can see why you are so nervous about it now. Meaning no disrespect, but it's a shame she would do that :(

12-31-2005, 04:34 PM
So if you guys love the dog and it turned out she might be crossed with a husky then your mom will get rid of her? err....alrighty.

Sarcasm isn't called for, really.. It all depends on her personality, too, to my Mom. Sure, she's a pup.. she loves everything now. But dogs change. I just asked a simple question as to whether you think Molly is crossed with Husky. No need to get sarcastic about it....

12-31-2005, 04:35 PM
I can see why you are so nervous about it now. Meaning no disrespect, but it's a shame she would do that :(

I know. :( My Dad reassured me we won't get rid of her or send her back to the pound.. so I'm hoping for the best.

12-31-2005, 04:38 PM
Well I certainly hope all works out and she will be able to stay. She truly is adorable and I bet will grow into quite a little beauty :).

Miss Z
12-31-2005, 04:39 PM
She looks like a full BC to me. She's got the BC ears:)

I'm not getting involved in any arguements or anything, but i don't think Vela was being sarcastic. I think she was just a little confused as to why your mother would want rid of the dog if she was crossbred. All i'm saying is it didn't appear sarcastic to me, but maybe it did to you, and i know how people take things differently.

12-31-2005, 04:40 PM
I'm surprised how many of you think she's purebred!! :D

I thought almost all of you would think she looked Husky!.. I guess I've been looking at too many black and white Husky pictures today. lol :p

12-31-2005, 05:12 PM
She definitley looks pure Border Collie to me :) I see no Husky or any other breed in her at all.

12-31-2005, 05:37 PM
she looks purebred BC to me

that first photo you posted is a rescue dog, correct? so that dogs breed mix is probably a guess someone made up because thats what they *think* the dog is mixed with.

what does it matter if she is part husky? what does your mom have against huskys?

12-31-2005, 05:50 PM
She isn't a fan of coarser hairs and she doesn't like how they are more pack-ish than other dog breeds and how they need a firmer hand as they tend to be pushy.

I can't remember who told her that bullpoop.

12-31-2005, 06:36 PM
She looks like a full BC to me. She's got the BC ears:)

I'm not getting involved in any arguements or anything, but i don't think Vela was being sarcastic. I think she was just a little confused as to why your mother would want rid of the dog if she was crossbred. All i'm saying is it didn't appear sarcastic to me, but maybe it did to you, and i know how people take things differently.

Thanks Miss Z, you are right I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, I was confused as to why, after adopting and loving a dog, someone would want to get rid of it if it turned out to be mixed with another breed of dog. Seems like that wouldn't or shouldn't really matter if you adopt a dog and love it and it fits in fine.

BC-Mom, no need to jump to conclusions and be snippy to me, I didn't say anything rude to you in any manner. I certainly hope your mom doesn't get rid of her. That would be a shame, she looks very sweet.

12-31-2005, 07:08 PM
I was confused as to why, after adopting and loving a dog, someone would want to get rid of it if it turned out to be mixed with another breed of dog.

Well, if my Mom really falls in love with her, she won't care. But we've only had her a week, but she's slowly growing on my Mom.

12-31-2005, 11:37 PM
She is a cutie pie! And, ahem-clears throat- huskies have many redeeming qualities. :) Just fyi, huskies are extremely loving and fun dogs. They're very smart, and, yes, they have a strong pack instinct, but if you have her inside with you, they you are her pack. I have to say, we had a BC mix and I found his energy level exhausting to keep up to. My huskies are very mellow.
Purebred or not, both breeds have wonderful qualities and many times crosses get the best of both! Good luck, I hope you do get to keep her.

01-01-2006, 12:17 AM
Heh.. tonight on our walk when I would go ahead with Mickey, she would howl and yelp on the lead and raised her two front paws off the ground and pulled.. isn't that Husky behaviour?

I kinda half hope she's purebred, but kinda half hope she's Husky because I've started to really like Husky's lately for some reason! I've been seeing them all over the neighbourhood just lately and at the dog park.

01-01-2006, 12:39 AM
She looks beautiful, and BC to me. But, then what do I know?
MAXIMUS is a cross breed. I have to deal with that everyday.
But then again, I don't have my mother telling me.....well, anything.
If you have had her for a while, what difference should it make?
You don't have to lie. Everyone says she looks like a BC. So........
assure her she is a BC. And, maybe you don't have to worry about
it so much. They are both wonderful dogs. But, if that's what she
wants, all these people say, that's what she is. Just what all dogs
are........just lovey things that want you, and all the love you have.

01-01-2006, 01:51 AM
Heh.. tonight on our walk when I would go ahead with Mickey, she would howl and yelp on the lead and raised her two front paws off the ground and pulled.. isn't that Husky behaviour?

A lot of dogs do that, I know for sure that Tango has no Husky in her but when I walk ahead with Winston and my mom has Tango, she does everything you described Molly was doing. I've met a lot of Border Collies and quite a few of them looked very similar to Molly, I highly doubt she has anything but BC but we'll have to see what she looks like as she gets older :) Pups are hard to determine breeds...

01-01-2006, 02:50 AM
I'd say BC...

This dog is pure BC, and she looks a lot like yours? I'm really not one to know though, but I assume if she had husky she would be kinda bulky? BC are really slim

01-01-2006, 08:09 AM
She looks all BC to me ;). You probably wont be able to tell untill she is a little older.

Elvis howls, pulls and he is all BC ;).

ETA that is one cute BC Audrey :D.

Daisy and Delilah
01-01-2006, 08:25 AM
I'm certainly no expert but in my humble opinion, she looks 100% BC to me :)

01-01-2006, 11:33 AM
Hehe, alrighty.. Thanks guys!! :D

The trial ends on Wednesday, and that would be the day we officially adopt her.. I'll let you all know what happens.

(Even though I know we'll be keeping her.. my Dad LOVES her ;))

Buddy Blaze Lover
01-01-2006, 11:36 AM
She looks like a purebred BC bundle of cuteness to me!!!:D:D I sure hope you get to keep her, she's so beautiful, purebred or not!;)

01-02-2006, 12:26 AM
I think it's just the blue eye throwing you off. People see blue eyes and they think husky. Truth is, many breeds can have blue eyes, including border collies. Border collies can also have erect ears...hers look like border collie ears, not husky ears. It's hard to tell with her being so young, and you'll never know 100% either.

No offense to anyone here...I think both border collies and siberian huskies are normally dogs for experienced owners only, and I've been around both breeds, I'll take a husky any day, while they are not easy I think they are easier to handle than a BC! ;)

I really hope your mom wouldn't get rid of her simply because she thinks Molly is part husky and she dislikes huskies...you will never even know if she's purebred, just love her for her personality not her breed (she's beautiful btw!) :)

Nebo is a purebred siberian husky and his friend Cisco is a BC/Aussie cross. Cisco is more like a BC in the face I think. I've attached some pictures of them together for reference.

01-02-2006, 01:01 PM
No offense to anyone here...I think both border collies and siberian huskies are normally dogs for experienced owners only

I agree completely. You can't just walk out to a breeder, buy a BC pup, come home and expect it to be an angel.. you need to do MAJOR research and get completely prepared.

Cisco and Nebo are BEAUTIFUL dogs! Lovely scenery! :eek:

01-02-2006, 01:52 PM
Jess I see absolutely NO huskey in her, at all. All I see is purebred BC! IF there is a mix the only mix I could think of would be with an Aussie, since both breeds are so close you know?

But otherwise, she looks pure :)

01-02-2006, 02:05 PM
My opinion doesnt really mean much, as i do not know alot about BCs, but i think she looks pure BC. AND shes really cute. x ;)

01-03-2006, 11:31 AM
I'll say it again... I see only BC in her. :D

01-03-2006, 12:56 PM
I really believed Gonzo had some husky way back somewhere in his lines for a long time too... his tail is very "gay", and he has Husky expressions all the time and a really wierd coat.

I think what you should look at MOST is tail carriage, coat type and expression. Gonzo definitely sheds like a Husky, for sure!!! BC's have silkier coats, while Huskies have much coarser stock coats. The 1 blue eye could definitely say Husky, but I've seen black/white BC's with one or two blue eyes occasionally. ^_^ she is CUUTE either way!!

01-03-2006, 04:16 PM
yep i think shes purebred bc. shes such a cutie!!

11-29-2012, 09:55 PM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news in your situation but she is definitely bc x husky. I have one myself and your molly is almost identical to Alaska at that age. Alaska looks almost pure collie with one blue eye and is the most beautifully behaved dog. I did put in the hard yards with obedience, agility and socialization from day 1 though. I have also owned a husky and do not see a single trait in Alaska that the husky showed. You have a beautiful pup there who is going to be a very loyal and loving dog. Prove your mum wrong with the cross breed myth. I sure did with my mum. She was the sane, really hesitant that she was crossed with a husky and the day I moved out my mum cried because Alaska came with me.

Also, I am really new to this and would like to show photos of Alaska at that age and now, can anyone please help?