View Full Version : border collies in town?

12-31-2005, 11:17 AM
my moms boyfriend wants a border collie, and if he ever moves in with us, he will prolly get one. he knows alot about dogs, and trains them VERY well. but have any of you had/have a border collie in town?? the reason we got rid of our ACD (my dads) is because it was to hyper for being in town.

12-31-2005, 11:51 AM
It would be easier to have a BC or and ACD in a town than in a city! lol :p

Most breeders and some rescues in my area won't even adopt out Border Collies to those living in cities. :(

12-31-2005, 05:05 PM
Jess you saucy thing you! Lol

Well, I hav a BC mix in a town, not a city,
But she does best kind.
We take her almost everywhere and shes alyways at the dog park and going for walks and stuff, and shes in flyball, and shes a therapy dog.

so, as long as they have enough exercise he/she will be fine.

if your living in an apartment I wouldnt suggest that though...

12-31-2005, 05:28 PM
I have 2 and live in a big city. it can actually be easier in a city because you are not tempted to just let the dog outside and leave it to its own devices, which does not work for BCs anyway cuz they will just sit at the door and wait for you to come out too lol if I want to exersize my girls I HAVE to exersize as well, I can take them to a park and let them off leash and they will just stand beside me and look at me like "well come on, get on with it" lol the only reason farms are good for BCs is if they are WORKING on the farm.

12-31-2005, 06:07 PM
it can actually be easier in a city

That's true. I guess it depends, initially, what kind of home it is going to.

For example:
COUNTRY - going to a herding home, as long as the BC shows interest in herding, awesome option.

CITY - going to a sporting home, as long as the BC enjoys agility, etc.. another awesome option.

So, I guess it all depends on what you can do for the Border Collie!!! :)

01-01-2006, 05:10 AM
This is just my opinion but i would not have a BC solely as a pet in the city/ town, they need to work. If you can give the dog a job then that is fine ;).

01-01-2006, 09:48 AM
:D I wouldn't personalyl recommend a Border Collie in an apartment. My uncle tried that quite some time ago and it didn't work out. The BC had to strong of herding instincts for his cats to handle so he sent him off to a farm for work. Now the BC works on the farm and is very skilled at it. He LOVES it!

01-01-2006, 11:29 AM
I live in a city and I have two Border Collies as pets right now, and it's working fine. :)

As for BC's in apartments, it can work. A woman on a Border Collie board I am on owns 4 Border Collies and she lives in an apartment.. they're the craziest BC's I've ever seen, but no troubles whatsoever. :)

01-02-2006, 12:31 PM
a dog can live anywhere as long as you give the dog the proper exercise it needs. obviously if someones idea of exercising a dog is to let it out in the back yard then a border collie certainly isnt the dog for them. but if a person is willing and able to take the dog on walks daily then i see no problem with a BC living in a town.

01-02-2006, 03:24 PM
a dog can live anywhere as long as you give the dog the proper exercise it needs. obviously if someones idea of exercising a dog is to let it out in the back yard then a border collie certainly isnt the dog for them. but if a person is willing and able to take the dog on walks daily then i see no problem with a BC living in a town.

Hehe, sorry to but in but Border Collies need more than just a daily walk. :)

01-02-2006, 07:16 PM
I live in a house with a fenced in back yard. i am not sure as far as exercise what will happen... i've always wanted to do agility with my dogs. :) but mollis afraid of everything that she woulden't be able to do alot of the stuff that they have to do... and sam i may start agility with. hes too young right now.

but i know al (my moms bf) knows alot about dogs and i am sure if he gets a border collie he will have a plan for the exercise needs. i live in a small town with about 8,000 people in it. there are no dog parks or anything... but there is a place called bell prairie park that is out in the woods that we could let it run off leash. but i bet it will be a few years before we get one anyway... if we ever do. i just would like to see your views on it. thanks for helping me. :D

01-05-2006, 12:09 PM
Hehe, sorry to but in but Border Collies need more than just a daily walk. :)

Jess.. TOO TRUE!

I actually dont take sasha for walks becasue it does NOTHING for her.
So I take her to the dog park and let her run and herd all she likes, or I let her out in our back yard. Its all fenced in so I can just let her go nuts out there.

Still doesnt slow her down a whole lot though. The only thing that does slow her down is Flyball. She loves it so much and puts all her heart into it and when we come home she just drops.

01-05-2006, 01:46 PM
I don't think it matters one bit where or how you live, it's all about if you can provide what is best for the dog.

I don't care if you have a Chihuahua in a mansion or a Great Dane in a studio apartment (well the GD would have to be able to move around so a big studio would be needed, but you get my drift). Can you provide them with the attention & exercise they need? Can you afford the food & vet bills? Etc...

In your case, as long as you can exersice the dog properly he/she should be fine with where you live.

01-07-2006, 08:07 PM
yeah, i told him since we would leave the dog all day alone that the dog would become bored and destructive. and he says "not if it's well trained"
yeah right!

01-08-2006, 06:44 PM
yeah, i told him since we would leave the dog all day alone that the dog would become bored and destructive. and he says "not if it's well trained"
yeah right!

OH my. I should get out Sasha`s Drywall dinner pictire and show you.. a "well traned " border collie may still get bored and get destructive.. This was Sasha`s dry wall dinner one night..


did I say I was at work?? Yep. it was only for 4 hours...

01-09-2006, 10:53 AM
My friend has a BC mix for adoption! You can PM me if you are interested!

01-09-2006, 07:57 PM
where does she live?