View Full Version : crate training HELP!

12-30-2005, 01:08 PM
I need some help with crate training!..... Chewie is already crate trained but she was so easy and I have tried and tried with itty but he is so mischivious!....for the past three night he has destroyed my room because I haven't had him in the crate.... I am just wondering how all of you guys trained your pups?....chewie was just easy she never cried or anything now I just say go night night and she runs to her crate and lays down....but Itty wow he is wild sometimes!.... so I guess I am asking the best way to crate train them?... thanks in advance

12-30-2005, 08:01 PM

12-31-2005, 01:28 PM
Hi CountryCowGirl!

I got Gully, my Smooth Collie, at 9 wks old and he just hated the crate. Had all 4 paws spread out, not wanting to go in. So I started tossing a treat in there everytime I put him in it. Fed him his dinner in it. Gave him rawhides and Kongs filled with peanut butter in it. And everytime I put him in, I'd say "Go get in your bed". It didn't take long before he was running in there with even a hint of me getting him a treat or if I said "Go get in your bed". He loves it now.

Make it a great place to be and Itty will too.
