View Full Version : Saw Samantha

12-30-2005, 09:41 AM
We went and saw Samantha last night.If it wasn't for the bump on the back of her head,you wouldn't know anything was wrong.She is a really cute kid,looks like her mother did at around the same age.She talks away pretty well and says mom mom and smiles a lot and has not said dad yet,but that will come.Brandyn and Samantha(Shannon calls her Sammy) really get along well.She really pays attention to him when he speaks to her and gives big smiles .She has a touch of a cold,not too bad,Shannon is taking antibiotics so she doesn't get it.Supposed to have another MRI soon,not sure when.Got some pictures of her,so that will see them when film is developed.We kept fritz at home.their dog Molson is rather protective of everybody,so thought it best he stay home

12-30-2005, 09:44 AM
How nice to hear that she's doing well. And of course Molson gets protective - he knows he has a precious girl to guard!

Daisy and Delilah
12-30-2005, 10:19 AM
This sounds very encouraging Barry. I hope she continues to do well. Hugs and kisses to Fritz please :)

12-30-2005, 11:10 AM
sorry I missed most of this, but read now.

glad she's still going 'up' - poor fritz, doesn't he want to make some friends?

(((thoughts))) & thanks for the update.