View Full Version : My brother rescued a kitty...BUT

12-30-2005, 01:55 AM
I had no idea about this until this weekend. Recently, probably about a month ago My Brother(who lives in Florida.) found a feral cat on the side of the road. He saw it and pulled over and took it home. He kept it for a week but ti was miserable because it wanted to go back outside. My brother put the kitty outside agian. Shortly, after it kept returning to his condo for "visits" because I guess it wanted food. But it became VERY ill so he took the kitty to a vet and had it PTS because it had the felind AIDS. My brother came to visit and told me the whole story. I guess my parents didn't tell me because they knew I'd get upset.

Miss Z
12-30-2005, 04:43 AM
Aaaaaw, it's so nice to know that your brother tried to save the cat. A few years ago, there were some ponies being kept in appalling conditions in the park next to my house. They had no food, no shelter, no water, a tiny space to live in and no apparent owner. Me and my friend basically took over looking after them, we groomed them, brought them food, picked out their hooves, brought them water, and we also had to cut the headollar from the stallions face as it was digging into him and we could not get it off manually. We also went round our neighbourhood telling people about this awful act of cruelty. People rang the RSPCA, but for some reason, they didn't come immediately. Me and my friend had to go back to school, so we didn't get to see the ponies as much, after the first day, we rushed over to find only two ponies. We were confused, as to where Sprite (we gave them names) had gone. When we got home, people told us he had died, and a few people had taken the body away to prevent it from infecting the other horses. I was so upset. Soon after, the other ponies disappeared, they were probably taken by their owner. The RSPCA said they'd try and track the ponies, but we never learned what happened. Whoever that owner is should be so ashamed, and if the owner ever meets me then he/she will wake up in hospital at the very least:mad:

12-30-2005, 08:37 AM
That's a wonderful thing your brother did for the kitty. Cats are very unique creatures. They stay very close to their food source. At least he had your brother in his life, however short it was.

RIP sweet feral friend. You were loved. :(

12-30-2005, 11:52 AM
How sweat, the kittie was rescued, found love & food before it's short life was ended. I'm glad the kittie got a chance to experience that. RIP sweet feral kitty.

I've rescued a lot of kitties that had to be PTS due to FIV, it's a shame but it is better for them.

12-30-2005, 12:33 PM
:( Thanks guys:)! I can't believe someone just left the ponies there to die! That's so mean! But I'm glad you guys made there live a little better. He named the "Feral Kitty" Roger. He said he would have kept hime even though pets weren't allowed in the Condo. I felt bad not knowing about it but I guess my bro did the right thing by putting him to sleep.

Miss Z
12-30-2005, 12:34 PM
RIP Roger:(

12-30-2005, 07:14 PM
RIP Roger.That was a wonderful thing your brother did.