View Full Version : Pet Talk Texas assembly

04-06-2002, 05:08 PM
Since the get-together is less than a week away, wishing you all the very best. Have a great time, take and share lots of pictures. Then maybe we'll be able to meet in other parts of the country.

04-06-2002, 08:28 PM

I'm soooooooooo excited!!!!

04-06-2002, 10:27 PM
I AM excited for those of you going to the Pet talk meeting this coming weekend. And I'm hoping it's SOOO successful that it will spawn other meetings so that I'll be able to join you all soon and oh and aw over the photos in person and the hugs will be real ones and not cyber ones and all that.

(How's that for a run-on sentence? Not a record, but ... :rolleyes: *Sigh* ) Have a BLAST!!! Take plenty of photos. Report in, eager PTers want details, you know!!!

04-06-2002, 10:56 PM
Yes, you guys have a blast! I'll be waiting on pins and needles to hear back from you.

Ya know, I was thinking...(yes it was scary! lol)

Our team is traveling by bus and we will prolly go thru the Dallas area Fri. Wish I had a cell phone and knew exactly when/where we'd be stopping... :(

BE SAFE, HAVE FUN, and talk your hearts out!!

04-06-2002, 11:10 PM
You'll be going by Dallas??? Cool! Do you think you guys will stop or just drive on through? I'll pm you my cell phone number in case any of your friends have a cell phone and you end up stopping in Dallas.

04-06-2002, 11:12 PM
Okay - you HAVE to find a friend with a cell phone, and you HAVE to call us when you are nearby! :) Maybe the bus can break down near Grapevine ...

04-07-2002, 07:12 AM
Have a ball - y'all!!!

I bet it's non-stop talking and photoing(?!) - don't know why you've bothered with hotels - you ain't gonna need 'em!!!
Just wish I was with you - remember: DIARY and PICS for the site perleasssssse!!
All of you - travel safe and ENJOY!
:D ;) :D


04-07-2002, 09:49 PM
Hey, guys! Have a great time in Dallas! I really wish I could go, but hopefully you will take loads of pictures!
Yes, AmberLee! Let's hope that there will be other PT Gatherings in the future! I was hoping to be able to go to this one, but it didn't pan out. sigh.

Hope you all have a great time!! :)