View Full Version : Uppydate on meds/docs

12-29-2005, 07:21 PM
Hey guys!! I'm sorry its taken so long to get back to you all. :o I've spent the holidays with my family and/or at work, so I've been staying at mom and Jerry's house a lot lately.

Here's the link to the drama I'm about to update you on:

Well, I had my appointment on Tuesday, the 27th.

I went in for my appointment, Penny (meanie office mngr) took me to the room and was not all sugary sweet, just acting "professional". The young girl up front was just as immature in person, despite my sunny smile and attitude. Oh well, their loss. Being nice and happy is indeed a choice and I made mine a long while ago to be pleasant. Anyway, while I was waiting in the waiting room, the patient before me tells Penny, "I hope doctor xxx is going to be nice to me this time. Is he in a good mood, I hope?" Penny laughed and said "Dr. xxx is sick today, but in a good mood." Patient replies, "Well good, because I don't like coming here when he's acting mean."

Yea, I took note of that right away. Isn't that an odd conversation??

It was my turn and Penny brought me back. I was nice as usual. Asked about her Christmas, her kids, ect. She gave me "yes or no" answers and left after taking my bloodpressure and pulse.

Dr. xxx came in and I could tell he was either sick or not in a good mood. He sat down, I asked how he was feeling. He told me he was fine. He opened my chart and asked how I was. I told him that the pain had gotten worse - for about a month now - and I wasn't sure why, because I hadn't changed anything, other than the new medication he gave me last visit. (Cymbalta - for depression, but treats nerve pain) He ignored that, and asked, "What kind of pain do you have? Where is it?" (<-----um....that is the NUMBER ONE question that makes my blood BOIL!!! READ MY CHART!! I'VE SEEN YOU THREE TIMES ALREADY!!!)

I tell him, its epigastric. He looks at my charts, asks what meds I'm taking. He is writing on a prescrition pad. He then tells me he's recently lost his PA (physician's assistant) and that he's referring some of his patients because he doesn't have enough time. Guess why he's telling me that?

Yep, he referred me to my choice of three other docs in the area. Tells me the federal government tracks all narcotic use and provides doctors with a list if they so desire. He tells me that my medication use had doubled in 7 months - based on this report. I tell him, yea, I know. So has the pain. That's why I've been seeing you. That's why I want to proceed with the nerve block and then the procedure where we do that permanently.

He tells me, well, you should think about that. There's no garauntee that it'll work. I've been over this each appointment with him. I'm willing to try anything (within reason) to heal me, to stop this pain...or at least help me. He doesn't really answer me. I so want to ask him, "Did you really lose your PA? Or are you doing this because of what happened a week ago?" But I didn't want him to think I was accusing him of lying, and therefore contributing to what I'm sure the office mgr and the recpt told him already.

He writes me a script for approx a months worth of my pain meds...all three types. I tell him I don't feel I'm benefitting from the patch or the Cymbalta and I want off both. How do I do that? He ignores the patch question, but tells me he'll give me smaller dose samples of the Cymbalta so I can wean off it. Tells me that its for depression "Most people with chronic pain feel depressed, but it also works for nerve pain". I respond, "yes, nerve pain associated with diabetes - something I don't have. Nor do I suffer from depression. I don't want to take anything I don't need to."

He seems either very short tempered with me, or just not feeling well. I'm pretty positive its the first one. I ask him, "Looking at that report, do YOU feel I'm taking too much medication?" He responds, "Well, you're on the patch - which you should be recieving som relief from considering you've only been on it a short time - which is a fairly high dose (see * at end of this update for more on the patch), you're on a lot of norco, and you're on the dilauded. SO, yes, you ARE taking too much. :eek: (THEN WHY THE HECK IS HE REFILLING MY MEDS??? WHY DID HE ADD DILAUDED [HYDROMORPHONE] AT MY LAST APPOINTMENT?? WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME!?!?!? I DON'T READ MINDS...GREAT SERVICE YOU IDIOT DOCTOR!!! ISN'T THAT HIS JOB?????? :mad: Not only am I pissed off HE didn't tell me that, if I'm taking too many meds, that means I'm hurting my body and I refuse to do that, ever. I have way too many goals, dreams...I'd NEVER in a million, trillion years purposely hurt my body. That really, really, really makes me mad he not only didn't confide that in me, but prescribed more and more powerful drugs!!! I swear I'm in the twilight zone....I've missed something??)

As soon as he says, "YES!", Penny walks in and tells us my mom's in the waiting room, does dr. xxx want her to come in. I say "yes", he says, (I kind you not) "NO! We're done here. I HAVE to get to the hospital!" I cannot convey the meanness in his voice when he said that. I can't, but it haunts me...he was so mean. He stalked out, leaving me no room to respond, ask questions, tell him what's been going on, etc.

Can you believe it? I left. Mom and I went outside and she stood there, mouth opened wide, floored at what happened. She finally realized how I've been feeling...like I've missed something...like I'm trapped in some twilight zone. He was with me for LESS than 5 minutes!!! I had to pay my co-pay and listen to that crap and deal with his hateful words...for that. Why did they keep my appointment? He couldn't have done that over the phone?? Ugh.

My mom took me to my internist's office to make an emergency ASAP appointment with him. At this point, he's the only doctor I trust and we both respect his advice. I'm terrorfied to be labeled a "drug seeker" and at this point, he's my only hope. :(

My internist was booked, but my other doc wasn't. We made an appointment for yesturday at 4:30. Mom and I went, told her the whole horrid story. You should have seen her face. She was shocked and physically flinched when I told her his last words to me.

She ran some bloodwork on me (I think I'm getting RA, brought on by my crohn's) and told me to get an appointment with my internist ASAP. We ran the three names by her and she gave us her opinion. The one I went with was highly recommended by her. (I have an appointment next Thursday at 3:20 p.m.) I told her I want OFF all these narcotics. They and my pain are taking my life away - what is left of it after the crohn's has ravaged it. :( She told me her mom is on the same stuff I'm on and she tried accupuncture...and it really works well for her. She suggested thinking about that. So, I will try it. I so want off these meds.

I asked if there was any other type of meds that were non-narcotic that would help me. She said there were, but they'd mess with my crohns. YAY for double-edged swords!! :rolleyes:

So, I had my bloodwork done today at work and have an appointment with my internist on Jan 16 and 9:45 a.m. (wait, or is it Jan 18?? Whatever day is Wednesday).

The doc I'm being referred to is very good in helping people get OFF meds, but also deals with pain mgmt. The good part is that he's regular doc (internist and FP) and my insurance will cover all his services...yay! :)

OK, I think that's it.

The pain has gotten worse...but I think the crohn's is finally in remission. I think...I hope. :)

I'll update as soon as I know more...especially after my other appointments.

FYI, I'm going to send that jerk doctor a certified letter...and I'm turning him in to where ReddHead suggested. AMA?? I cannot believe him and his staff.

Anyway, I should prob. end this now. Thanks everyone SO much for you constant concern, prayers and love. You're all amazing!!!

Kelly :)

*Patches...dosages ar 25, 50, 75, 100 micrograms per hour. You change the patch every 3 days. They say that if you're on other opiods, you're supposed to use at least the 75 patch...I'm on the 50. Its just idiotic that I know more that his doc. I've told him that I don't find it helping me...only makes me feel all horrid if I try to stop using them. I've had several discussions with vet techs who use them on animal patients and ALL of them don't feel they work, AT ALL.

Who knows...maybe my new pain doc will know more about them. We'll see.

12-29-2005, 07:30 PM
Forgot....vets give the 25 mcg patches to dogs like, Yorkies and Chihuahuas!! I'm on the 50...what's that? A beagle?? ;)

12-29-2005, 10:13 PM
OMG Kelly, I cannot believe what a miserable doctor you have. I would like to know why he is one in the first place. Has he NOT ever heard of the word, "COMPASSION".

It truly breaks my heart to know that you are still in so much pain and yet admire you so much to still have a sunny smile and attitude. Whenever my back is bothering me, I think about everything that you have and still are going through and I just grin and bear the pain, as I know it is NOTHING compare to what you are going through my dear.

I pray that this new doctor is compassionate and will be able to help you.

My prayers and positive thoughts are still with you.

Here are some gentle ((((((hugs)))))) for you.

12-29-2005, 10:47 PM
Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still having a lot of pain and doctor problems. :( I hope that your new doctor will be able to wean you off the meds and help you with your pain. I also hope that accupuncture will be able to help you. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-30-2005, 04:50 AM
What a meanie!! It is terrible when a doctor just sees youas "another case", and not as a human being in a lot of pain!! I had same experience with my previous back-doctor. All he ever told me is "try to live with it!" ; Yeah, sure, how can I do that when I canot move because of all the pain??? :mad:
I hope you find a better doc asap! Please don't give up, you are such a great person; you don't deserve this at all!! NOBODY does!!

smokey the elder
12-30-2005, 07:35 AM
What a barbarian! :mad: Why are we so obsessed with drug addiction in this country? Maybe you should consider moving to Europe or Canada. I hope you can get this resolved.

Have you researched Prialt? That's the cone snail venom derived drug which is the latest "nuclear option" for pain.

12-30-2005, 12:55 PM
I used to go to a Walk In Clinic where the Doctor would have 6 or 7 patients at the same time.
He would run in give you a prescription and then get someone else in from the waiting room.
He could care less about your health.
Thank God,I am now at the World Famous McMaster Clinic in Hamilton.
These Doctors who are not pleasant have inflated Egos,and are just there to help thier Friends the Pharmacutical Companies.

12-30-2005, 07:53 PM
Thanks for the support guys. :)

I left this part out:

While he was writing me enough meds to last me a month, he tells me, "I don't have the time that requires me to spend on a patient with this much medication." I wonder if that's the truth, or him giving me an excuse. I keep asking myself, WHY did he keep my appointment if he didn't have TIME for me?? My other (Bigger) question is, why didn't he TELL ME I was taking too much or bring me in to see WHY I need these meds.

Ugh. Its quite frustrating... :(

Anyway, onto the next doctor. Hopefully (and prayerfully) he'll be a better doctor for me. I'll keep you all updated. :)

12-30-2005, 07:56 PM
Whenever my back is bothering me, I think about everything that you have and still are going through and I just grin and bear the pain, as I know it is NOTHING compare to what you are going through my dear.
What a sweetie you are. (((hugs back at you))) I hope your pain gets better soon. Back pain is supposed to be very dabiliting. :( owie

12-30-2005, 07:56 PM
Have you researched Prialt? That's the cone snail venom derived drug which is the latest "nuclear option" for pain.

I haven't, but thanks for the heads up. I'll check that out. :)

12-30-2005, 08:59 PM
Oh Kelly (((HUGS))) I don't know how you do it. I'd be a raving B*tch if I had to deal with the incompetence and attitudes like that. I hope you finally get the respect you deserve with the new doctor.

12-30-2005, 09:34 PM
Oh Kelly (((HUGS))) I don't know how you do it. I'd be a raving B*tch if I had to deal with the incompetence and attitudes like that. I hope you finally get the respect you deserve with the new doctor.

Kim, I have my moments...as I'm sure you all saw in my unedited version of my LJ. I kind of have small freak out sessions, then calm down and try to figure it out. ;)

Thanks, honey. ((hugs))

12-30-2005, 10:20 PM
***hugs to you Hun***

12-30-2005, 10:31 PM
I'm sending lots of hugs your way Kelly. I'm also sending prayers that this new year will be so much better for you. I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this. Hopefully your next doctor will be much better.